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Everything posted by gillento

  1. Well I made an unexpected discovery. I got an early rare MarkBass TSA500 amp (https://www.markbass.it/product/tsa-500/) - blendable solid state and tube preamp (12AX7) - 4 band eq w. semi parametric mids - 2 DIs - headphone out ..... The low eq band is at a pleasing 60hz, which makes it far more useful than most of the MB heads (40hz). When using only the tube preamp, its core sound flavour is VERY similar to the Mesa WA. I had lots of different MB heads (LM2, SA450, F1, TA501, TA503, TT500 and Ninja) but this one sounds very different!
  2. I love the sound of my Mesa WA but I need a backup/ second similar amp and don’t have the money for a WD800. What are alternatives in sound? Ashdown ROOTMASTER (RM), Aguilar TH700?
  3. the P series is described as having ceramic speakers as opposed to neo drivers
  4. Sadly the Aguilar SL range does not provide the db sound. Whereas the db 112 has a more pronounced bump in the low mids, the SL112 has this bump more in the upper mids and do not have that "weight" (no pun intended).
  5. That is the classic G&K 800/400RB way
  6. Got a custom PJ loom (2 holes, 1 tandem pot, 1 "regular" pot), basically a VVT with a bridge PU defeat. Perfect fit into my PJ and GREAT quality made. Thanks a lot!
  7. I have no idea about this, sorry. My only real Bartolini experience dates from the early 90s when I got a set of Bartolini single coils in my 77 Fender JJ (back then those were not desirable at all :)). To my ears the Bartos were rather subdued in the highs and had no clarity at all. I ended up putting the original Fender PUs back. The Big Singles by Nordstrand keep that typical clarity in the treble region but are never harsh, not even in an ash/maple JJ bass. Further they got a little push in the low mids, making them absolutely perfect for pick use as well.
  8. Big Singles are, to MY ears, the best sounding ALNICO single coil PUs ever. BUT, they don't give you any Marcus vibe at all. They are fatter in the mids. On the other hand you can get 70's style single coils by Nordstrand in a big shell. They are called Jazz Bar: https://nordstrandaudio.com/collections/5-string-soapbar-bass-pickups/products/jazz-bar-5
  9. perfect for IEM & recording , great for low volume stages
  10. Oh man.....:( GLWTS
  11. wow, I would buy your GK 800RB
  12. any idea on body wood?
  13. This is such a great sounding pedal!!! I have one of them on each of my two boards as "always on" pedal. GLWTS
  14. any idea on: - body wood - neck pocket dimensions - weight
  15. wow, it even as Nordstrand PUs!!!!! verrrryyyy nice
  16. Bought a GigRig Quartermaster from Dan. Everything went very smoothly -> recommended seller! Thanks a lot
  17. interested in the GigRig QM. Still available?
  18. These are great sounding and playing basses!! GLWTS
  19. ..... wouldn't part with mine!
  20. indeed! This is one of the rare pedals that made it onto my pedal board and apparently it will stay. GLWTS
  21. my favourite amp! ..... and a great seller as well
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