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The Funk

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Everything posted by The Funk

  1. http://www.examiner.com/article/q-a-with-stanley-clarke-on-his-60th-birthday-celebration-part-2-of-3 Quite an interesting interview in which Stanley Clarke talks about Jaco Pastorius a bit. In the few interviews I've read, they were good friends who enjoyed a healthy rivalry. Have a read. I find it fascinating how musicians can influence each other and challenge each other to achieve greater and greater things musically, a bit like London in the '60s, especially when Hendrix arrived.
  2. Deviating slightly, when you catch the instrumental parts of The Dandy Warhols' [i]Bohemian Like You[/i], do you ever think I don't remember this bit in [i]Jumping Jack Flash[/i]?
  3. To answer my own question in case anyone is in a similar position in the future, there is an off-the-shelf solution from Warwick's Rockbag range, although I can't find one of these in the UK. Thomann will deliver though. https://shop.warwick.de/?&c=35352344224&lang=en&smk=1&modul=shop&site=article_details&article_id=D0284403001433493188A164356&article_category=D0072711001321517444A51332&nm=D0612737001321517442A50670%7CD0954943001321517443A51254%7CD0072711001321517444A51332
  4. Good luck to anyone on here who decides to enter!
  5. You can write to the label and artist to request authorisation to make a cassette copy or to put it onto your iPod. If every music listener wrote a letter every single time they wanted to do this, the rights holders would change their... err... tune very quickly.
  6. So here you go, Slipknot's newish bassist went to hospital after collapsing on stage with severe dehydration! Slipknot bassist Alex Venturella 'on road to recovery' after http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/articles/33769978
  7. Hah, I once heard a drunk guy singing all the right words over a song - except they were to a completely different song. He didn't care - he was going to sing all the words as loudly as possible to convince everyone else he did have the right song. It was brilliant. He didn't stop until the next song started!
  8. Do you ever hear the intro to [i]Harlem Shuffle[/i] and think you're about to get [i]Jump Around[/i] or vice versa? How about David Bowie's [i]Let's Dance[/i] and [i]Twist and Shout[/i]? Any others you can think of?
  9. What a great looking preamp/DI. What do you think of how it sounds?
  10. Great looking cake!
  11. Does anyone have any recommendations? I have a bass/guitar twin neck with a lovely but impractically heavy hard case. I'd like a gig bag for it but don't know where to turn. Any ideas?
  12. That video was great. Love Steve Gadd with everyone except Clapton. Ginger Baker said something cool about bands and drummers. I'll look it up and post it later.
  13. SEXUAL!
  14. Bass amps sound great for keys! For some keys, some valve guitar amps also sound amazing.
  15. I used to hate The Beatles for being unbelievably overrated. Then I started listening to a few of their middle to later period albums. A lot of great stuff there, some incredibly progressive - and it can't all just be put down to George Martin. I'll never have that awe for The Beatles that most people of that generation have but they were a good band who became very good musicians in the public eye when they could quite as easily have not tried.
  16. She makes us all look bad!
  17. Didn't Jason Newstead pass out in a similar fashion at one of his first Metallica gigs?
  18. I'll play some fingerstyle stuff and some slap stuff to see if the engineer can get a good level even if there's a big level difference between the two.
  19. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1438174469' post='2832256'] In a moment of madness I made this. Modelled by my son. [/quote] Either you managed to make that superlight or you're going to be having an interesting conversation with your son in a few years about how he fell from the sky in a space vessel with a mysterious S symbol on his clothes. The twin neck looks great! Good work!
  20. Great looking twin twin necks! Would be great to see you in a band with someone else using the second one at the same time!
  21. A tip I read somewhere on here years ago was to get a fretless that is more or less the same model as your fretted, so that you know where all the notes more or less are without having to look. You would have to adjust the position of your fingers slightly to be in tune but even my bad ears could hear if I'm flat or sharp so I can then compensate.
  22. I have a different problem - an enabling family! Whenever I've talked about selling some, my kids, missus and parents have ganged up on me to say I should keep them. Enablers, the lot of them!
  23. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1438104652' post='2831705'] I've never wanted a bass/guitar doubleneck, and have always thought it was curious that they're so common. The only use I can think of for one is to make it easier to show one's guitarist how to play something correctly. [/quote] Great looking instrument! I hear you loud and clear about the weight and the distance between necks. I'm quite lucky that the upper bass neck on mine is slightly angled up, which helps. I'm using the guitar neck to throw in a few funky chords here and there around my basslines. My thinking was if you strip funk bass right down, you get a big One and then you basically weave around the backbeat and the weak 3, while a classic thing to do on old R&B or country guitar is to play on 2 and 4 with the backbeat. So I thought I could easily find space to do a bit of both in the same bar or two. Turns out the reality is all about the practically of switching from one neck to the other without wrecking your wrists and your back. I filmed myself to see what I was actually doing - it was funny to see my left hand on the guitar neck trying to mute notes being played on the bass neck. Definitely a new learning experience for me but I'm sticking with it!
  24. I liked the classical player best but the winner was the most festival-y right from the first round onwards. The jazz player sounded great.
  25. Hi everyone. Upon my recent return to Basschat after many years, I thought I'd share a quick video of my bass pedal keyboard / monophonic bass synth set-up. I'm running a Roland PK-7A (bigger than the 5) through a Novation Bass Station rack unit. Here's a quick vid of me fluffing the bassline to Beat It. [youtube]http://youtu.be/F91xQFpEis4[/youtube] Let's see your Moog Taurus, Roland PK5 and McMillen 12-step set-ups. All pics and vids appreciated!
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