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The Funk

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Everything posted by The Funk

  1. I don't see anything wrong with a few months of noodling after a few months of intensive learning. It's a good way to internalise everything you've been working on and incorporate it into your playing.
  2. Interesting! Love the pic, Happy. I'd like to upgrade my WTX-260 to a -500 and possibly shift my Compact and Acme B1 and replace them both with a Midget. The mini rig looks like it would actually fit in my place and be properly gig-worthy.
  3. Cool! My friend used to play for Nitin Sawhney. Similar vibe. Cool sh*t!
  4. First semi-pro gig. Looking over the shoulder of the keyboard player/sax player/bandleader to see a middle-aged couple full on going at it to the sound of our music, especially his sax solo. She literally dropped her knickers and straddled her fella while facing the bandleader. Drummer and I were in total disbelief. Bandleader thought it was an appropriate response to his playing.
  5. Great tune! No idea who's on it though.
  6. Alex Claber plays through an Avalon pre (IIRC). You could get yourself a rack set-up with an Avalon, Sansamp and whatever the big blue box of valves was (I'd be intrigued to know what it was - TL Audio?) - but it wouldn't look very punk now, would it! Unless you put police/gaffa tape all over it...
  7. Sunglasses make it impossible for me to see the cameras and make the older women in the audience look younger - and disguise the angle of my eyes when faced with stage-front cleavage.
  8. [quote name='OldGit' post='640746' date='Oct 30 2009, 09:05 AM']If your front person says "er thanks for coming down, are you having a good time" more than 3 times per gig you have a bigger problem than if the crowd can shout along with your rabbit between tunes ...[/quote] I'd love to see a band member say "thank us for being here - you are having a great time!"
  9. Eye - boob contact. This is why stages are higher than the dancefloor.
  10. The Funk


    I massively prefer Bartolinis to MECs. First time I've heard it going the other way.
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='632439' date='Oct 21 2009, 02:08 PM']'Twas mine for many years. Lovely bass, great active circuit and one of the best open 'E's I've ever heard. It's a *very* early one, too. Most of them have a walnutburst effect. I've only seen one other like it...[/quote] Has your missus forgiven you yet? 'Cos I still haven't! How could you sell it, man?
  12. Cheesy and sloppy. But he has a good voice and his DB playing is fun.
  13. £50-60 each. They're not that sought after and there is talk of reliability problems. Some of them are discontinued now and none of them were that easy to get hold of in this country. I think they sound great though!
  14. Chris Rock Show - [i]Chicken Grease[/i]
  15. I prefer the original but this has its charms.
  16. This blew my mind when I first heard/saw this on a VH1 rockumentary when I was about 14, so much so that I took up bass. I thought I should share it with anyone who hasn't already seen it and people who'd love to watch it over and over again. Cream, playing [i]I'm So Glad[/i], live at their farewell concert at The Royal Albert Hall in 1968. Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker - best trio this country has ever produced.
  17. I think it's quite a regular thing. Happens to me too.
  18. Great looking bass at a great price - but time to update the bedding, Magnum.
  19. Don't do it. You're giving them free video footage and free songs.
  20. [quote name='jakesbass' post='632756' date='Oct 21 2009, 08:15 PM']Ped that's a very natural self contained groovy thing to do which can sound very funky if done right... but a word of caution. If you learn to rely on those little taps as part of your groove they can be very difficult to eliminate should the need arise, that need is likely to be when you realise in playback in a session that your taps and clicks are competing with the drums especially the snare on the back beat, it can be doubly problematic if you're not as accurate as your drummer because it can create a flam effect on the backbeat. So it's a cautionary tale... I'm not saying don't do it. I am saying be able to play without doing it with no loss of groove for the sake of squeaky clean recording.[/quote] I used to do that a lot. I do it less now but it's still an important part of my playing. But then I'm not so much of a studio musician.
  21. [quote name='peted' post='632051' date='Oct 21 2009, 06:56 AM']She'll never actually say what she means[/quote] They never do.
  22. [quote name='alexclaber' post='631308' date='Oct 20 2009, 01:33 PM']Bill Ward on War Pigs.[/quote] Agreed!
  23. Still, isn't this conversation best had in Off Topic, where only members can read all these heart-felt outpourings of love for bass and indifference towards wags?
  24. [quote name='4 candles' post='631750' date='Oct 20 2009, 08:19 PM']Howdy, A hypathetical question. If your wife(a non musician) gave you an ultimatum. Stop doing your gigs or we will have to part company.[/quote] I'm divorced. I started playing before I met her (and we met when we were both pretty young). In general if your wife isn't supportive of things that really matter to you and if she's the ultimatum-giving type, then you need to have a serious conversation with her and explain that this is [i]her[/i] last chance. There are plenty of great women out there. And if 2 in 3 marriages end in divorce, the stats say to me that by your third marriage you should be fine!
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