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Everything posted by FlatEric

  1. Book arrived! Amazon - Speedy! Yep, I'm in there! I have had a quick flick through and it looks very interesting. This may be a cover to cover read - loads of pics. These are mine. I'm sure anyone remotely interested in Peavey or in a story of how the new kids in town, made a go of it, would really enjoy this. With regard to lusting after a Forty. . . . . I will be starting to break down my large collection of T-40's, sometime next year and just keep four or five. I was going to start this year but just didn't get around to it. If you are genuinely interested and are OK with a long wait, drop me a line and I'll put your name down as a possible - there are a couple already but there are plenty to go around! Anyone who gets the book - stick up a reply, I would like to know what you think. Cheers.
  2. Fame, at last. . . . . . well just a little tiny bit!! Way back in January, a guy call Willie Mosely - (writes for Vintage Guitar) - contacted me, as he had seen how much Peavey content there was in my blog. He had read the T-60/T-40 articles and found them interesting and informative, especially the part about the cases. He was in the process of writing a book on Peavey Guitars and their history. Various emails went back and forth over the next few months and in time, he said "thank you, I'll be in touch". Not heard anything for ages and then I had an email confirming that the book had been published and was on sale. I have been credited with some images! Top Job! "Turns to camera". . . . "Nice!" The book has been duly ordered and it's on it's way. I will have a read and report back. Cheers.
  3. Looks right and straight to me. TRC missing but that's not a big issue, they can be got. Blades, nice grain and great looking case. A very fair price, if someone is looking for a Forty.
  4. Ooooo! Never got to see it! Not many T-20 on this side of the pond.
  5. [quote name='wotsy' timestamp='1438916688' post='2838663'] A couple of great looking basses I wouldn't mind owning SD Curlee: [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/sd-curlee-bass-guitar-w-hardcase-original-late-1970s-early-80s/1128063990"]http://www.gumtree.c...-80s/1128063990[/url] Ibanez Roadster: [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/ibanez-roadster-4string-bass-guitar-/1128196002"]http://www.gumtree.c...tar-/1128196002[/url] [/quote] Someone get that Ibanez. . . . . Quick! Great bass!!
  6. Hi. It's a Blazer pretending to be an RB650 and looks a very nice job. This is an RB650. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/ibanez-rb-650-hot-marquee-and-davy.html"]http://flatericbassa...e-and-davy.html[/url] You can see the subtle differences. You have a very nice bass there!!! I would hang onto it!
  7. This is my Guitar/Bass. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/09/reeve-twin-progtasic.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/09/reeve-twin-progtasic.html[/url] I always wanted a Guitar on top and Bass on bottom, as I find it easier that way. Played one many years ago, liked it but then struggled to find one, over the years. Ironically, I sold a 70's P to a BC'er, who had just sold his Shergold - Guitar over Bass! I would say the key thing is playability - something you can get on with. Some are really awkward to play. Playing bar (barre) chords on the lower neck, can prove to be a challenge! Some do balance - Mr Lee does - something that looks good but dives to the floor soon gets very tiring. Two outputs, for me, are better than a stereo splitter. The best piece of advice, having played one, is try and find a headless one. Gives you what you want - Guitar & Bass, lighter, balanced and easy to manage. A lot of fun, whatevever you get, so long as it is not too heavy. Cheers.
  8. Got it!! [url="http://www.inlaystickers.com/products/small-custom-dots-1-8-for-fret-side-markers"]http://www.inlaystickers.com/products/small-custom-dots-1-8-for-fret-side-markers[/url] Thanks! Result! Cheers.
  9. WOW! That was quick! I think this may have been it, although the one one I (think) remembered, had a section for just side markers. . . . or is it just me, making it up? I only need them for the side. I'll 'ave another gander! Cheers.
  10. Oooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Just when I have made a pledge to downsize! Rare over here. Very nice indeed! Good luck.
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1437587837' post='2827360'] Great Scott! A friend of mine had this [i]exact [/i]guitar and I had a Kay guitar, both played through a Woollies 15W 'Audition' amp. This was 1973, 1974 or thereabouts, just as I got my very first bass (Avon EB0 copy). Happy days. Actually not, but hey. GLWTS. [/quote] Ha!! Sounds just like our lot, back in the same period. Ahhh, the Seventies. . . . Man! My mate had one of these. Great condition - can't be many like that!
  12. A couple of months back ish, there was a post about stick on side markers. Some of my lot have brass markers, which when new, 30+ years ago, must have sparkled nicley. Being under the lacquer and have now gone quite dark (also I am now of an age where things aren't quite as clear!!!! ) and in low level lighting are a little difficult to make out clearly. So. . . . I'm sure I saw on here something about stick on side markers but having searched for the post, I can't find it. Can someone point me in the right direction? Taaaaaaaaaa.
