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Everything posted by lanark

  1. [quote name='Voodoosnake' post='658135' date='Nov 18 2009, 02:29 PM']£265 ono collected. Courier should be in the £30 region if you cant collect Cheers Col[/quote] Ach! Was that there all along? I must be going blind, I read it three times before asking the price.
  2. [quote name='Voodoosnake' post='650345' date='Nov 10 2009, 08:01 AM']Its a lot of amp for the money!![/quote] How much is the money? I can't see a price (although I don't think I can afford it)
  3. [quote name='Jigster' post='657971' date='Nov 18 2009, 12:00 PM']i always played it against a v loud guitarist so opted for PA every chance I got - what r u using at the moment?[/quote] Ha! I'm not, really, I've been using a 35w Laney practice amp which, placed against a wall and turned up high just about does okay but would never work outside the practice room. We have our first gig coming up in Dec, for which we're going to be hiring PA gear, but I'm going to need to buy giggable gear in the New Year (I'm hoping that I can catch a few bargains when people get new stuff for Christmas). As I say, if this is still available in mid-dec, I will probably be taking it off your hands. But in the meantime, I'm not going to stand in the way of you selling it. How easy it to lug around?
  4. [quote name='Jigster' post='657944' date='Nov 18 2009, 11:33 AM']22nd December would be a bit of a wait!! I guess, with all things, it depends on how loud the pecussionists are - it's got some beef but you'll know the sound more than anyone else..[/quote] It's a salsa band, not a death metal band - so it's got more of a chance (but those timbales and horns send out some noise)
  5. If I could get down to Coventry anytime soon, I'd be interested (I'll be visiting the RSC in Stratford, but only around Dec 22 - and you'd definitely be wanting to have this sold before then). Would this have enough power to get yourself heard over a latin percussion section in a club holding 150 - 300 people? (Any bigger, I'm assuming we'd be using a PA system).
  6. what would you choose? Either a money's no object, or if you're short on cash and can only afford a single cab, which would be the best use of that one box for all occasions?
  7. [quote name='Geek99' post='618569' date='Oct 6 2009, 02:08 PM']Why bump it - I'm pretty sure it was all sold[/quote] Sorry - thought the cab was still available. My bad
  8. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='617678' date='Oct 5 2009, 05:17 PM']If you could stretch to a little more Marcus Bell is selling a nice Ashdown rig on this forum [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=58089&st=20"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=58089&st=20[/url] That's a snip at £250 if you can pick it up[/quote] This is my first bass, and my first band and I can't justify (at the moment) going higher than this. I have a Kustom KBA 100 1x15" combo offered and also a Carlsbro Cobra 112 Combo, but although I'm sure these arereally good combo amps, my concern is whether they'd be powerful enough for a gig or if I'd only end up having to buy something else again in the future. Anyone have thoughts on these? As I said, this is my first larger amp purchase and I don't want to just be having to repeat it again in less than 12 months time. Oh, and I'm also very easily confused. :-) Oh and for anyone in the Chester region, these are on ebay and running out at 10am tomorrow (Tuesday) [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330365614970&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]Amp Head[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330365615570&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]2x10 Cab[/url] I'd bid on them myself but it would involve a 250 mile round trip to pick them up.
  9. [quote name='51m0n' post='617667' date='Oct 5 2009, 05:05 PM']I wouldnt recommend a Behrionger rig to anyone, regardless of the price. Especially if they want future proof, since Behringer gear cr@ps out all the time. £200 is not alot of cash. You'd be looking hard for something that will do. For that money you'd better be willing to schlep serious weight. I would suggest looking for an old 2nd hand Peavey rig, they were cheapo and robust and did OK back in the day. How about:- [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Peavey-Mk-VI-XP-series-402-bass-amp-head_W0QQitemZ200389189818QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL?hash=item2ea82060ba&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]Amp[/url] and [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PEAVEY-1X15-BASS-CAB-300-WATTS_W0QQitemZ380163893729QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL?hash=item588388a9e1&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]Cab[/url] Well under budget right now....[/quote] I appreciate that it's not a lot of money at all, but hey - my hands are tied budget-wise.
