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Everything posted by gillento

  1. Thanks for your offer, but that one is far too refined for my needs:)
  2. The LM is class AB. As I wrote, I do not intend to bash either class D, AB, D ..... or switching power supplies.
  3. [font=Helvetica]Selling/trading my Ashdown Klystron 500 amp.[/font]
  4. as per request, additional pics have been added addition trade (part ex) options: TC Blacksmith, Eden WT800 (c)
  5. [color=#141414][font=Georgia,] I joined a band about 6 minths ago and I have been struggling fitting my bass sound into that band.[/font][/color][color=#141414][font=Georgia,] We have a hard hitting drummer, a hammond player and two 4x12" guitar players.[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=Georgia,] No I have tried:[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=Georgia,] Ampeg SVT CL w. 810 cab[/font][/color][color=#141414][font=Georgia,] Ashdown ABM500 w. 810 cab, Aguilar db212 and Ashdown CL414H cab.[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=Georgia,] Now, recently I tried a LittleMark Lm2 with that db212 cab, and voilà, everything sounds great and everyone is happy.[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=Georgia,] What amp with a conventional power section (aka heavy amp) does that MarkBass sound best?[/font][/color][color=#141414][font=Georgia,] I just want to have another option that can be more easily repaired.[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=Georgia,] Please, his is NOT a Class-D or switching power supply bashing thread![/font][/color]
  6. [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]Selling/trading my Sadowksy MV5. [/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]Out of my 6 Sados (NYC and Metro) this has been the lightest (3,7kg / lbs 8.15)[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]It is a very early Metro (SN 360) but I have had it upgraded with the VTC to the specs of nowadays.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]Action and playabilty is superb on this one.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]There are some dings and dongs and some missing finish on the neck just opposite the 5th and 7th fret.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]comes with original case (not quite mint anymore)[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]Selling this one as I only play passive basses nowaydays as they fir my musical situation better[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]so: [/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]ash/maple[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]Sadowksy humcancelling PUs[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]Sadowsky preamp with VTC[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]60’s PU spacing[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][b][size=4]3,7 kg / lbs 8.15[/size][/b][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]w. original case[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]1900€ / 1370£ shipping incl.[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4](part ex) trades: passive 5 string P or PJ, Reverend Rumblefish RL5 or Brad Houser BH5, G&L L2500 or Sadowsky Metro PJ5[/size][/size][/font]
  7. Yes, all their tube stuff is made in their Essex custom shop
  8. sold [color=#333333]pending payment[/color]
  9. VERY NICE, indeed! A P with either a VTBAss as main growl and a bit of overdrive provided by a Tech21 Leeds gets you VERY close!
  10. new pics from the inside added:
  11. gillento


    [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]MusicMan Stingray 5 (2006)[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]sounding more like a pre EB/Clasic due to:[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]Nordstrand MM5.2 Alnico pickup ([url="http://nordstrandpickups.com/products/mm5-2/"]http://nordstrandpic...products/mm5-2/[/url])[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]Nordstrand 2b-mm preamp ([url="http://nordstrandpickups.com/products/2b-mm-preamp/"]http://nordstrandpic...s/2b-mm-preamp/[/url])[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]passive treble cut[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]4.6kg (rather light for a SR5)[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]original case[/size][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][size=4]very good condition, no dings or dongs: the tiny white spots are reflections of the light, tiny scratch on the headstock[/size][/size][/font]
  12. [b]trade options added: [b][size=4]G&L L-2500 or L-1505 (maple neck preferred)[/size][/b][/b]
  13. That depends on your source. My passive P bass hasn't enough output to hit it hard enough. But my active Sadowsky MV5 with some low and treble boost gives a little breakup..... far from BB territory though (which I don't like anyway)
  14. it boosts the input a bit so breakup starts earlier especially with lower output basses
  15. the OC2 is sold as well
  16. [font=Helvetica][size=3][b][size=4]Selling my Ashdown CTM100 as I don’t get along with the interactive eq of all tube amps [/size][/b][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][b][size=4]-100 watts all tube (8 ohm, 4 ohm, 2 ohm)[/size][/b][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][b][size=4]- passive eq & push presets[/size][/b][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][b][size=4]- 2x KT88 w. adjustable bias[/size][/b][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][b][size=4]- Ashdown Custom Shop [/size][/b][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][b][size=4]- 19 kg / lbs 42[/size][/b][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][b][size=4]with custom hard case (Thon) & cover (Roqsolid)[/size][/b][/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][b][size=4]very good condition[/size][/b][/size][/font]
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