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Everything posted by Les

  1. Thank you that's really kind of you. I think I've sorted it. It's smooth again and I can't feel any of the abrasions. Think I can feel a little where the lacquer has been rubbed off but I don't know how much of that is cos' I'm looking for it. Not sure it'll make any difference in anger, cheers Les
  2. Ta boys, giving it a whirl now, feels like it's going to take quite a bit of sanding to get it smooth
  3. Managed to knock me bass over on Saturday, fell on it's front and the lacquer on the back of then neck has cracked a bit round the skunk stripe. It's a VM Jazz, doesn't stand me at much but I am very partial to it and it's been my gigging bass since I got it about 2 years ago. It plays fine and there's no other damage that I can see but the lacquer is cracked, raised a bit and I can feel it under my hand so I need to sort it. Not worried about preserving a finish etc just want it back to being smooth. Can I just sand it smooth or am I missing something ? ta Les
  4. How else would I respond to the singers 27th request for more monitor ?
  5. 4-1-0-0.5 ish
  6. Which ones have you tried @kevvo66 and what didn't you like about them ?
  7. No doubt, I'm astonished how good these basses are. May pick a VM fretless up just to swap necks That;s grim innit ?
  8. True Wonder why it's done like that ? Would imagine a machine's done the work on both mine and the fretless version but the fretless is much more thing of beauty. Both around the same price point.
  9. Have to. It’s become a quest now.
  10. I can’t believe you lot are going to make me get a screwdriver and do this. 🤣
  11. That would be classed as a result.
  12. Ooh yes please.
  13. Still sounds like a lot of holes on 2 VM’s 🤣 come on lads surely someone’s done this ???
  14. That's a lot of hole round that neck pickup innit ?
  15. Was nice ta and I ran off without doing the washing up as per usual. Surely I'm not going to have to get my screw driver out ? I have 2 VM's, that must be like 20 screws in all. There must be 5 thousand VM Jazz owners on here.
  16. Will it be a thing of beauty I can run without the scratchplate like the fretless VM's or will it be a world war 1 trench ? I know I could just take a look but I'm sure you've done it and Paula is making my tea for 5.30 so I have to go out now. Ta Les
  17. Not as many as we want hence the promo. One of our problems is the Troubadours are heavily booked so knocks a lot out of the diary for the Shelbys.
  18. I'm quite pleased with it 😁
  19. We bolt our front lighting to the top of the PA speakers, many plastic cabs these days have resessed nuts on top, presume they are for flying them. Works well and cuts down on stands.
  20. I do this now, took some work.
  21. Yep, you can do this. Not incredibly difficult arrangements to remember, some quite repetitive once you've learned the line. If it were me I'd "learn" Gold dust woman, obviously the Chain's signature bit, the Rhiannon pattern and nail the stop in don't stop, to me the most musical thing bout the song. When I was in the house band at a local jam night we busked Don't Stop with no notice and everybody stopped at the right time, made the song. Good luck and do let us know Les
  22. Sounds about right, it's a little different with singers cos' of keys so a bit of communication re keys may be in order. Past experience would compel me to speak to them before hand about what they are expecting re commitment and money and explain what we would be wanting from them. That way your're not wasting each others time if your both on totally different wavelengths but I would say the mechanics of what you have in mind are good. Les
  23. Have you got enough PA to put the kit through ? You'll certainly have an easier time finding the problem frequency and rolling it off on the desk I should think
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