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About Les

  • Birthday 01/05/1963

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  1. Awesome new kebabery for the band tonight after advice from the locals to walk the extra 10 yards past the first contender. Follies of Accrington. Splendid donner and chips with what could be the sauce of the future, "sweet" chile. And some hobby horse action at the end of the night.




    1. SpondonBassed


      If I were a horse that's the sort of hobby I'd choose too.  I'd be the unicorn though.  At least that's what I'd tell the arresting officer.

      Have you really not had sweet chilli sauce before?  Aw man!  Get yourself down to Aldi for a bottle.  Less than a pound and you can keep it in the glove box of the band's van.

    2. lowregisterhead


      Nice, on both counts!

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