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Everything posted by gillento

  1. my gold top has a Hipshot bridge and ultralite tuners which both take care of the funny neck/forward dive
  2. The bass is located in Luxemburg, has Dunlop strap buttons, originals will be provided.
  3. [font=Helvetica]Squier Precision JV (1983)[/font] [font=Helvetica]olympic white[/font] [font=Helvetica]alder/rosewood[/font] [font=Helvetica]4,0kg[/font] [font=Helvetica]nut: 43mm[/font] [font=Helvetica]12th fret 58mm[/font] [font=Helvetica]very light dead spot at 6th fret on the G string[/font] [font=Helvetica]has LOTS of mojo (dings & dongs) but plays and sounds great[/font] [font=Helvetica]neck and finger board is fine[/font] [font=Helvetica]comes in cheap but brand new hard case by Thomann[/font] [font=Helvetica]original black pick guard is included[/font] [font=Helvetica]Selling as I left my main band and so my studio days are over and I am keeping only my five string basses.[/font] [font=Helvetica]no trades as I am thinning the herd[/font] [font=Helvetica]£720 / 850€ shipping to UK & EU included[/font] [font=Helvetica]about me: [/font] [font=Helvetica]Basschat: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=64788"]http://basschat.co.u...showtopic=64788[/url][/font] [font=Helvetica]Talkbass: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/feedback/gillento.63576/"]http://www.talkbass....gillento.63576/[/url][/font] [font=Helvetica]ebay: [url="http://feedback.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=gillento&ftab=AllFeedback""]http://feedback.ebay...llFeedback"[/url][/font] [font=Helvetica]onlybass: [url="http://forum.onlybass.com/index.php?/user/1617-gillento/"]http://forum.onlybas.../1617-gillento/[/url][/font] [font=Helvetica]facebook: [url="https://www.facebook.com/gillento"]https://www.facebook.com/gillento[/url][/font]
  4. [font=Helvetica]Lehle Sunday Drive SW: buffer & booster: £95 / 110€[/font]
  5. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1486924115' post='3235582'] .... Now I'm looking for a non class-D that doesn't weigh a ton. ..... [/quote] Mesa Walkabout
  6. [font=Helvetica]Nordstrand Big Split 5 (bridge)[/font] [font=Helvetica]- standard cover (108mm x 325mm) = Bartolini P2 size[/font] [font=Helvetica]- 19mm spacing[/font] [font=Helvetica]£86 shipping incl.[/font] [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica]Nordstrand Big Split 5 (bridge) [/font][/color] [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica]- standard cover [/font][/color][font=Helvetica](108mm x 325mm) = Bartolini P2 size[/font] [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica]- 18mm spacing with a pre-wired volume, tone, output jack harness[/font][/color] [font=Helvetica][color=#1D2129]£105 [/color] shipping incl.[/font] [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica]about me: [/font][/color] [font=Helvetica]Basschat: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=64788"]http://basschat.co.u...showtopic=64788[/url][/font] [font=Helvetica]Talkbass: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/feedback/gillento.63576/"]http://www.talkbass....gillento.63576/[/url][/font] [font=Helvetica]ebay: [url="http://feedback.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=gillento&ftab=AllFeedback""]http://feedback.ebay...llFeedback"[/url][/font] [font=Helvetica]onlybass: [url="http://forum.onlybass.com/index.php?/user/1617-gillento/"]http://forum.onlybas.../1617-gillento/[/url][/font] [font=Helvetica]facebook: [url="https://www.facebook.com/gillento"]https://www.facebook.com/gillento[/url][/font]
  7. There are a few aspects to consider: - traditional tones vs. modern scooped tones (musical fashion) I for myself, I have several reasons playing only passive instruments these days, but they all come back to the same point: sound! I did one album production with two active hi-end JJs and PJs where I had major sound issues. the studio guy (not the tech) brought in a passive JJ, a passive P and a Rick and from there on, everything went fine from there on. I discovered that passive instruments are "better" sounding especially in the studio. They produce less annoying (to the song) frequencies and are better audible (frequency-wise) in a mix. As far as dynamics are concerned, according to a very reputable preamp builder, a preamp needs at least 27 volts (as opposed to 18 or even 9 volts) to provide the same headroom as a pure passive bass. I have been playing active JJs and PJs (Sadowsky, esh, Trace Elliot, Lakland,...) for a very long time. As soon as I got my first passive Nordstrand VP5, I haven't bought a single active bass again. Nowadays I am using two Nordy VP5, a Reverend Rumblefish R5L, a Squier JV P and an Epiphone Jack Casady and all of them do fit right into the mix of any band I am playing with.
