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The Funk

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Everything posted by The Funk

  1. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='609750' date='Sep 27 2009, 01:02 AM']I hated the f**kers. Glad you had a good time though [/quote] Me too. Had to turn down a chance to support Them Is Me last year 'cos of a diary clash - and 'cos noone in the band wanted to support them. :snob:
  2. [quote name='TheButler' post='609603' date='Sep 26 2009, 09:04 PM']Well, i thought i would put this out to y'all out there. I like advice, and you experienced lot on here are good at keeping folk right. I'm 19, and will happily admit that due to being 19 i'm not very 'up' on ways of such things (anything remotely serious)[/quote] Keep going. People told me I couldn't be a barrister and a bandleader/bassist. They were [i]all[/i] wrong. 99% of bands don't get anywhere - but don't be afraid of being in the 1% that does. Surely being in a touring, recording band is more fun than being a plumber? And you can always go on to a life of fleecing unsuspecting householders if the band doesn't work out. And you can always take a break in the middle of your course for a year if the band does get to the stage where you need to dedicate all your time to it. 19 is the age to try things, take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself, make mistakes and learn as much as possible along the way.
  3. Any idea of the dimensions? Will it fit in a gig bag front pouch?
  4. In the words of Rick James, [i]Give It To Me, Baby[/i].
  5. [quote name='leftybassman392' post='608749' date='Sep 25 2009, 04:16 PM']I do take your point though about mindset being a big factor in coming to terms with it. Your average punk/metal player will definitely struggle![/quote] Your average player from other genres can struggle with it too - like me! It takes a little getting used to. I haven't played it very much over the years so it's always an adjustment. The rhythm fits perfectly with the music though!
  6. Looks like a lot of fun! Yes, it'll take some shifting but you already knew that. Let us know how it sounds when you get to give it a proper seeing to!
  7. I've heard about people doing this in other amps as well. I wish I knew more about how this all works.
  8. I'd be willing to pay at the higher end. I was considering the Steve Bailey/Victor Wooten Bass At The Beach thing one year.
  9. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='605579' date='Sep 22 2009, 01:54 PM']I have been replaying what my guitarist said over and over again in my head since last night. "I don't do this for fun I do it for the music" isn't music suppose to be fun? for God sake.[/quote] I've heard people say things like that before. They're a bit simple, aren't they? I think what he might be trying to say is that he takes it quite seriously and enjoys the hard work/achievement more than the sex and drugs.
  10. [quote name='owen' post='605097' date='Sep 21 2009, 10:31 PM']And things have changed?[/quote] They're even worse now.
  11. I play 5s and 4s mainly. 4 is the standard, I think, but a lot of people want deeper bass than a low E and as amplification improves there's no reason you can't go lower. As more and more bands write/record going down to low B or beyond, more people will try to reproduce it - eventually it probably will become the standard. I have a funny feeling that most people will continue to start off learning on a 4 string though. That's the 4 string's best chance of remaining the standard.
  12. Cool song. Cheesy video! Great fun though. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPg-CjUGkcM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPg-CjUGkcM[/url]
  13. [quote name='Kev' post='587867' date='Sep 2 2009, 07:51 PM']You have just typed the perfect story Akai would use to describe the benefits of their Unibass pedal.[/quote] Was just thinking that!
  14. [quote name='burno70' post='602321' date='Sep 18 2009, 04:14 PM']I use an assmaster[/quote]
  15. [quote name='iamapirate' post='603141' date='Sep 19 2009, 08:47 PM']it's basically an ampeg preamp, no?[/quote] No, it's not. I have one and even though I do like it, it doesn't give me the Ampeg sound that [i]I'm[/i] after. For that, I think an Ampeg SVP-CL or SVP-Pro preamp would be ideal. The DI has only one valve and no kind of overdrive. It gives a nice, round, warm, clean sound - not the cranked Ampeg sound.
  16. I've got the EBS Microbass II and the Ampeg SVT-DI (the Ampeg is a valve DI). I much prefer the sound of the EBS (with the speaker emulation switched on) because it sounds like a real amp. I also have the rackmount Aguilar DB680 which has a DI out. I always record with that. I'd ordinarily recommend a valve preamp w/ DI out for the best sound, but if it's just for one or two songs and going to be switched on/off from song to song a pedal might be more your thing. The Ampeg SVT-DI is not that light or small (more than double the EBS).
  17. [quote name='TimR' post='603278' date='Sep 20 2009, 01:24 AM']Normally I would agree, but our guitarist uses a very clean Vox amp. All of his modelling effects are from a digitech multi FX unit and we get an amazing sound just from that set up. I've even done some recording direct from his fx out.[/quote] If there's already speaker modelling from his multi-FX, then there's no reason why it can't go directly into the PA like that.
  18. [quote name='OldGit' post='602896' date='Sep 19 2009, 01:46 PM']Eh? One wedding gig fee?[/quote] Really? I knew I was in the wrong game!
  19. I always take my own DI. Use your amp so you can hear yourself on stage and let the PA deal with the sound outfront.
  20. Looks good! $2400 is a large outlay for most bands though. And then there'd be the cost of flights/accommodation to add on top.
  21. I've got the right band, right material, right line-up, decent following, decent studio, excellent studio engineer... Just don't have any time to make the record now with the day job taking over! Ouch.
  22. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='600237' date='Sep 16 2009, 02:20 PM']I dont listen to much music[/quote] Is that actually true? If you're not all that interested in music how did you get obsessed by gear? I reckon you love it really but you're just going through a bored patch. Always keep at least one bass and amp.
  23. Hartke do/did a Transporter range of cabs which were lighter and had a smaller frequency range and were cheaper than their XL range - but using the same type of cones. I've heard people gig with them. Great sound! The Transporter 2x10s were about £150 new last time I checked.
  24. Mark Levine's [i]The Jazz Theory Book[/i]. Can't be beat.
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