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Everything posted by Les

  1. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1507226551' post='3384098'] Bought myself a Marcus Miller style pork pie hat. The perfect cure for the onset of thinning hair and bright stage lights. [/quote] We don't believe you.
  2. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1506761548' post='3380909'] Please tell me I'm not the only one to have misread this thread title! [/quote] You weren't.
  3. The drummer is in the wrong, end of.
  4. [quote name='petebassist' timestamp='1506523169' post='3379329'] Providing the drummer has a professional attitude, I think I'd eat a bit of humble pie. Good luck! [/quote] He doesn't
  5. I don't think a little diary discipline is too much to ask, you don't have to put anything other than N/A on it, no one needs to know what you're doing just that you're not available.
  6. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1506511428' post='3379221'] For example, if we're having a discussion about new songs for the set list, the people who are most active will end up getting the most say. People who are inactive, but not through choice, may feel like these decisions are being made without them. S.P. [/quote] ah right, gotcha. Does happen with us sometimes. It's up to the individual to catch up at some stage of the game. It's not really hard in this day and age to stay in touch even if you can only leap in once a day after all your other tasks are completed. For 3 members to have a discussion about a new song in the morning and it be put to bed by noon without waiting for the 4th member to chip in maybe later that evening is unnecessarily quick in my opinion. If it;s taking a week for someone to log on and join in well that's going to be a problem. I suppose it's like any meeting, you do have to attend if you want your voice heard. Les
  7. We run the band on Messenger, it works well for us. Can't see it working if the whole band aren't on board though. Not sure what the OP means by some people getting more influence on it than others to be honest,
  8. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1506508036' post='3379187'] We use a private group on Facebook which is only visible to the four of us. However, one member rarely looks at it, nor does he read SMS on his phone, so the only way os to phone and talk to him....if he answers! Sounds tricky but we manage to get along fine and work around any difficulties we may have. [/quote] You've more patience than me Dave,
  9. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1506434502' post='3378694'] ' Was I too harsh? Probably but my job is very demanding and running a band (as many of you know) is a thankless task. [/quote] I think you're last sentence in the band communique was unnecessary and could have been put different to prick consciences rather than raise hackles, and your demanding job is irrelevant, you can either do the band leaders job or you can't. BUT.......... I think you are totally right, get rid. The loose band members over gig availability are always the ones who never actually get off their arse and put a gig in,. You may not have crossed the t's and dotted the I's by not putting it on the website (though that doesn't seem a great model for the actual band members diary) but for someone to get that information, send a thumbs up to acknowledge it and then not do anything with that information ? Beggars belief. As you say this is not the first time he's messed up his diary. Even Stewart Copeland would be use whatsoever if he isn't there. Les
  10. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1505940352' post='3375428'] As far as my wife was concerned, eventually IC did what she hoped they would do, and what she paid for. [/quote] Thanks lowdown, that's exactly what I was wondering about.
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1505927958' post='3375320'] But you only know if it works if you, or someone you trust, has successfully used it. That's what the original question was. It's no use paying for 'peace of mind' if, when push comes to shove, the 'insurers' wriggle out of the claim and you're left hung out to dry. Yes, insurance is worthwhile, as long as it does actually insure. How many folks have paid for insured shipping, only to have claims turned down for whatever reason..? The proof would be if someone could show that it did, in fact, work for them. That's what was asked. [/quote] Thank you Dad.
  12. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1505837921' post='3374675'] Im seriously considering getting it but would be interested to see if anyone at all has ever needed it, [/quote] The only time we've ever "needed" it was to actually get a 2 day gig we wanted, They wanted to book us but that was one of their conditions. It was cheap enough to carry on with every year. It;s starting to feel like no one at our level has ever had a claim made against them.
  13. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1505824615' post='3374561'] Indeed. Female bassists are just queuing up to join BassChat... not. [/quote] That would be their loss, it's good forum, well moderated and extremely useful information wise. Whilst I agree on the smutty comments in the OP being unnecessary and downright rude I can't recall any of our lady members being disrespected or treated as anything other than fellow bass players. Think we should maybe give our female members a bit of credit for being able to deal what some of us are rightly miffed about, after all it isn't all men behaving that way. Les
  14. I know a lot us have it and need it for the odd gig that insists on it but I don't know anyone who has had a claim. Any of us actually needed it and had a claim ? Les
  15. It's not going to go away, we ply our trade in the drinks industry and alcohol is well known for lubricating the dickhead gene. The guys involved would probably have found different dickhead ammo had there not been women in the lineup. They walk amongst us.
  16. Twas ever thus, but perhaps a bit of decorum is in order.
  17. Great stuff. Well done that man, Please tell me you went for a kebab after this Les
  18. [quote name='Gottastopbuyinggear' timestamp='1505221004' post='3370312'] That would work okay for the Yamaha DBR12's that we have, as they have a high pass filter which can be set to 120Hz so they won't try to reproduce the bass. But not all tops will have that option, and even if they do then the crossover frequencies might not be particularly well matched. [/quote] Yes, the mackies we had had a high pass, the Alto's don't they just have a contour button (basically a mid scoop) which I only use in small places were we're not using the subs.
  19. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1505219988' post='3370304'] Next thing then.... What is the best way to connect the subs to the mixer, to make the most out of them? [/quote] If your subs have a crossover I would imagine you could use the link form the tops which is a signal through out into your power amp then send that to your subs. Our subs (powered) take what they need from a full range signal and just ignore the rest. That would save sacrificing one of your aux sends
  20. I'm pretty sure your new powered tops won't run the bins as they need power. We've had mackie active tops and mow have Alto powered tops and the only outs from either of them are a signal link. You're going to need an amp to drive your subs Les
  21. [quote name='bobbytodd' timestamp='1505040405' post='3369015'] hand it back.you never know if its a test of honesty. [/quote] I'm not sure that really happens
  22. yes we've been given bonuses before which is not the same thing.
  23. This has happened to us on a few occasions inc. last night. We operate an "honesty is the best policy" policy and hand it back. Anyone just pocket it ? Les
  24. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1504942243' post='3368407'] In what situation does a drummer need to hear vocals? Is he on backing vox duty? [/quote] Our drummer wants the singers vox and his rhythm guitar in her mix as well as her own vocals.
  25. Wouldn't have a problem with it myself and would be reluctant to entertain an ex band member having a problem with it if I'm honest.
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