  10. Used or new, I don't care. What I do want is: a) enough power to play medium-sized gigs without a PA competing against a latin precussion section and a miced up brass section - so I was thinking of 300w of power being relatively future proof (i.e. to be able to add extra cabs for more power if and when needed). Combo or separates, I'm open to either suggestion. I want tone rather than growl, though. I was going to head down the roaad of a Laney RB7, for which I had a good deal going (300w, 2x10" speakers, possibility of adding a 15" speaker when funds and need allowed) but that's not to be. So .... if you were in my situation, what would you choose?
  11. [quote name='cheddatom' post='601050' date='Sep 17 2009, 09:03 AM']Sorry I didn't see this thread, I would have sorted you with some free software and advice for latency free recording on a sh*t PC. I have a line6 backtrack, I use it loads for just recording ideas in the living room, or for recording samples to go on proper songs.[/quote] Cheddatom, I wouldn't mind that advice on removing as much latency as possible from PC recording. I'm wanting to use Cubase to put together midi files to help separate band parts for practice and I'm finding the lag on the midi controller is making it impossible to get any accuracy whatsoever. Plus, (and this is a real dumbass question) how do I connect the bass to the PC / Laptop to record? Out of the amp? Straight in? I feel so stoopid (but then I thought I was stupid when I couldn't get the midi controller to work at all and it turned out that a logitech webcam driver was ensuring that all midi attachments were well and truly scuppered until it was disabled).
  12. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='615626' date='Oct 3 2009, 12:17 PM']Fair enough. I've never had a head that couldn't cope with having no cab connected. It's probably a good thing -- I'd have killed a fair few of my own by now if I had. [/quote] It sounds like a huge design flaw to be destroyed rather than simply cut out if turned on with no amp. It can happen accidentally in *so* many different ways, from someone not knowing what they're doing, to a cable being pulled out by accident.
  13. The cable I'm currently using buzzes when it touches the strings. Is this something all cables do, or is it just the cheap sh*t I'm using. Also, any recommendations on the best instrument cable for under £15 - £20?
  14. [quote name='JTUK' post='615845' date='Oct 3 2009, 04:54 PM']Sure, if the speaker has the facility to go higher with a twin cone arrangment, but most 15's' don't ..and certainly not the ones most used in bass rigs... so a typical 15 has a lower freq range than say, a 10...or rather a lower hi-limt. But basically, you are going to spec up the chassis you use to be applicable to the range you want.. Most 15's lack range which is why they are coupled to good effect with 10's or horns etc...[/quote] I'm wondering if a used 2x10 combo would the best idea, with the option of adding a 1x15 cab later. I'd love a wonderful rig, but my limit is barely over £100 right now, so I'm looking for later expandability really.
  15. [quote name='JTUK' post='614562' date='Oct 2 2009, 09:51 AM']Can't answer the Combo question as it doesn't really make much sense to want to do this.. Are you asking to line-out from one combo into another..?[/quote] Reading it back over, it was a bit of a daft question, wasn't it?
  16. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='614568' date='Oct 2 2009, 09:54 AM']a) A 2x10 won't necessarily be any brighter than a 1x15. It depends on a lot of factors. The 300w Laney won't necessarily be louder than the 100w Kustom but has more scope for driving an extension cab if you ever need it.[/quote] The extra power for an extension is something that's colouring my decision - if possible, I'd like to be able to add parts in future, not be constantly replacing or piling up extra bits and pieces (bearing in mind that I have next to no money left over after buying the instrument and practice amp). The band is a salsa band, not a rock band, so I don't want a sound that's bright and slappy, but I do want the tone to be heard, not just rumble and growling - so I'm fighting against over-enthusiastic timbale players and a 4-part horn section rather than guitarists. I'm thinking that 2x10 should be certainly loud enough to assert myself and stand my ground in the small - mid scale venues we're likely to be playing (and anywhere bigger is likely to have it's own PA system anyway). So anyone got reviews on the RB7? I've scoured the web and found very few people saying anything about it - for or against.
