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Everything posted by gillento

  1. the OC2 is on hold as well.... or rather pending payment
  2. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1425173080' post='2704780'] What about the Rootmaster head? That sounds pretty damn good and the 400W version is 4kg. And they're about to release the 800W version (also 4kg) with a polished Stainless Steel front (I have already got an order in for one of those, factory direct, coz I am a bit excitable....) [/quote] When are they annonced to ship? Also interested in the RM800
  3. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1425144119' post='2704487'] ...My experience of them is that not all Octavers had lighter paint, I've had a couple of the earlier 'Rs' that have had darker paint that some other earlier 'Rs'. Decent price for a boxed one......if I hadn't just gone from 9 to 4 OC2s, I'd be tempted Si [/quote] The box is not "original" as it has written "Octave" all over it. I wasn't aware this could be an "issue" so I did not mention it "expressis verbis" but the pics are showing it.
  4. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1424818990' post='2700940'] In pursuit of the ultimate quality clean tone, I tried all sorts of amps, but settled on a pre/power setup. It sounds fantastic, has miles of headroom and is very transparent. What pre and power amps do you have in mind? [/quote] The RMI Basswitch IQ/DI is your best bet for preamp!
  5. pending deal on the SA Eq
  6. [font=Helvetica]n...[/font] [font=Helvetica]closed[/font]
  7. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1423051753' post='2679955'] ... but if the JO5 is fundemenatlly the same as a DJ5 soundwise...??? then the passive Lakland needs a pre amp. I'm pretty sure they don't have one but a JE would liven it up. Sorry, not much help... I like the DJ in terms of the RW and blocks but I feel they lack character generally and are too polite a sound, hence the need for a pre amp install. [/quote] To me it's the other way round: I prefer my '06 DJ5 w. Aeros passive...... on the other hand, my Sadowsky MV5, I like better with the preamp:)
  8. the BB2 x2 mini stack is VERY good!!!. I played it with my Aguilar db750 and my Ashdown ABM500 and it absolutely sounds great!
  9. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1422277917' post='2670531'] 8lb maybe? [/quote] That would be incredibly light for a UV.... but on the other hand 8kg is incredibly heavey EVEN vor a UV...... maybe 8kg incl. case
  10. [quote name='Prince_phil' timestamp='1421926595' post='2666623'] Hi The bass is 8kg. I could ship to Germany- id obviously want the bass insured and tracked! Phil [/quote] 8kg, really?
  11. Had a very friendly deal with Kevin regarding a Hanson PU. He is VERY nice to deal with!
  12. Traded my IEM with Sean and everything went smooth as butter! Thanks
  13. That's what I was thinking, it's Dave Swift's former bass.
  14. possible trade?: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/250630-ftfs-nordstrand-nordy-vj5-ashmaple-big-singles/
  15. Selling a TH500 by Aguilar in used condition. Got this one in a trade but it is not quite my cup of tea Have a look at the pics please. [url="https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/103460857870169247954/albums/6089376146544947441"]https://plus.google....376146544947441[/url] about me: Basschat: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=64788"]http://basschat.co.u...showtopic=64788[/url] Talkbass: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/feedback/gillento.63576/"]http://www.talkbass....gillento.63576/[/url] ebay: [url="http://feedback.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=gillento&ftab=AllFeedback""]http://feedback.ebay...llFeedback"[/url] onlybass: [url="http://forum.onlybass.com/index.php?/user/1617-gillento/"]http://forum.onlybas.../1617-gillento/[/url] facebook: [url="https://www.facebook.com/gillento"]https://www.facebook.com/gillento[/url]
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