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Everything posted by Les

  1. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1387148473' post='2308839'] Have you tried fretting the strings at the third fret with the capo off? [/quote] Yes, it's fine
  2. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1387147052' post='2308812'] Loosen the capo slightly? Tighten it slightly? Try slightly heavier gauge strings? Learn to play the piece without the capo? [/quote] Capo isn't adjustable, it's a trigger style one. I've tried to play it without the capo but I can't get it to sound right with the meagre amount of talent I have at my disposal. It's a laid back version of Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits with me on classical and the guitarist on my eub.
  3. Yes, tried it all ways, also nearer and further away from the fret, still the same
  4. I wonder if any of you can shed any light on this. I have a Takamine electro acoustic classical that I've had from new for about 3 years and it's been great. I need to capo it on the 3rd fret and now I'm getting a viabration/buzz on the 2 open bass strings. It doesn't seem like it's from the capo making the string buzz on the 4th fret as it seems to be coming from the body. Although without the capo there is no problem so I'm thinking it's got to be something to do with the capo. Any ideas ? thanks Les
  5. [quote name='dand666' timestamp='1386945339' post='2306692'] How long is your set Les? [/quote] Well, that's TWO bands set lists I've listed. I would say about 2 x 45 for each of the bands
  6. I play in 2 very different pub bands. Here's The Snakes set list (excuse the band notes/info) this is a power pop/rock 3 piece, bass, guitar, drums. [b]Intro guitar riff [/b] [b]Run like hell Pink Floyd[/b] [b]Where the streets have no name U2[/b] [b]Use Somebody (end on F move to G)[/b] [b]Local Boy in a photograph[/b] [b]When September ends[/b] [b]Creep[/b] [b]One[/b] [b]Herbie Acoustic set Whose gonna save you, Sometimes you cant make it on your own[/b] [b]Roxanne[/b] [b]The Best[/b] [b]Times like these[/b] [b]Design for life[/b] [b]Tolerate this[/b] [b]Maybe tomorrow[/b] [b]I’m Just looking[/b] [b]Jenny was a friend[/b] [b]Vertigo[/b] [b]All these things[/b] [b]Comfortably numb[/b] [b]Sweet child o’ mine[/b] and Tex and The Hardcore Troubadours. Buggered if I know how to pigeon hole this one, all done with a slight country rock twist. Again, excuse the band notes/info INTRO [b][i]Tex starts. straight in to[/i][/b] MOLLY’S CHAMBER [b][i]not too fast straight in to[/i][/b] LIL DEVIL [b][i]Pat intro[/i][/b] [b][i]not too fast, straight into[/i][/b] PERSONAL JESUS [b][i]4 count not too fast, straight into[/i][/b] BAD THINGS [b][i]Pat and Tex intro[/i][/b] RING OF FIRE [b][i]Pat starts Tex says Hello[/i][/b] GETTING TOUGH [b][i]Tex intro[/i][/b] EVER SEEN THE RAIN [b][i]Tex intro[/i][/b] STRAY CAT STRUT [b][i]Mark starts 4 count[/i][/b] GUITARS CADILLACS [b][i]Pat intro not too fast[/i][/b] PURPLE RAIN [b][i]Pat starts[/i][/b] COPPERHEAD ROAD [b][i]Pat and Les, [/i][/b] [b][i] Tex changes to Mando, 3 4 count from Tex [/i][/b] [indent=2][b][i] BANG on D[/i][/b][/indent] [b][i] then quiet again, mandolin in[/i][/b] La Grange [b][i]Pat starts[/i][/b] Steamy Windows [b][i]Pat starts[/i][/b] White Wedding [b][i]String slide 1 snare and in[/i][/b] Running Down a Dream [b][i]Pat starts[/i][/b] Highway to Hell [b][i]Pat intro[/i][/b] Fast as You [b][i]Pat intro[/i][/b] Crazy lil thing called Love [b][i]Tex Intro[/i][/b] Shakin’ all over [b][i]Tex Intro[/i][/b] Hey Joe [b][i]Tex intro[/i][/b] [i]Encore(s)[/i] Sultans of Swing [b][i]Mark, 4 count, snare on 4[/i][/b] Copperhead Road [b][i]if needed , on acoustic[/i][/b]
  7. Don't know if you'd consider the Squier range but a few months ago I went to PMT to look for a cheaper version of my old Mustang to take the less salubrious gigs we do and I tried the Squier Mustangs which were ok, then I tried the Mikey Way signature and was seriously impressed. Head and shoulders above the others. I nearly bought it as it was less than 250 quid but I decided I would never be able to live with the sparkly silver finish so didn't. Good bass though if you like the look of it. Les
  8. You defo need to speak to him first. He might be a stand up guy and completely mortified by what's happened and want to put it right. We can put the public crucifixion on hold till after we hear what he has to say.
  9. Never thought of a tool bag. Good call. I'll investigate.
  10. I currently use a smallish holdall that comfortably carries what I need. Leads, tuners, mics, tools, tape etc but it's a bit of a pain cos' it's just one space and it's difficult to find anything. Has anyone got a good solution or adapted something that's not gig specific but works a treat ? I was thinking of something like a smallish fishing tackle bag with a large space for leads but some compartments for organising stuff. Les
  11. I want one. Can I have a link to the Fender one you bought please. Les
  12. Les

