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Everything posted by Gadge

  1. Sorry but I have no personal experience of PEGs made under Gordon Tilley's ownership, because I stopped going to guitar shows before he bought the business in 2001. I have received plenty of secondhand info from owners, however, with a very mixed bag of opinions. My advice to anyone considering buying would be to thoroughly inspect first as there have been occasional reports of poor quality control, fit and finish ...
  2. Having been an enthusiast of the brand since 1991 and owner of many Eggles made between 91 and 97, as well as moderator of the official Patrick Eggle Guitars Forum (run by the current owners of Patrick Eggle Guitars, Gordon Tilley and family) 2003-2005 until they closed it down in July 2005, I created and hosted a replacement forum (see link in my sig) in August 2005 and it's been online ever since, now with over 2200 members – small fry compared to this forum but, I hope, as useful a resource. You've so far avoided revealing your serial number and that's OK, especially since I can only estimate when it was made (within a few months either way). The only way to discover its build history with any accuracy is to write to [email protected] and ask if they have the manufacturing records. Note: they have a reputation for poor correspondence – let's hope that's improved these days!
  3. Hi Kev, thanks for your PM (and also to [i]rubis[/i], [i]MoonBassAlpha[/i] and [i]yorks5stringer[/i] for pointing you in my direction). Rather than answer the PM I thought it might be more useful to reply to this topic so that others might benefit ... The company Patrick Eggle Guitars (PEG) changed the format of their serial numbers during different phases of the company's ownership and from early 1992 to September 1994 they used a format like MOD MM-YY NUM, which corresponds to the number given by [i]rubis[/i]: M4 9-93 131 i.e. Milan 4-string, issued September 1993, serial number 131 (of that model). Then in June 1994 the company consolidated the serial numbers into one numerical sequence, beginning circa 6000 or 6100, instead of NUM ranges per model, yet they kept the format MOD MM-YY NUM until September 1994 when they dropped everything except NUM. It seems you own a New York Bass 4 (the only 90's bass model with scratchplate – see [url="http://gadge.biz/95cat_13.htm"]this catalogue page[/url]) and, because it has a 4-digit serial number, it will be after 6000 / September 1994. If it's higher than 8000 then it's late 1995 onward ... Hope that helps?
  4. [center][color=#ff0000][size=5][b]No longer available as a complete rig – LMII & Boschma sold[/b][/size][/color][/center] [b]I will probably advertise the Korg DTR2000 and DBX 166XL in separate ads, shortly, but will accept offers in the meantime. Both units are boxed with manuals and in excellent condition. Thank you to those who contacted me previously ...[/b]
  5. UPDATE: I've had a few enquiries about splitting the rig but these haven't panned out, so the complete rig is still available – I would still prefer to sell it complete and, in my view, it ticks all the right boxes with the tuner and noise gate/compressor included. So as a final enticement to anyone still fence-sitting on this, [b]I've dropped the price to [size=5]£500[/size][/b], cash upon collection, shipping extra as previously mentioned, or willing to meet elsewhere (with some fuel money added).
  6. Price drop bump before putting on eBay – now on offer for [size=5][b]£525 [/b][/size]cash upon collection etc.
  7. Thanks for a good suggestion – as I have my own webservers I'm able to check at root level! Only to find some interesting entries in my Exim mainlog: [size=2]root@sigma [~]# grep basschat /var/log/exim_mainlog 2012-08-27 20:38:15 H=john.basschat.co.uk (john) []:43634 rejected MAIL <[email protected]>: Access denied - Invalid HELO name (See RFC2821 2012-08-27 20:38:15 SMTP connection from john.basschat.co.uk (john) []:43634 closed by DROP in ACL 2012-08-28 19:32:43 H=john.basschat.co.uk (john) []:33660 rejected MAIL <[email protected]>: Access denied - Invalid HELO name (See RFC2821 2012-08-28 19:32:43 SMTP connection from john.basschat.co.uk (john) []:33660 closed by DROP in ACL 2012-08-28 21:36:49 H=john.basschat.co.uk (john) []:47850 rejected MAIL <[email protected]>: Access denied - Invalid HELO name (See RFC2821 2012-08-28 21:36:49 SMTP connection from john.basschat.co.uk (john) []:47850 closed by DROP in ACL[/size] Presumably these are the notifications that I should have been receiving? Yes, these two messages coincide with LemonCello's replies to [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/183859-price-drop-markbass-lmii-korg-dtr2000-dbx-166xl-boschma-rack/page__view__findpost__p__1766339"]my current topic[/url], which have arrived since I last modified my notification settings. It would seem that cPanel/WHM added some RFC-compliant HELO checking way back in 2008 with v.11.24, so as my Linux servers are now running v.11.32 I doubt this is suddenly why I'm not accepting mail from your side. I also have nothing set to reject mail from Google, so, before I make any changes or conduct further experimentation with white-listing etc, can you comment on my findings and make suggestions/ask further questions, please?
