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The Funk

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Everything posted by The Funk

  1. The other option is to not bother with a cab and just DI out of your amp.
  2. You could keep your head and get a Hartke Transporter 2x10 cab. 150W, 36 lbs., [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/210-tp/69241"]£175 from GAK[/url]
  3. I agree 100% with the Rode NTK. I have one and it's great on vocals. If I could afford another one I'd use them for drum overheads too (although a pair of NT1000s would be cool). The NTK could sound cool with an acoustic guitar, a foot or two from the soundhole (off-centre), with a smaller condensor about a foot from the neck around where the fretboard meets the neck. Noice! With the NTK you can blend between the cardioid, figure of 8 and omni patterns, which is handy. For kick drums, I hate the AKG D112. I have one and I'm just not a fan. Obviously if the drums aren't tuned properly, they're going to sound crap whatever you use. My cousin has an Audix D6 which sounds fantastic. They don't cost much more than the AKG now. For snare, I think an SM57 works fine. For toms, I have the little AKG clip-on mics which are ok but not great. I'd like to try the Sennheiser e604s. SM57s work fine on guitar amps. I tried a few different mics but the guitarist prefers the sound of the SM57. I've only recorded saxophone once and that was through a Rode NT1000. It sounded fantastic. It helps if the sax player has a good set up and knows how to use it. Something to think about that's more relevant to mics than compressors is mic preamps. If you're using the inbuilt preamps on a budget mixer, it's going to make any mic sound like a £10 Argos jobbie. For bass, I just record using the DI out of my Aguilar DB680 preamp. It sounds exactly how I want my bass to sound. I have no idea about what I'd use to mic up bass cabs or a combo. Maybe an SM57 and a kick drum mic. Or the Sennheiser e609 could be interesting. For the Motown sound, they just used 3 mics in total: 2 room mics and 1 vocal mic. You could always stick two good condensors up to capture the room sound in stereo - a couple of Rode NT1s would be good for this - as well as close mic-ing everything. Then when it comes to mix down, you'd have the choice of either a vintage sound, a modern sound or a blend of the two. But sometimes it's nice to just be able to worry about getting your part down right.
  4. Funk, The: 27-year old bassist who spent the last 10 years of his life torn between music and doing something respectable. As a result, had an extended run of 9 years on and off in higher and professional education while he tried to keep from having to choose. Has recently found one foot on the bottom rung of each of the music and legal career ladders, finding gainful employment in a law firm and starting to play London's 'toilet circuit' with his Funk-Soul-Rock band, Foolish Earthlings. Has gotten over years of GAS by finally assembling and settling on a great rig... except the power amp and cabs could be lighter and more powerful... uh-oh! Footnote: 98% self-taught with no idea how to read tab, struggles with dots, and has a bad ear. Despite all this, has developed into a fairly funky bassist through a combination of listening to and playing with good people.
  5. The Funk

    Bruce Foxton

    I can't remember which one I've got... I think it's the Dual Custom. It sounds awesome. I whack the o/d to full - it's the heaviest and most 'tone'-ful bass o/d pedal I've heard. On the lower and mid settings, it does a nice warm, thick, meaty o/d. I also have a Warwick Quadruplet which isn't an effect really but it does the preamp and power amp overdrive very well. It has 3 12AX7 preamp valves and 1 EL84 on a dummy load to give you the power amp distortion. You could have the best of both worlds and ask Dave of DHA to build you a Dual Custom with 1 preamp valve and 1 power amp valve on a dummy load. That'd sound nuts!
  6. Foolish Earthlings will be playing a full-on funk night at [url="http://www.ginglik.co.uk"]Ginglik[/url], Shepherd's Bush on 31st May 2007. (1 Shepherds Bush Green, Shepherd's Bush, London W12 8PH) For more details, [url="http://collect.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=music.showDetails&Band_Show_ID=15575186&friendid=61944874"]click here for the band page[/url] and [url="http://www.myspace.com/molehillnights"]here for the promoter's page[/url]
  7. Black! ... or even black brushed metal...
  8. The Funk


    Hi. Made it across in on piece. Now I need to go back and retrieve my avatar and sig.
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