    Banjo pickup

    Cheers Pete, but that's too extreme an option, plus we'd have to prise our lads strat out of his cold, dead fingers
  13. As above, immaculate with the box, power supply, instuctions etc. Bought it 18 months ago to have a play with various effects to see what they all do with a view to getting some separate pedals. Well I've now seen what they all do and I won't use any of the rather nice noises it has. It's now under my feet so I would like to swap it for something of a similar value that someone's not using like a compressor an AB Y pedal a couple of DI boxes a preamp a multi power supply something else musically interesting (bunch of leads, stands, a weird instrument that I'll never master) or a nice christmas pullover/ Nicole Sherzingers personal mobile number. Also play acoustic, classical and upright electric, so anything interesting from that point of view would be good. Les
  14. Les

    Banjo pickup

    [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1385644545' post='2290592'] We've never had much joy with microphones. They're OK for an acoustic band but if you're trying to amplify something against a drummer and backline they're not much use. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1385653217' post='2290730'] . We found banjo pickups to be almost universally fraught with disaster. [/quote][/quote] [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1385654848' post='2290754'] The pickup phase our guy went through was a horrific mess of gaffa tape and wires, with feedback being a constant problem. I suppose it also depends on if you an acoustic act or a rock band. [/quote] This is starting to look like the whole thing is going to be too much hassle Thank you all anyway for your wisdom Les
  15. Les

    Banjo pickup

    [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1385653302' post='2290731'] Just seen this bit - guess that blows my theory out the water... but it has worked for us in many bands. [/quote] I'm absolutely sure this can be done well with a mic just as you say but not one that's set for vocals. I suppose we could just use another mic as whatever way we go it's going to need it's own channel if we're not using his vocal mic. Like I say, just looking for the quickest, cheapest, easiest solution. Thanks for your input. Les
  16. Les

    Banjo pickup

    [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1385642770' post='2290553'] Without wishing to seem nosey, what went wrong with the mic? I ask because I've seen live gigs where the banjo player does exactly that and it sounds fine. Any half decent condenser should do I would have thought - not forgetting to position it so as to avoid unwanted effects of various kinds. (Perhaps not an SM58 though...) [/quote] I've seen banjo's mic'ed like this too, but I think the mic has been set up for the banjo as opposed to being someone's vocal mic moved into position. The problem was volume, it wasn't loud enough, the mic is set for vocals and vocals are quite a loud input, certainly louder than the banjo. I also do the sound and to be honest I don't want to be messing with the gain on the mic and I also don't have time cos' I'm switching from bass guitar to electric upright and harmonica so I have enough on my plate. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1385644532' post='2290591'] NEVER, EVER PICKUP A BANJO! That is all. [/quote] Take your point Paul, I'm sure there's as much joy to be had micing an acoustic instrument well as there is to had micing drums (I could spend hours on the kick drum and not get bored) but I'm looking for a working pub bands solution to this not the one I would chose were I in a stadium band. Thanks for the other reply's guy's. I can see they come in all prices, 100 quid would unfortunately break the bank so I'm really looking to see if anyone's used any of the cheaper solutions with reasonable results. Les
  17. We need to use a banjo on one song. The guitarist has one and can make a reasonable enough fist of what we need him to play. I foolishly thought just dropping his vocal mic down to the banjo would do the job but I was wronger than a wrong thing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyone got any recommendations for a reasonable banjo pickup that won't break the bank ? He has a Tanglewood banjo with a solid back. Much obliged Les.
  18. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1385297000' post='2286485'] Played at a nice pub last night. Decent sized venue, good beer, nice people - problem is there were hardly any of them there! [/quote] Same for us a week or so ago. New gig for us. Landlady apologised, said it had been quiet for a few weeks, those that were in liked us and we got rebooked. We did drag an extra 6 people of our own in but seeing as we were just under 30 miles away from home we were never going to get loads there, We're in the fortunate position gig wise to be a bit picky these days, so as far as were concerned the pubs got one more go at it, if it's a flat night when we go back, then we won't be going again. We do what we can to promote our gigs, often a lot more than the pub itself, but if your on the pub circuit you really want venues that have a decent audience because the standard of band they generally have is enough to bring punters in knowing that their local always has a decent band on. We still do what we can to help gigs that are new to trying live music, ie reduced fee and heavy promotion from us but at the end of the day if it's well out of your area you have to rely on the pub more than your following.
  19. Singers ! can't live with em', can't beat them to death with a piece of 3 be 2.
  20. Fab
  21. Jacko it is what it is I suppose if you want the gig. Do you have any pre-existing conditions ?? I'm diabetic and couldn't for the life of me see this making a difference but before I chucked £500 at the medical I would be asking the question, if you see what I mean ? Les
  22. 500 quid for a medical When you said cruise ship I thought you were playing in the band not driving the f******r
  23. Do you have the appropriate bassface to go with the grunting ?
  24. Well that's well and truly raised the bar. Spiffing.
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