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The Funk

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Everything posted by The Funk

  1. I've just received copies of DVDs of two gigs I did with my band a while ago. They make for some interesting viewing. It's great seeing what you look like from the audience's perspective. Things I've noticed: 1. Stage positioning - try to make sure all of your band members are visible from most angles. If the drummer and the singer are both slap-bang in the centre of the stage, noone will see the drummer - and for a lot of people the singer and drummer are the two most exciting people in a band (probably because anyone can figure out what a voice and a drum kit sound like, which is not necessarily the case with the other instruments). 2. Engaging the audience - why not do what acoustic singer-songwriters do and introduce each song? They get to know what the song's about, what you're about as a band and it gives everyone a chance to connect with the material, band members included. It also kills any dead time between songs. 3. Being entertaining - it isn't enough just to play the songs well. You have to be entertaining to look at too. That doesn't have to mean light shows and explosions. On a basic level it has to be clear to everyone that you are really enjoying the enjoyable parts, really exerting yourself on the tricky parts, really connecting with the other members of the band in the music. Do everything you would normally do but in a more exaggerated way. It just doesn't come across visually otherwise. 4. Bring your own crowd - the more the crowd is into you and the bigger that crowd is, the better your performance will be. If you're playing to an empty room or to a room of people not into the music you make, you'll have nothing to feed off and you'll give a pretty dead performance. What's the point? Has anyone else used video footage as a good way of figuring out ways to improve your band's stage show? And do any of you have any thoughts on live performance you'd like to share?
  2. Glad to hear it. I've been living GAS-free for a while now and it's a great feeling.
  3. You can get a decent bass for a lot less than a decent amp.
  4. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='783505' date='Mar 23 2010, 02:45 PM']What used to be Andy's Music is now Music Ground. Andrew Preston former owner of Andy's still works there. I took him to court when he [s]stole [/s]sold my amp on sale or return, and didn't give me the money. I didn't get anything because he eventually declared bancruptcy. I still have the debtors list from the official receiver, it contains lots of punters like me, who had items [s]stolen [/s]sold and never got their money. Have a look around by all means, but possibly one to avoid doing business with.[/quote] After hearing about your experiences a few years ago I've been quietly spreading the word amongst friends and colleagues.
  5. [quote name='Toasted' post='783465' date='Mar 23 2010, 02:17 PM']Don't trade your MIM P in. Sell it here for a much better price.[/quote] That's what they told me in one of the shops on Denmark Street a few years ago when I wanted to trade in a bass.
  6. [quote name='crez5150' post='772150' date='Mar 11 2010, 09:39 PM']Love Me Sexy[/quote] From [i]Semi-Pro[/i]? Excellent!
  7. Whoever Curtis Mayfield's bassist was. EDIT: Joseph 'Lucky' Scott?
  8. [quote name='gafbass02' post='767571' date='Mar 8 2010, 08:46 AM']I don't get Wallace and Gromit either.[/quote] I get Gromit but not Wallace.
  9. Going to have to be done!
  10. [quote name='Marvin' post='771026' date='Mar 10 2010, 10:34 PM']Don't let MajorMinor hear you say that [/quote] Well, it's true! Unfortunately I've got to a point now where the poor reading skills really slow down the whole process. Next step: up my game when it comes to reading!
  11. Yeah, it's worth checking those threads out. Theory is accessible without reading. I don't read well - it just takes a little longer!
  12. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='765944' date='Mar 6 2010, 12:00 PM'][b]Vintage & Rare[/b] A pleasant young lady informs me they don’t stock them, but I should try Macaris. I admire her charms and an old Melody Maker. We chaff for a while and I leave, having been made to feel entirely welcome.[/quote] That'll be Simone, ex-Bass Cellar. Very nice and very helpful lady.
  13. Where are you based?
  14. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='765362' date='Mar 5 2010, 04:36 PM']Never was but back in the 80s I only ever seemed to get handed basses in the shop by staff that were![/quote] Same here. In my childhood I was totally put off guitar shops because of it.
  15. [quote name='OldGit' post='764745' date='Mar 5 2010, 08:48 AM']Oh sorry.. Off stage??? When you go out together??? Er, what? like the cheerleaders and jocks in a US high school/Glee, always in their "uniform?" er not until you have invitations to do kids TV and T4 appearances....[/quote] I've heard of some bands doing this, more in America than here. I think the idea is that everytime you're out in public you're in the middle of a networking / self-promotion opportunity. It would work better in America where people are more open to the idea of self-promotion.
  16. Thanks for the info. In terms of application then, it could be used for switching from bass to guitar or vice versa in different sections of a song rather than bass notes and chords on the same section? I'm trying to figure out how practical a selector footswitch would be as a work-around solution. Probably not very!
  17. Very interesting! Separate outputs for the guitar and the bass? How about the controls? Is it possible to keep the selector switch in a middle position so that both bass and guitar are on at once?
  18. Pics from the French forum.
  19. Liking the sound of all of this. The thing I like about the GB94 is that it seems a lot like a Jazz with the '70s-style rosewood board/blocks/binding and a J/MM passive/active pick-up/electronics set-up. I do like my Warwick Corvette 4 and my MIM Fender Jazz 4 but this may suit me better for my new side-project.
  20. [quote name='krispn' post='764440' date='Mar 4 2010, 08:42 PM']Have any of you guys made a conscious decision to 'dress' as a band on stage and when attending other gigs to keep the stylistic motif of the band so that you are readily identifiable?[/quote] Yes, to the first; no to the second. I like to keep a low profile while I'm off-duty. You've got Westlife at one extreme and Slipknot at another but they all have an identifiable look. The trick is to stick out a little from all the other bands on the same scene as you. Compare Metallica to Van Halen back in the early '80s, for example.
  21. [quote name='Steve_nottm' post='763789' date='Mar 4 2010, 11:25 AM']Sweet Child Of Mine[/quote] Learn the intro bass part and you'll get the gig.
  22. [quote name='Basska' post='763898' date='Mar 4 2010, 01:28 PM']How do you achieve the title of 'Best Bassist in the world'?[/quote] Unlike boxing, there are no governing bodies, so the best thing to do is just give yourself the title.
  23. I remember sitting down and working out the chords for the Ray Charles version a few years ago. The band I was in at the time never quite managed a good version of it. The changes are really nice though: lots of gospel-style and bluesy changes. Don't have a copy of the chart anymore. Starting point: [url="http://www.realbook.us/Charts.aspx?songid=206"]http://www.realbook.us/Charts.aspx?songid=206[/url]
  24. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='762924' date='Mar 3 2010, 01:33 PM']Wheat/chaff, no?[/quote] Agreed
  25. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='761672' date='Mar 2 2010, 11:39 AM']IIRC from lectures on music business/management and all that, if you're playing and earning money together from gigs, you're assumed to be in a [i]de facto[/i] business partnership. That means (among many, many other things) that you're jointly and severally liable for each other's debts until you draw up a partnership agreement that dictates otherwise. If you're talking significant investments -- and it looks like you are -- you should draw up a partnership agreement ASAP. And of course, the partnership and all its members should be submitting an annual tax return.[/quote] Exactly! A lot of the rules for partnerships are really counter-productive for bands. It's worth knocking one out just to counteract the unfavourable rules for partnerships. These things can split bands up though!
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