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Everything posted by Les

  1. Agreed Blue After the playing there has to be the discussion.
  2. If both you AND the rest of the band think this is an issue then stop asking and start instructing. You can only leave your mix to the regular sound guys idea of a mix if you trust it.
  3. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1473883234' post='3133908'] C'mon...that answer doesn't leave enough room to hold forth about what your band does and so by extension every band should do. [/quote] You were right
  4. When we're auditioning there's a level of competence that must be reached for you to be considered for the band. Once you've reached it your up for discussion, doesn't matter if you've completely leapt over the level or just hit an acceptable level.. Then it comes down to is he a nice guy ? Will we get on with him ? Can he sing ? Is his gear good ? Where does he live ? etc etc. I can see no advantage to the band in setting this level higher than it needs to be to be honest. Les
  5. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1473883234' post='3133908'] C'mon...that answer doesn't leave enough room to hold forth about what your band does and so by extension every band should do...could you try again with a more sensible answer ? It's more 'Basschat' [/quote] OK The singer/bandleader should provide the PA. And I don't mean a vocal PA. I for one wouldn't respond to that advert, I expect to walk into a running band with PA etc, and a decent amount of gigs in the diary and DI my bass, just using my amp as a monitor..
  6. On a lighter note, my tail has arrived
  7. Yea the tracking number works, says it's at the DHL ecommerce centre in Illinois
  8. Can't make my mind up about this one. Not a Rush fan but just had a listen to Spirit of Radio and I'm sure I'd struggle to nail it being honest. With the band also choosing Bohemian Rhapsody one would imagine the bass player ad came with the caveat "must have vocals" ? Think this band may have shot themselves in the foot if they're setting a "test" for people. I'm assuming the OP is a competant player who saw the set list and thought "yea, I can do that, I'll get in touch", then he had that thrown at him so didn;t go. Les
  9. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1473858425' post='3133611'] What do you think is the best/fairest arrangement regarding the band's P.A. ? [/quote] Not sure there is one. It'll be whatever works for the band
  10. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1473712764' post='3132548'] When didst thou receiveth the aforementioned emailery? [/quote] [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1473714189' post='3132564'] Twas the date of purchase. 8th September. For sooth. [/quote] Verily hath I recieved the same emailery on the 8th Plus an email saying my 50cm Faux fur clip on animal tail has been dispatched from eBay, but that's probably for another topic
  11. Like scalpy I did the bases in Germany back in the day but have done them over here. They're not usually an every weekend affair but things like the summer ball etc. usually someone ends up being responsible for booking the entertainment for the do. Bases are often quite big and you'll have squaddies (think 18th Birthday party audience) then corporals, sergeants, officers and so on. All will be independant of each other so it's not like the commanding officer of the base is the booker. I don't really think it will be a closed shop controlled by agents these days unless things have changed as the bookers change quite a lot, if you book the summer ball and the xmas one that's probably it, someone else will take over. That obviously makes it hard to get to the right guy but I would imagine if you send a nice package in addressed to The Sgts mess entertainment committee or something it will probably land at the right desk. These things have great budgets and important things for them to get right, if you can't run a piss up it's isn't going to look good for you when promotion time comes up. I haven't persued these things in this band though we've actuall had an enquiry from one via facebook, which we were not free for sadly. Let us know how you get on. Les
  12. [quote name='stuckinthepod' timestamp='1473440414' post='3130314'] I live just south of Manchester and the furthest we've done is Morecambe (Never again! at that particular venue) [/quote] Was it "The Bath" in Morecambe by any chance ?
  13. [quote name='spike' timestamp='1473410351' post='3129869'] We have just auditioned some drummers and the one we really like lives outside our area and would probably have to travel an hour each way to most of our gigs and to rehearsals. He says it's not a problem but I can't help thinking that after a while he'll get fed up with the travel. [/quote] Original line up was all Wigan based, now 5 years on there's only me and the singer in Wigan, the guitarist is 25 minutes north of us and the drummer is 25 minutes south. Some they win some they lose depending on the direction. Surely there must be some gigs that work out for this new lad ? If he says he's up for it and he's the right man I'd run with him. Les
  14. We'll probably travel an hour but I would say the average is about 30 minutes drive.
  15. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1473167671' post='3127580'] I am actually interested in DMX programming. [/quote] This way madness lies
  16. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1473028383' post='3126299'] Nice! Very " pro" look Les. Blue [/quote] Thanks Blue, got to say I don't miss the heat of the traditional ones. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1473028504' post='3126301'] I can't honestly think of that many venues we play where we would have the space, but we need something, so that seems a good a place as any. [/quote] Yes, space can be a problem, at about a third of our gigs we can't fit the gantry with the lights and backdrop pictured in the 2 photo in.
  17. The Thomann bundle looks good. Not sure the first ones listed will cut it to be honest. We spent a lot of time thinking about lights, DMX is good and useful but working them from a footswitch was proving complicated and costly, ours are DMX and we link them so they are in synch sound to light. Went second hand in the end and got 4 LED par cans, 2 to light us and 2 crossed on the drums. and a couple of Acme MiracLEDS for the back cos' they add a lot of movement. Think we spent less than 200 quid but I'm not sure how cheap you need this to be.
  18. Haven't encoutered onf of these in this band but we only really do pubs. Limiters have been arounf for donkey's year and never worked well. I'm surprised technology hasn't moved on with these things to make them usable in a live music situation at a realistic volume.
  19. Had a bass bin fail at yesterdays gig, and no one had thought to carry a handy spare.
  20. [quote name='OddBass65' timestamp='1472253756' post='3119916'] it may be just me, but I can't for the life of me see the point in having more than one. [/quote] totally agree, this wouldn't be a very regular thing but would be a bit different for everyone involved and hopefully look good, and hopefully even sound good.
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1472252858' post='3119911'] I don't think many people do Glitter Band covers any more. [/quote] Watched a band in my local a month or so ago do Leader of the gang but changed the chorus to "D'ya wanna be in Thailand Thailand Thailand." Genius They could just about play ok but couldn't sing a note between them but one the most entertaining and audience engaging bands I've seen for a while.
  22. I know the money and generally the space won't allow but we have our regular lad and a couple of ace deps (ex band members) and I'm curioous as to how it would work and sound. Thinking of giving it a whirl at an appropriate venue Anyone do it or done it ? Les
  23. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1472170039' post='3119173'] I don't know if it's been mentioned, but an amp is a lot more likely to fail than a bass "Gigging Without A Spare Amp" Blue [/quote] Never had a bass fail but I've actually had an amp fail, just put what I could through the monitors and finished the job, got paid, went home. Wasn't a pleasurable experience by any means but I'm certainly not carrying a spare just in case, this has happened once in 35 years of gigging. Les
  24. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1472032203' post='3117778'] I have broached the subject with the lads more than once. They take things on board, but it's soon forgotten about, until I broach it again. [/quote] Not sure you can win this one mate
  25. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1471543106' post='3113888'] I'm currently helping with the setting up of a music/recording room at the autism support centre that I attend. I've given them an acoustic guitar & some bits & pieces but your bass would be very useful for them if nobody else wants it. Unfortunately I'm in Cardiff so I wouldn't be able to pick it up from you, but if nobody near to you wants it & you're willing to post it that would be brilliant. [/quote] Rhys, what else would be useful for the centre ?
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