  17. Okay, my band will be gigging soon and I'm having to upgrade my Laney 35W practice amp (which has done me nicely and even allowed me to compete with the others in practice with minimal distortion) to something bigger. Trouble is that I'm now getting very confused and my options are broader and I'm in danger of not getting anything at all. I''m guessing that I need 200 - 300w power for a live gig without a PA, but I have got about a dozen ads and offers of equipment lined up and there seems to be very little difference between them as far as I can tell. So, I'm looking for a little advice ... a) what's the main difference, between a 1x15 and a 2x10 set up. Would one have a different tone? And on the other hand, how do I compare a Kustom 100w 1x15" with a 300w 2x10 Laney RB7? Would the Laney be much louder? Would the Kustom have a much better tone? Is this why so many of you end up with so much gear? Aghh! has anyone here used a Laney RB7 for gigging? At the moment this seems to be the best value offer I have lined up (unless some ebay auctions end ridiculously cheap - but they never do when I'm interested) c) Is it possible to daisy-chain two combo set-ups in the same way you'd connect a head and multiple cabs? (I know this is a dumb noob question, but then I'm a dumb noob, never having even picked up a bass guitar 8 weeks ago). Thanks guys!
  18. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='613978' date='Oct 1 2009, 04:53 PM']You can get a full set of Wilkinson branded tuners for about £25 last time I looked, but I know a lot of prices have gone up recently...[/quote] Thanks, but I should have been clearer. When I say tuner, I mean to tune a guitar not the machineheads. But thanks for the advice :-)
  19. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='613627' date='Oct 1 2009, 10:26 AM']Fender PT100. £40.[/quote] Even that's a bit pricey (and I'm not really looking for a pedal tuner either). But thanks for the tip.
  20. I'm in need of a tuner that I can plug straight into the guitar so I can tune up when everyone else in the band is make a whole load of noise around me. Problem is that I don't want to spend much money on it, so I need something that works really well but also doesn't cost much money. Over to you for advice and opinions. Thanks
  21. My 2nd hand bass has a few spots where the finish has been damaged. A few small circular holes and one larger scuff on the back (about the size of a matchbox), worn eight through the black laquer to the plain wood. What I'm wondering is if there's something I can buy to touch this up so you have to look closely to see the damage or if I can use something odd like nail polish? Black is, I know, more difficult to match than it sounds. Any suggestions?
  22. Okay - Chromes arrived today, will try and get them fitted this evening. Seem to have developed a problem with my only cable though - have to replace that this week too. Bah!
  23. OKay - i'm torn between Rotosound's Tru-bass black nylons and D'addario Chromes The Tru-bass sound like they have a great sound, but I'm concerned whether the heavy gauge will require me to tinker about with the truss rod and stuff and file out the grooves etc. Is that likely to be necessary for an Affinity p-bass? Also how long does the nylon coating last compared with the metal taping on regular flats? THe Chromes sound like great strings, but are about £10 a set more expensive than the tru-bass - so my natural meanness is entering in as a factor. I'm leaving regular Rotosound jazz flats out because they're regarded as having a much brighter sound than normal flats (which is exactly what I don't want and why I'm investigating flats in the first place) Any advice? I'd like to get an order placed tonight before bed. Thanks guys *EDIT* - I've done for a set of Chromes. Although not the cheapest, these seemed to be the middle ground - with very very few people acitvely disliking them. and I wanted my first set of flats to be reliable. I can always experiment when I know what I'm playing abotu with and I've got spare cash hanging about.
  24. Resurrecting this thread, because I want to order a set of flats today and I'm getting mental indigestion about the choice and variety: D'addarios? Trubass Black Nylons? GHS Precisions? Rotosound Jazz Flats? There's so much choice and variation in price. One thing I need to consider is that I'm a beginner and the guitar will have only just come out of the repair shop after having a new scratchplate and jack socket put on. So ideally I want to either not have to adjust the set up or be able to do it easily myself. The guitar is a cheap Squier Affinity P-bass, but I'm looking for a deep warm acoustic sound to go with a latin / salsa band, not a bright slap ringing sound. So I don't want to spend a fortune on them and would like them to arrive within the week and be able to get them installed with the minimum of fuss. So - what's recommended? *how about a poll on these kind of threads, so get a quick idea of what people suggest without reading through three pages of text?*
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