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Everything posted by Les

  1. You surprise me saiyng that PA won't cope with your bass through it.
  2. It won't at all. We'll all get it. Bravo.
  3. Practically everything mentioned in this thread annoys me.
  4. Good luck. Please keep us posted. Les
  5. Too much going wrong there pal.
  6. Bargainous and splendid kebab and chips last night from Paiza Corner and a cracking new to us gig at the Market, both of the parish of Farnworth.

    Great value at 3.7 of your earth pounds for this apres gig feast. Manned up and had a little bit of chile sauce too.



    market farnworth.jpg

  7. One strike and out for me these days with leads. If it doesn't work first time when we're setting up it ends up in the bin behind the bar so it doesn't clog the lead bag up for he next 12 months.
  8. Ah, you'll be talking about ex band members won't you ?
  9. Slightly weird, using someone else's gear, stood on the wrong side of the stage. Short 40 minute spot then the rest of the nigh having a few pints and watching the other 2 excellent bands and £3020 raised for the Alzheimer's society. All in all a winner of a gig.
  10. Managed to finally get my nose in on a locked thread, feel a proper BC'er now. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Les


      I suppose next on my agenda should be getting one of my own threads locked.:biggrin:

    3. SpondonBassed



      In addition; until you can claim to have been the direct cause of a lockout your victory cry is quite insubstantial.

      I have to express concern at your thinking however.  I'd hate to lose the PGKG* if you got yourself a ban.  Think of your responsibilities towards the wider community, the children, if you will.

      *Post Gig Kebab Guide

    4. Daz39


      'children' is the right word for a distinct subset thereof!!

  11. Great donner and chips from Peter Pans and a great gig at Wangies pretty much next door to each other in the parish of Eccles has restored order to the universe.

    A dead light and a speaker handle needing repair couldn't dampen our spirits with not having to go to McDonalds for apres gig feasting.






    1. lowregisterhead


      Normal service is resumed.

  12. Have to say this day and age if we auditioned someone who had no way of being contacted other than a phone call, they would not get the job.
  13. Sorry, missed that the other day, Tex & The Hardcore Troubadours.
  14. Messenger's great for running the band. one message to all members who can pick it up at their leisure. It's a good tool.
  15. Here you go lads, this should help.
  16. I know of you pal, heard good things.
  17. What's your band @rushscored4 ? We're prob on the same circuit Les
  18. Much of the above is enough to send me on a killing spree. Is it just me ? Les
  19. Another kebab fail. The situation is now at crisis point and threatening the very existence of the band.

    Despite not having our inoculations and and having no pet passport for our guitarist we ventured to the

    disputed border town of Earby in either Lancashire or Yorkshire, no one seems to know.

    We got a fifty quid bonus and free beer and had a good night but it was sullied by the towns total lack of kebabery. 

    Another dash to a 24 hour Maccies saved us from a fate worse than a fate worse than death but this is now two

    fails on the bounce and begs the question "what's the point of being in a band ? "




    earby cons.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. SpondonBassed


      Advanced stagecraft.

    3. TheGreek


      The solution to the band problem would be to play my Mum's house - great kebabs - but she'll find a way to nag about something/everything/everybody.

      Not sure how bad the band politics are...but if it's desperate

    4. mentalextra


      How do you resist bouncing while playing!:D

  20. Get a printing firm to do you bespoke table tent cards. Cut a hole at the top if you need to drop a speaker pole into the sub. You'd need large ones but you could have your bands logo on them. The sub safes would have worked out at 260 quid for our Peavey MK11 subs. Crazy money.
  21. I really can't see the justification in their pricing if I'm honest. There's got to be a diy method that makes sense.
  22. 22 when I counted. We have 36 to come this year with more to go in. I suppose it would depend on the fee's they are puling.
  23. They appeal to me. I like a band that knows what entertaining an audience involves. I would pursue this to be honest if it was practical, but would like to see a few more gigs in the diary. Les
  24. I don't use my pedal board much these days but when I did I put the receiver in it, then into the chain as you would with your guitar lead if you had one. Obviously still one lead to your amp but that's not what you would buy a wireless system to defeat.
  25. Line 6 G30 for me too. Had it a couple of years now. Heard good things about the Smooth hound too.
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