  8. Rather than open a new topic I thought I'd re-awaken this one – hope you can help? I'm not getting any notification emails, despite changing various settings in my profile! I used to get them before the forum software was updated and I've only just returned after an absence, so it's a new issue that I haven't yet been able to resolve. I did consider changing my assigned email address as the next step, but thought I'd ask here first ...
  9. I apologise for the slow reply – once again I don't understand why I'm not receiving email notifications of replies to this topic but, as the forum software has been upgraded since I was last a regular visitor, maybe I have a misconfiguration?! All the 'email' boxes are ticked ... I apologise for the digression! Yes, an R500 would fit in the 2U slot currently taken by the LMII, if you have the rack ears for it? But you wouldn't have clearance to run an input jack lead through from the inside of the case (as is now) unless you cut away a rack ear ... I'm still reluctant to split this rig because I don't immediately have a prospective buyer for the LMII. However, I have the original box, manual, rack ears etc – any watchers here interested in my LMII, separately? Also, to turn this around, can I ask LC if you ever read [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f15/markbass-r500-f1-lmii-shootout-376454/"]this shoot-out on Talkbass for R500, F1 and LMII[/url]? Have you compared the R500 with an LMII? You could buy this complete rig and make a comparison, then sell the one you prefer not to keep?
  10. Thanks for your interest. I apologise for the slow response – I was expecting an email notification and didn't get one! The manufacture date on the back of the amp (which can be seen in the gallery pics) is 01-2007 and serial: SE300203. I'm not sure how much gigging Peter (GreeneKing) did with it, probably very little, which is also true of me (about 5 in total). Other than those, it's been used at home sparingly ...
  11. Price drop bump – now on offer for [size=5][b]£550[/b][/size] cash upon collection etc.
  12. Up for sale is my much-loved Markbass rack, surplus to requirements now despite sounding awesome through my Barefaced Compact (and I will miss it a lot)! It has been in my tender care since August 2009 and previously, in the safe hands of Peter (GreeneKing) – if you take a look at the pics I think you'll agree that it's not far off being mint (click to open a new page with other larger pics). [center][url="http://247p.co.uk/lmiirack"][/url][/center] Everything is ready to roll as it's all prewired – take off the covers front and back, plug in the mains lead, plug your bass lead into the Korg's input, plug your favourite cab(s) into the amp and switch on for some audio dynamite! It also looks fantastic when everything is lit up! Payment in cash and collection is preferred (from Northants, or maybe somwhere en route) as I still have the boxes and manuals as well. Shipping is also possible, at your expense – I'm used to packing valuable gear and I use a shipping agent that I trust, but you won't get the original boxes for the three main items if the rack is shipped! Insurance for this will be in region of £18-£23 (for mainland UK) on top of courier charge, £10 upwards depending on service and carrier. [center][color=#ff0000][size=5][b]No longer available as a complete rig – LMII & Boschma sold[/b][/size][/color][/center]
  13. [quote name='alexclaber' post='1103645' date='Jan 26 2011, 01:54 PM']...for some reason the CMS has put bullet points where there should be numbers, so point 1 should correspond to explanation 1, etc.[/quote] Alex, the problem was with your main stylesheet in that unordered and ordered lists were both formatted to use a disc bullet — have amended the stylesheet to fix this ... However the Javascript Collapse/Expand feature (like the FAQ) would take a lot more work!
  14. Monday 17th January 2011 — my second acquisition from Peter and again with great cooperation and support! Motorway junctions are not the most ideal meeting places for exchanges but I fully appreciate Peter's willingness to be flexible and accommodating — excellent! So is the RH450 ... many thanks!
  15. I suggest you also check out [url="http://www.soundunlimited.co.uk"]Sound Unlimited[/url] for string prices that are amongst the lowest. As an example, compared to that earlier [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DAddario-ECB80-Bass-Chromes-Flatwound-4-strings-40-95-/330479546654"]eBay link[/url] for D'Addario ECB80 Bass Chromes Flatwound 4 strings 40-95, for £25.00 + £1.70 Standard delivery, Sound Unlimited sell the [url="http://www.soundunlimited.co.uk/product_776_DAddario_ECB80_40-95.html"]same item[/url] for £24.10 + £1.25 delivery and, unlike the eBay sale, if you were to buy 5 sets the delivery cost would only increase to £1.75 total.
  16. Sorry it's taken me so long to work out who you are, but I knew there was something familiar about your Berlin when I first saw your ad here — I've actually played it (and set it up a bit better than it was previously) for Baz, just before he sold it to you! It's a very nice example and good luck with the sale — why haven't you advertised it on the PEG Forum?
