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Everything posted by Les

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1485734189' post='3226332'] Is wireless actually fast enough for audio rather than just as a control source? Certainly Bluetooth has too much latency to be viable. [/quote] I don't know, bluetooth wouldn't cut it like you say. It looks pretty much like a wireless guitar system to be honest, transmitter from the desk to 2 receivers at the speakers. Not sure it's going top be worth the bother, was just wondering if anyone was using it and if it worked ok. Les
  2. thanks lads
  3. Is anyone running their active speakers wirelessly ? If so how does it work for you ? ta Les
  4. Just gone to 44 in the last hour, including this years first festival, so it's quite encouraging.
  5. Only 2 in January, 42 in for the year already though, will end up doing 50-60 but it feels a bit slower every year if I'm honest. Les
  6. That's a new one on me. We've had AmpBand PLI for a few years now as well. Having said that an enquiry is an enquiry, you can vet it like any other I suppose. Les
  7. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1484572315' post='3216380'] I also meant to ask - do they provide backline for this festival? It would make a lot of sense with so many bands on. I'm gradually coming round to the idea... [/quote] Don't know about the festival but when we did it I hopped on a train with my bass and a lead as everything was provided inc' engineer. Les
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1484514407' post='3216060'] An older guy has been off for years, wants to get back in the game, he accepts an offer, then finds out he can't handle playing 2-3 four hour nights in a row. Blue [/quote] Fair comment, we don't have that kind of playing time so I never even though about the stamina side of it when I was dragged out of retirement, and I suppose for a drummer there's a lot physical stuff going on.
  9. Why does he have to have "current" gigging experience Blue ? I played for years, had 14 years off and just walked back into it 8 or 9 years ago.
  10. Never done the festival but have played at the Cavern. It is a pretty special feeling and I would do it if I were you you.
  11. I think it's a good idea. We've done it for quite a while now. We take our cut out of every gig and what ever is left goes into the kitty. This is usually 25-50 quid a gig. This pays for band consumables like mic leads, repairs, batteries and even tyres and bearings on the trailer, our individual cars are our own respnosibilty like our individual gear. It works well, there's never millions in the kitty but enough to make sure we can sort pretty much anything for the next gig. If someone left we would give them their cut of the kitty less any pending repairs/costs.
  12. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1483740598' post='3209841'] I hope you've checked out the kebab shops in the area. You could give a workshop on them. I'm in. [/quote] [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1483741125' post='3209849'] Please record a video! [/quote] I suppose I could be persuaded to do a 90 mintute presentation on this
  13. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1483732528' post='3209736'] I am sure he could sign up to BC Les , it would certainly help to keep things ship shape so to speak and would also keep the event in house. [/quote] Quite. This is the route we've gone down.
  14. I know in a previous thread we said we're keeping this in house rather than public but is it ok to bring a bass playing mate who isn't on here ? I only ask as when I mentioned it to my girlfriend she immediately went on youtube to learn how to tie a noose for herself so she didn't have to come.
  15. If I don't feel you physiclly or intelectually will fit I'm not letting you in my band. End of. Am I a bigot or do I just know what I want (or don't want) for the band ?
  16. We once refused to audition a guitarist, much to our then drummers chagrin because he was too tall. He was a lovely guy and came to see us at a gig, which is something that would give you a plus mark right from the start in my book but he was amazingly tall He was big enough to turn heads at the gig and our singer said to me that he couldn't see him in our band. This was before the poor bloke got to play a note and I had to agree. I too think it would have looked odd. I can still see the unfairness in this but I let it happen. Les
  17. A well thought out and reasoned choice good luck Les
  18. Our show opener, Molly's Chamber (eventually) [url="https://soundcloud.com/user-599147927/mollys-chamber"]https://soundcloud.c.../mollys-chamber[/url]
  19. Have you been asked for a risk assessment at any gigs Pete ?
  20. [quote name='Downdown' timestamp='1482109493' post='3197755'] I've also never heard of anyone ever needing to make a claim. Anyone here have any experience of making a claim? [/quote] I don't know of anyone needing/claiming either but some venues insist on it or you don't get the gig.
  21. We use amp band Pete, and havedone for a few years. [url="https://www.ampband.co.uk/index.php"]https://www.ampband.co.uk/index.php[/url] Cheap as chips and a load of bands I know use it but I don't know anyone who's had to claim. Les
  22. Our smoke machine Promblem solving
  23. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1481732648' post='3194664'] Yep - Stingrays for me. Up til the last couple of years, I'd primarily played with a pick, and they never seemed to really work for me. Tried 3 of them. Now I play almost exclusively with fingers, and really think I should give them another go... [/quote] This. Used my Stingray exclusively for years. Now I need a pick for about half the numbers it just doesn't work for me cos' the pickup is in the way so it's under the bed.. Still got it and if the next band is predominantly finger style it will be back. I think you should give one another whirl. Les Les
  24. We run a smoke machine, smallish, cost about 30 quid I think. We only really want it to enhance the lights to be honest, not fill the stage with a smoke effect. Has set the odd fire alarm off in the past but generally it doesn't. Dissapites quite quickly though. Don't really know anything about hazers I'm afraid. Les
  25. Play bass Backing vox Do the sound Work the lights with my feet Co-front the band Set up tear down with everyone Do all the bookings Maintain the stage clothes Stock the band with batteries, cables and other consumables Keep on everyones back about all the little things that make you sharp and slick
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