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The Funk

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Everything posted by The Funk

  1. There was a horrible time when every guitarist's sound was drenched in chorus, when every keyboard player used the weakest synth pad patch they could find, when every drummer had the life sucked out of his kit with abused noise gates - and when every bass player slapped on everything. Slap can be funky - it can also be totally unfunky.
  2. Audix D6 - for actual bass drums, not sure about bass cabs. Pod has line level outs as well, so no DI required IIRC.
  3. Don't bother with books. Listen to Bootsy! Play less - much, much less - and think rhythmically more than anything else. Listen to as much funk as you can and try to copy the brass parts as much as the bass parts.
  4. [quote name='mike257' post='488843' date='May 15 2009, 01:16 PM']Beaten to the punch! Exactly where I was heading. An empty 810 would make a cracking canoe![/quote] I was going to suggest a Conklin 13-string.
  5. Didn't she choke on a ham sandwich?
  6. [quote name='AM1' post='488379' date='May 14 2009, 11:42 PM']Ignore all these man-boob wannabees, my boobs are the bounciest, can I join? [/quote] The secret to free bass lessons lies right there.
  7. Quite early '90s sounding to me. How many weeks before that comes back into fashion? I agree that it doesn't have much rock in it - it could be played pretty funkily live though. Any of you funkateers should think it over. Signed band with a publishing deal - could be fun. I'm too busy otherwise I'd probably give it a go.
  8. I use The Gallery for my bass guitars and they are excellent. I just don't see them as double bass specialists.
  9. [quote name='alexclaber' post='487977' date='May 14 2009, 03:13 PM']If you spot a DB659 you'll be very lucky to get it that cheap! [/quote] Hah, yes. Remember when the pound was worth two dollars? Ah, happy days.
  10. Thanks for the recommendations. Next newbie question: how much should I be looking to spend on a new set of strings and set-up? Thanks for the offer ahpook. I'd feel a bit funny about getting a fellow forumite to work on my bass for free though!
  11. Advice on what work needs doing, if any. Action seems ok to me but then I'm a beginner. Chuck on a decent set of strings. Not sure what else really - maybe install some kind of pick-up/microphone system.
  12. I bet the band's called Love Scandal. With skills like this, I could have my own detective show. Set in the '70s. Hmm...
  13. [quote name='Huge Hands' post='487909' date='May 14 2009, 02:04 PM']Ha, ha, sorry to laugh in your misery, but I managed to go through 2 G strings and a D on mine before I got it right. I'm glad I'm not the only one.[/quote] I felt stupid after the first one but like a total muppet after the second one! I'm based in central London, so I can get to most parts of London fairly easily.
  14. Thanks for all the advice, encouragement and support, folks! It's been switched to next week which gives me a little more time to prepare. I'm nowhere near as nervous now.
  15. So, in my eagerness to get playing I tuned up the A and D strings too quickly on my new Chinese bass and they promptly snapped. Everyone said I'd need to get a good set-up on the bass anyway so I was wondering if you guys had any recommendations. All advice welcome!
  16. Try to find a used Warwick Quadruplet or Ampeg SVP-CL or SVP-Pro. If you're really lucky and spot an Aguilar DB659, take it! Can't go wrong with a decent valve preamp. As for cabs, look for a pair of secondhand Hartke 2x10s. You should be able to pick up a pair of the Transporter range 2x10s secondhand for not very much money at all.
  17. Ah! So your set-up is Pick-up -> Backline, Mic -> FOH? I'm intrigued now.
  18. I play with a lot of bends and vibrato all over the place. It makes the notes and phrases sound exactly how I want them to sound. A small amount of vibrato and small bends can go a long way.
  19. I was going to ask what you monitor with onstage while using your mic.
  20. I've been interested in the Delano Hybrid since I first heard about it. Clover basses seem to use them IIRC. EDIT: Check [url="http://www.cloverbasses.com/index.php?id=9&bass=25"]this out[/url]!
  21. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='487325' date='May 13 2009, 09:48 PM']HEAVY AS sh*t THOUGH! head in the flight case is pushing 7 stone.[/quote] Sheesh. That's more than some groupies!
  22. [quote name='rslaing' post='487226' date='May 13 2009, 08:29 PM']I didn't like Curtis Mayfield much either.[/quote] Get out of my house! That's what I'd say if you were actually in my house. Which you're not. And I live in a flat anyway. Carry on.
  23. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='487350' date='May 13 2009, 10:04 PM']I did read it. I'm just stupid and didn't understand [/quote] I like your honesty!
  24. [quote name='alexclaber' post='486896' date='May 13 2009, 01:23 PM']Nowadays I'd lean towards just having one input and a pad switch - or designing a preamp with so much headroom that you don't need a pad at all.[/quote] Agreed! [quote name='alexclaber' post='486896' date='May 13 2009, 01:23 PM']There really is a lot of confusing terminology in the bass world, as my wife pointed out when I said (in reference to a Larry Graham youtube moment) "he's such a righteous slapper, look how he hard he spanks it".[/quote] Hah, so true!
  25. [quote name='rjb' post='485604' date='May 12 2009, 09:05 AM']I like them for the same reasons that others hate them - thick neck profile, natural woods, rounded shape and, of course, the low-midrange growl.[/quote] Same here!
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