  13. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1437418279' post='2825857'] I spotted this on Friday and at £100 knew it was a bargain. 84 Fury with slanted SF pickup and oddly a rosewood fretboard. I've only really seen these with maple before though I think Flat Eric might have one, fella has everything else [attachment=196781:Fury 84.jpg] Damn fine P bass with a slightly narrower neck than the T-20,infact I found very little difference between the two. Same story with my early 90's Fury.Does everything a P bass should just with that wee bit more kick. And I'd be kicking myself if I'd passed on it [/quote] Very nice! I had two Fury's - both red - the earlier type, not the same as the one you show. These: [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2012/01/peavey-fury-bass.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2012/01/peavey-fury-bass.html[/url] The Super Ferrites are truly great pick-ups. I have them in Foundation basses - plenty of tone, brightness and punch. Nice! These are my Foundations: [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2011/05/fender-jazz-and-peavey-foundation.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2011/05/fender-jazz-and-peavey-foundation.html[/url] [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/peavey-foundation-line-around-head.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/peavey-foundation-line-around-head.html[/url] [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/peavey-foundation-roger-glover-ritchie.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/peavey-foundation-roger-glover-ritchie.html[/url] I think you win this time squire. . . . . . Never had one that you have. Just a thought. . . . . are you aming to get every bass that Peavey made?? If we are talking about the 70's to 80's, I think you have almost cracked it! Top job, that man! Cheers.
  14. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1436521368' post='2818790'] That's rather lovely - and rather rare. Top-end, replica-standard Matsumoku build from the late 70s, this'll be basically the same as the Aria Pro branded version: [url="http://www.matsumoku.org/models/ariaproii/catalogs/77_lclsst/77_lc-ls-st_pg7.jpg.html"]http://www.matsumoku...st_pg7.jpg.html[/url] £175 sounds like a bit of a steal for this. J. [/quote] Deifinately a steal!! I've got one and it's a cracker. The bridge pick-up is very slightly microphonic, which live (I have it gigged half a dozen times) is not an issue - other than that, it's MINT and a joy to play. This is mine, which I paid "considerably more" for, around 6 years ago. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/11/kimbara-from-under-bed.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/11/kimbara-from-under-bed.html[/url] Someone better "Grab" this one, as at that price, it is certainly not a "Rip" off!
  15. Shocked and sad. Innovative and a real talent. Influenced me and I'm sure many, many more on here. Another great gone.
  16. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1435099240' post='2805556'] found pics of yours on the blog... looks a wee bit different, two piece bridge and pups...? or just a variation on the same thing? [/quote] 'ello mate! The ones on the blog and the ones that Jon referred to - they are earlier - Badass/Dimarzio, from around 1977, as far as I can make out. The one I have the same as the one advertised, I haven't got around to doing on the blog yet. [attachment=195037:Balogh Odyssey Bass.jpg] Mine looks like this one. The one you show, seems to be the same in a Brown Burst. In Canada, where they were made, they go for around $800 - $1500. Oh well, another time, perhaps! Cheers.
  17. The thing with CNC, is you need to understand it to get it to work for you. To start with, on a 2D machine, you have to be inventive, to get the shapes you are looking for. You have to be skilled in CAD, as the machine won't correct your mistakes - so the drawings are really important. The drawings then need to be converted into commands - G Codes - you need to tell it what cutter it is, for offset and you need to hold the material firmly, so it doesn't wander - etc, etc. Getting to make the first one, is the hard part. The beauty of CNC is. . . . . . . when you have made one, you can make THOUSANDS all the same. The first company to use CNC to make guitars. . . . . . Peavey! If you do follow this route, I would be interested to see the results.
  18. Ooooooooooooooooh NNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno!!!! £125!!!!!!!! I need to lie down in a dark room!! These things are like rocking horse ****!! In the UK, there can only be a very small amount of these and considering I am always on the lookout, all the time - It is years between a sighting!! Gutted isn't the word. I have one the same as shown, in a cherry burst, which cost me a LOT more than that, an awful lot more, from someone who knew what is was. Any sniff of who got lucky, I would like to know. Just hope is wasn't bought as a cheap learner, that is going to be customised!! Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear!!
  19. Very nice indeed!! Super Ferrite pick-up is a surprise to most who have had a go on one. Tempted but mustn't!!
  20. I can't speak about P or J types, when it comes to Greco but their own designed basses are, in my opinion - truly great! I have two GOB II 750 basses, and are high on the list of favourites. I do have a Greco copy which is a really nice, well made instrrument. It's the sort that Chris Squires/Paul Mac would "recognise" For me, Greco means high quality. Cheers.
  21. After trying several, some long and some medium - I went for the Ibanez Studio. A really nice bass, medium scale, active and lots of tone. The only problem I have found, when I have been to see bands using an 8 string, is the eq seems to be set up for a 4 and there is just not quite enough mids and top, to clearly pick out the octave strings. Shame They sound great unplugged - just noodling - piano like tones. Love the look of that Kramer!
  22. My, oh my, oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW. You are a very lucky man! In my opinion, one of the best passive basses around! Hang on to that one - DO NOT let it go. Cheers.
  23. A really cracking bass - unusual finish, in the UK . Early "Line around head" At that money, somebody should be very happy with it. Good luck - shame you have to let it go. Cheers.
  24. Result! Kent Armstrong! Words from the man, himself! "Yes they are mine that I made many years ago !! What do you need to know ??? Sincerely Kent Armstrong" Dropped him a line and he got back to me within a day. Sweet. Will post the answers to my questions, when I get them back. Cheers.
  25. Blimey Nick - you were up early on a Sunday morning! Top job mate - look forward to seeing it. Now go back to bed!! Cheers.
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