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Everything posted by Les

  1. In all honesty there is a line to be drawn, I think there's some mardy gets around but it isn't worth an incident. It only needs one of the band to be stuck doesn't it ?
  2. It's cold and horrible here in the centre of the known universe but we haven't got any snow really. So far we've had 5 bands pull on our circuit. Two gigs were within a couple miles of me but our drummer is away with work and of the three deps we use regularly ones in Finland, ones snowed in, and the other ones gigging, ah well. Anywhere else having this with their bands ?
  3. Scary but at California won't care if you use it to store firearms so look on the bright side
  4. I'm far too serious about my music to resort to stage gimmicks or antics.
  5. Excellent start to the kebabing weekend, got some pussie as well.

    Very tasty chicken burger meal inc. chips and a drink for less than three and a half earth pounds. 

    By default as it was the first takeaway we came across trying to escape Bolton, lost as we always are trying to get out of Bolton

    as they were close to closing and it was all they had left. Would defo go for this again.

    This little fella was in the quiet bar round the corner on his stool as he usually is keeping an eye on proceedings.




    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. lowregisterhead


      A chicken burger?? It's not really a kebab, is it? Well, is it?? C-, must do better. (Killer moggie removing tip of bass player's chicken flavoured finger not pictured.)

    3. Les


      Kebabs seem to not be mandatory these days though the gig will be declared an out and out disaster if there is no food whatsoever on the way home.

    4. SpondonBassed


      Will Kattomeat feature in a feline friendly future spin-off from the Post-Gig Good Food Guide?  Moggies like their meaty chunks too you know.

  6. We've done Blue Hotel and had a couple of try's at Wicked Game. Guitarist in fairness nailed them both, soundwise and sparse playing. Hard to do vocally of you don't have his range naturally though. We bagged them both in the end. Thankfully our lad appreciates that silence is a note and also we never hear a peep out him between numbers.
  7. Very much so. Every time I quote for any private function I realise I should have doubled it by the end of the night.
  8. Nope, not with us. Ah, that would be the soon to be ex-drummer.Soon as in that night as soon as the trailer was packed.
  9. Thanks all. I now have an idea when our opportunity will be.
  10. Thanks for that pal. We're quite an oiled machine and 45 mins is probably doable. It was the "when" during the proceedings I was unsure of.
  11. Not really our bag but we've done them and we're always set up before the guests arrive. With this one the ceremony, meal and evening reception is in the same room which is new to us. When do you normally get the chance to set up and sound check ? Ta Les
  12. A return to normality for the weekly kebab shenanigans.  Excellent ham and pineapple pizza from Delicious Pizza of Burnley. 

    The singer assures me I missed a trick by not going for the kebab but he is obviously not to be trusted after his betrayal the other week and I suspect he was just trying to make me regret my choice.

    No naked women or dancing on top of the trailer either, just another normal good night in a good venue with a good crowd and the bar staff dressing up and entering in to the spirit, and our two new songs were well received. Bonus :biggrin:

    All's well on the kebab trail.




    talbot bar staff.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lozz196


      Both are fine with me, though only ever really get the opportunity for the pineapple on pizza option - mainly as I don`t have a trailer, and like my vitamin C!

    3. SpondonBassed


      Normality restored.  Phew!

    4. TheGreek


      Are you planning on publishing "The Bass Players Good Kebab guide" at any time? 

  13. I can't see anything saying they want to rehearse every week. I too think rehearsals are just one of those things, not something I'd do if I didn't need to but I'll do them cheerfully when necessary. The caveats are far from unreasonable, I read it as multiple bands are ok just make sure you've got some time for this and you wouldn't be taking on too much if you joined this band as well. The communication thing is reasonable too. If it takes you 3 days to respond then your pretty much out of the question for any team activity to be honest. The last one is applicable to any band. Les (who wouldn't be interested in this band either)
  14. That is beyond beautiful @thebrig. Have you taken leave of your senses ?
  15. As an advert I think it's pretty much perfect, sadly the knobs who fail on the criteria may still apply but they can't really do any more with the advert.
  16. oh
  17. Much better kebabing last night. Super donner and chips from Pizza Corner in Farnworth, only the bands second visit but won't be the last.

    An extra 50 quid at the end of the night, booked for a gay wedding next April, booked for new years eve and another words fail me moment, with video.

    Regular readers will remember the girls in their outfits on top of the trailer from their previous pub 500 yards up the road.



    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Les


      Sounds like your is a different beast mate. Ours literally are plug and play, make sure we're on a different channel to each other from the 6 we have to choose from and away we go. We've never had a dropout when on stage, we sometimes get the odd dropout when we're running around, behind pillars, behind the bar or outside but that's rare to be honest and they never miss a beat if we are actually were we should be.

    3. lowregisterhead


      Thanks for that Les - I'm looking at the G30, G50 and G70 as we speak! The G10 is basic, only 3 channels, and a little cheap and cheerful, to be honest. You gets what you pays for, after all....

    4. Les


      Ours were about 130 quid I think.  All plastic but fairly durable, we're hard on gear but haven't had any probs with them. If I remember rightly I wanted the G70 as it was all metal but the cost twice as much or more.

  18. mmmm.... have to say I'm tempted.
  19. Slightly better result for the second of the years Kebab hunting weekends.  Singer betrayed me by saying his missus had got him fish and chips at home so wouldn't be dining.

    No probs, huge McDonalds lit up like a space ship 10 yards in front of the new to us but local gig. Shut as a shut thing when I got there. :|

    Cue mad dash back to the centre of the known universe and a reliable donner kebab from the ever excellent Tasty Bite.

    Another new venue tonight in Kearsley so hoping for a result and no band mate betrayal.

    1. PawelG


      Fingers crossed for you man.

    2. lowregisterhead


      Bloody singers, eh? He'll be asking you to carry his mic next!

    3. SpondonBassed


      Re: The missus' official statement -

      Is 'I'll have fish and chips ready for you when you come home.' code for 'I might let you show me your etchings if you come home early with fish and chips for once.'?

      That's the only acceptable explanation for you being stood up.

      Aw.  Better luck for the next one.

  20. Does 18v mean two battery's ?
  21. If so what are your thoughts ? ta Les
  22. Les


    Kinda what @uk_lefty said for me.
  23. You can clean basses ?
  24. Absolute inauspicious start to this years Kebab hunt. Iffy gig, falling into the gear punters, arguing with p*iss ed's, no kebab and a 11.30am

    photo shot this morning in the snow.

    Please don't let this be how my gigging year is going to pan out.  :|

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Les


      At last the early photo shoot turned out ok.

      Shelby Bros poster.jpg

    3. alyctes


      That's cool.

    4. lowregisterhead


      Blinding photo!! :-)

  25. Carried this broken footed freeloading shirker for 6 weeks. He never missed a gig, bless him. But we banned him from sparring again at his kick boxing /kung foo / ninja turtle / far too old for this sh*t gym.
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