  17. [quote name='Alien' post='835759' date='May 12 2010, 10:54 PM']I didn't realise there was a Compact owner in MK. Any chance I could have a play through it?[/quote] Yes, probably — before the arrival of the Midget T or wait until then? I'll send you a PM with contact info ...
  18. Alex, I'd like to try the Midget T with my Compact, please — when it comes to Milton Keynes area. Liking the website updates ...
  19. Gadge

    Spam attacks

    Steve, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=28825&st=40&p=595173&#entry595173"]back in September[/url] I asked whether you were using [url="http://www.botscout.com"]Botscout[/url], to which 'Machines' said he'd look into it — presumably you didn't, or weren't able to, integrate it into IP Board? From what you've described of the latest forms of attack I concede that it won't prevent all of those strategies but it has certainly helped reduce spamming attempts on three different SMF forums I'm using it with ... I also concede I use manual approval of registrations, which is definitely an extra pain in the bum!
  20. Hi James, thanks for the bump. Yes I'm reminded that you heard this pair driven by my LMII and also the ABM Combo No they haven't sold yet, as John, who is certainly very interested, is focusing on his own sales first and that's fine — if there's other interest in the meantime then so be it ... As you know, I've been thinking of selling these for some time but there's been no urgency — I took advantage of a bright day to finally get around to taking some shots outdoors, hence this ad at long last! They're too good to be sitting around unused but now that I have something a bit lighter ...
  21. You must have replied to this as I was still composing a PM to you in response to your Wanted Ad? Send me your telephone details by PM and I'll give you a call?
  22. 11/06/2010 Apologies — should have updated this topic ages ago ... This is my Ashdown ABM stack comprising Mini 15 and Mini 48 cabs, both acquired separately in secondhand purchases. Please note the following: [list] [*]I'd prefer to sell them as a pair unless there's no interest shown (within a reasonable time); [*]Collection only from Buckingham (nr M/Keynes) - but am willing to entertain meeting up part-way if you're collecting from a considerable distance; [*]Payment - cash on collection preferred or by PayPal in advance (as gift payment); [*]I'm supplying them with new ROQSOLID covers worth ~£60; [*][b]All-inclusive price is £420[/b]. No interest in trades, thank you ... [*]ABM Mini 48 - the older of the pair, serial: 18121-0504 (May 04), this is in excellent condition; [*]ABM Mini 15 - serial 23805-0606 (June 06), this is in very good condition with some minor cosmetic defects low down on front and a couple underneath. [/list]I've taken a complete set of pics of both, from all angles, that you can view [url="http://247p.co.uk/abm"]here[/url] at two different resolutions and here's some thumbnails that link to the same gallery: [center][url="http://247p.co.uk/abm/"][/url] [url="http://247p.co.uk/abm/"][/url] [url="http://247p.co.uk/abm/"][/url] [url="http://247p.co.uk/abm/"][/url][/center] And just in case you're unfamiliar with the technical specs: [b]ABM Mini 48[/b]: 4x 8"; 600W RMS (cont); 8 Ohm; 75Hz - 20kHz; 102dB, 1W@1mtr; 495h x 475w x 335d (19.5" x 18.7" x 13.2"); 30kg / 66lbs. [b]ABM Mini 15[/b]: 1x 15"; 300W RMS (cont); 8 Ohm; 41Hz - 4kHz; 96dB, 1W@1mtr; 495h x 475w x 335d (19.5" x 18.7" x 13.2"); 20kg / 44lbs. [b]Features[/b]: Ashdown Blueline speakers in cabs with top quality birch ply construction, covered with tough black buffalo-leather cloth covering, with heavy-duty metal carrying handles and corners. Heavy-duty metal grilles and rubber feet are standard fitment.
  23. I still have my Peterson P100G in its solid mahogany cabinet — it's been my backup amp for more than 10 years and goes to every gig with me even now! Some Peterson history that I can add: Pete Tulett was the Managing Director of Peterson, but they were actually manufactured by Elvic Electronics of Wethersfield (nr. Braintree) in Essex, who have long-since morphed into [url="http://www.neutronics.ltd.uk"]Neutronics Limited[/url]. They are a family owned firm and know these amps inside-out — afaik you can still buy spares for them and have them (or other amps) repaired by them. I have a price-list from April 1991 which lists these (that are relevant here): P120H £442 (in hardwood cab); P120 HF £430 (in flightcase); P120HB £408 (in black vinyl cab). Power was 150 W with 8ohm extension cab.
  24. PM sent regarding the ABM Mini 15 cover ...
  25. Just bought a Comfort Strapp XL from Owain — great communications and fast delivery (despite the postal strike) of an excellent strap, almost mint, exactly as advertised! I'm very pleased and would have no hesitation in dealing with Owain again ...
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