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Everything posted by Les

  1. Understand your frustration but got to agree with KevB, not good form to bin at this notice, PartySounds is worth a look at.
  2. Good judgment call and well handled by the band.
  3. That is beautiful, and it has the correct number of strings for a bass as well
  4. I do backing vox in my band and I don't seem to have problems doing both in general but if I have to I will compromise the bass line to get the harmony in. The impact of 2 or 3 part harmony is worth it. Other than that I'm afraid I'm no help to you
  5. I think sometimes we don't realise the volume out front if your monitors are good and your PA is good. In the band before the one I'm in now I was at our local gig watching another band and commented to one of the regulars that the band was really loud, he just looked at me and said "you're as loud as this". I was surprised and a little bit concerned. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1402230489' post='2471140'] One band I was in had a drummer who played his kit so incredibly loudly that every time he hit the snare drum I thought I was going to vomit. [/quote] . We had this guy as well. Sacked him.
  6. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1402165046' post='2470693'] Bear in mind they are also auditioning you [/quote] Apart from the one that doesn't turn up that is.
  7. One won't turn up, one won't have learned the stuff, one won't be able to play and the other will but will be a prima donna. or maybe that's just my experience from a year ago But good luck with it, as said above you seem to have thought it all through very well
  8. Yanto, we use a couple of active peavey pro sub mk2's. They have a variable crossover and a level control. Think they are 400 watts. We origionaly bought 1 second hand for a hundred quid, then we dropped on another for 80 quid. Have to say I'm rather pleased with them and one is certainly enough for a small pub, 2 are great. Not sure if "sub" is not the new "bass bin" in marketing hype but evrything seems to be called a sub these days. They do come up regularly second hand and are a reasonable lift, you can carry one on your own but we usually 2 man them. Les
  9. Yes, thinking about it you're all right. PA is very good and so are the monitors, I'll just get him to chuck my bass through them, cheers
  10. My trusty Mag 300 2 x10 combo holds it's own in the band as a monitor cos' we put everything through the PA and all is well in the world. We're going back to Styal beer festival this year. Like last year when we played there is a big PA and all we have to do is provide back line and drums. For this gig only my Ashdown struggled, I could hear it but the rest of the band couldn't, big stage, much more spread out than usual. Was thinking of chucking another cab in but then I realised all our gear will be there in the trailer including our 2 powered Peavy 15 inch PA subs. Can I use one (or even both) of these for some more reinforcement and if so how would I connect them ? I realise I cant use the other speaker output on the Ashdown. Les
  11. On my account mate.
  12. Would somebody be kind enought to talk me through how to sort a google calender for the band ? I already use it for myself and it's great and syncs with my phone. I've set another calender up and used the bands name, added the members of the band so they can use it. When I go into my settings I can see both calenders, mine and the bands, but can only get to mine. I'm not usually computer thick but I'm obviousley missing a trick here. Thanks Les
  13. Paul, I'm in a very similar situation to yourself, been round the block, current band is 3 years old etc and like you we can pull when we are local. We are in no way heavy rock but we do most of our gigs on the rock pub circuit, like I imagine you do. To be honest Not sure what you term as further afield. The furthest we go is about 45 miles, but that's only because the landlords used to be local to us and book us regular and have moved to Halifax. They know we're a decent band and we know they can run a live gig so everyones happy. We've been contacted in the past from gigs 30 odd miles away who have heard of us or we've been reccomended and have gone to them only to find that it's very poor turn out or worse the pub has an entertainment budget it has to spend and they just book bands and don't promote the event. At the end of the day we're an out of town band and we aren't going to draw breath, however we do a few out of town gigs that are so good at getting the right bands their punters will turn out for a new band because they are more or less confident the landlord books good bands. I know this doesn't really help with your question on how to get the gigs it's just that I think it's a bit of a double edged sword. Les
  14. I have the expensive very padded Ritter bag and about 3 of the cheaper not very padded Ritter bags (a bass one, an acoustic guitar one and a guitar one). I would be more than happy to use any of them for gigging in the car and wouldn't dream of throwing any of them in the groups van, if you see where I'm coming from. The expensive one has more pockets than a pair of combat pants and that's useful. The others have exactly the right amount of pockets and that's even more useful.
  15. A resurected old thread that I didn't get any replies too till now, so thanks for your input guys. As it happened the choice was taken away from me when my Ashdowns DI out went faulty. As a result I use the BDI21 as my DI box into the desk and the jack output to my amp for monitoring. The unit works really well, I tend to have it off for finger playing and it on for an aggresive plec sound. Les
  16. We want to put a 9 track CD together to sell at our gigs and use as demo's for new venues. My first question is where is the best/cheapest/good value place to get them pressed, and my second question is as we are doing our arrangements of other peoples songs what lisence or whatever do I need to buy to ensure the original artistes get paid ? much obliged as always Les
  17. Well I'm up to about thirty thousand dollars so far.
  18. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1397084569' post='2420604'] ^^ is that drummer naked..! I like the common theme, but not looking identical idea. [/quote] Almost naked Our theme is boots, jeans, black t shirt (usually a rock t shirt) and of course the hats. It's not hard and it does make us look like a band in my opinion.
  19. I've kinda been in the situation where members of my band played in other bands, and I know loads of people do it but it caused enough sh*t for me to hand my notice in, Karl knows a little bit of this tale. The day was saved and I mostly got my way and stayed. I suppose it comes down to being clear from the start what you can and can't commit to, but I'm now at the stage were I won't wear it anymore. If you want to do the odd midweek gig then fine, if you want to clash with my band then no, it's just not happening. It's not just the gigging it's the time commitments that clash with every day life and family. Not being able to rehearse cos' your already rehearsing with your sideline band for a Thursday night gig and are out on Saturday with us and the wife will go ape if you do another rehearsal will be met with a very frosty reception. We all only have so much time and energy to commit to our weekend warrior bands and if you've only got limited time and energy then I want it all.
  20. My lips are sealed mate. We're in Standish on Sunday by the way lol
  21. Bloody hell Karl, only just seen this. Sorry to hear about it bud.
  22. If I didn't gig it would be very infrequent indeed that I picked up a bass.
  23. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1395917528' post='2407869'] her and her dad [/quote] Ahh, I see you have not one but two problems ! Unlucky
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