  8. Mesa Walkabout or Ashdown ABM!
  9. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1483963830' post='3211400'] Totally different league in terms of build quality. Bergantino make real pro-level gear. Not sure I've eve heard a Berg cab I didn't like. Definitely sure I've never heard a Barefaced I did. Bass Direct almost always have a good range of Berg in stock and the Gallery in London generally have some too. The HD series are sometimes a bit harder to track down though because so many people have moved away from ceramic magnets. They sound great when whacked up loud in a live band though [/quote] Owned and played both. In my book, the Berg build quality is better than the BF. The BB2 finish always bugged me. I am glad I never hit it hard. Anyway, the BB2 may be considered as a FRFR cab (full range flat response) whereas the HD210 is definitely more colored. Nowadays I am playing a more colored 2x 115" cab setup.
  10. In my experience the heavy/ultralight difference is bigger with amps than with cabs. The sound difference between ceramic/neo drivers is not as big as between transfomer/class AB/ class D amps. I used to play heavy aguilar cabs (db212, db112, db410, gs212, gs112) for a very long time. Nowadays I am playing a Markbass 104HF (sits just between the GS212 and db212 tonally) and two NY151Randy Jackson cabs. These MB cabs do sound great! As for amps, my experience is based on the Sadowsky SA200, Aguilar db750, Ashdown ABM500 (all of them ), Mesa Walkabout Markbass SA450, LM2 and TA503 (all class AB), the Genz Benz Streamliner 600, Shuttle 6.0 and the Aguilar TH500 (all class D).
  11. Hey Lozz, Are you in a position to compare the ABM600 to a 500EVO3 ? I really love the EVO3 but I am trying to decide to go for the EVO4 or not. In the meantime I am playing a Mesa Walkabout.
  12. [font=Helvetica][attachment=234658:GKamporama - 1.jpg][/font] [font=Helvetica]my amp chasing days are over, so I selling this unit[/font] [font=Helvetica]combine 8 amps and 8 cabs[/font] [font=Helvetica]perfect for studio work, intstant comparisons & shootouts[/font] [font=Helvetica]19”, 2 units high[/font] [font=Helvetica]comes with rack ears[/font] [font=Helvetica]very good condition[/font] [font=Helvetica]£145 / 170€ shipping included[/font]
  13. http://nordstrandpickups.com/products/npvj4se-set/
  14. As for amps, I have gone back to MOSFET powered amps (Mesa Walkabout, Ashdown ABM). My cabs are neo loaded.
  15. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1482005683' post='3196971'] .... So today I purchased a 55-01 from The Gallery . NBD thread up a little later! Si [/quote] This is the perfect base (pun intended) for a couple of Nordstrand PUs ..... since you mentioned them:) Big Singles in my book.
  16. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1481859283' post='3195787'] ..... Could always drop some Nordys in there too Si [/quote] +1
  17. Did something similar when I was still playing my Sadowsky SA200 all tube amp....Auralex Gramma pad. Nowadays my Mesa Walkakout is fine weight wise on top of my cabs..... With my MarkBass Nano backup head I am using MoPads by Auralex: http://www.auralex.com/product/mopad-mopad-xl/
  18. Nordstrand VP5: passive P 5 string in perfection! very close second: Reverend R5L: 35" JJ-ish
  19. My first Sadowsky MV5 had a very similar blemish. The bass sounded and played great, so I was glad to keep it and play it.
  20. [quote name='drums1977' timestamp='1481322635' post='3191590'] A... I play regularly with a Svt vr and as much as it is great, I have never thought WOW....... [/quote] my thoughts on Ampeg all tube heads as well! Since you are considering tube sounding hybrids as well, have a look at the Mesa Walkabout (NOT Subway). After playing lots of 500watts hybrids over the last decade (Ashdown ABM, Eden, Markbass TA503, ....) the Mesa is still the best sounding between all of these and its output is more than enough with a single 410, 212 or two 115.
  21. ok My Weber recommandation was based on you mentioning the Hiwatt/Reeves amps. My personal tube amps experineces are based on the few tube amps I had and played extensively: Ampeg V4BH, Weber 100 & 200, Sadowsky SA200. The difference in sound between the Weber 100 & 200 are minimal. The Ampeg is on the other side of the spectrum whereas the SA200 lies in between both "extremes" The db750 I had is more of a SA200 style sound with a more limited eq. My point is not all tube amps are sounding ampeggish or hiwattish. So, what's your flavour?
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