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Everything posted by FlatEric

  1. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1419637266' post='2641579'] My missus found me an amazing example of one from the states and I was finally allowed to get my hands on it yesterday it's bloody wonderful! I told her I'd be scared of wrecking it, but she insists that I give it the use it deserves as it would be a waste otherwise [/quote] Welcome to the fold, Oh fellow Forty owner!! Very nice. As I said before, last of the line - Bat switches and Nylon nut. The one on the right is just before yours - still has the die cast nut. Chip Todd said it was odd they change to a Nylon nut - the die cast item came out of a family tool, making several other parts. So, everytime the tool was operated, it made a nut anyway. They toook it out and threw it it back into the melting pot???? I chose these two for the magazine feature, as the one on the left is the most mellow, warm and old school I have - the other one is the most loud and angry!!!! Anything you want to know, drop me a line. If you want to learn more about the Forty's, go to my blog - lots of info there. Cheers.
  2. [quote name='Geddys nose' timestamp='1418829359' post='2633777'] Checkout the Genz Benz Contour too really pokey combo and can be had for your budget. [/quote] +1 I have just bought a 2 x 10 Contour from PeteTexas, of this parish. I never use this word lightly - but what an awesome bit of kit. On it's own would very easily cope with a pub gig - with an extension (I am using an Ashdown ABM 212 at the mo') it goes up to 500 watt. Thunderous sound!!!!!! Highly recommended!
  3. Guess who is sitting at work with not a lot to do! Something a bit different - Ray Cooper. Electra Outlaw.
  4. This one is a very nice shade of blue. It's also a very nice bass to play! Turns to camera. . . . . . Nice!
  5. Ooops. Problem with the link! Link now fixed! [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2014_12_01_archive.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2014_12_01_archive.html[/url] Cheers.
  6. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1419267693' post='2638172'] Oh god, everything! Body length, width (at each end), depth/thickness, scale length, distance from string break at the bridge to end of the neck. Position of strap buttons might be useful too! Thanks a lot Eric, sending loads of Xmas cheer over Alex [/quote] I'll get on the case over the next couple of days. All the best to you and yours - your folks still got the pub?? [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1419286163' post='2638465'] Two necks left if you're interested in purchasing one, Alex. [/quote] Mmmm. what necks are these?
  7. Welcome Dave. Keep at it, you'll soon be up to speed. The Yam is a good choice - nice one. Hope to see you gigging next year! Cheers.
  8. Hiya mate - I have a B2A - what do you need? Cheers.
  9. Hi to all of you out there, in BC land To commemorate my 200th post on my blog, I have created links to some of the most popular features. Click on the link and it will take you to that post - so if you are looking for something specific, its saves you searching and trawling to find it. The most popular post, buy far, is on this little beauty, below - swiftly followed by the feature I did on Peter Cook, which after all this time, still gets a lot of visits. If you go here and scroll down to the 199th post, and start at the top. . . . when you get to the bottom, go up to the top of the 200th post and start from there. That way, they will be in date order. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2014_12_01_archive.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2014_12_01_archive.html[/url] It is not for profit, so you wont' get bombarded with ads or pop-ups. Hope you enjoy it - there is a link to get in touch, if you are an owner or are just interested in what is there and you have a question. Happy Christmas reading. Cheers.
  10. Dear Sam. Two things strike me - you seem to be looking for a New bass and you want something that will be comfortable. You also have quite a budget. Speaking from experience - anything Thunderbird ish - Explorer, Gibson RD etc, is not the most comfortable thing to play. Great instruments but not built for comfort. You like the idea of a P/J - good idea, lots of tonal range. There are also other things out there. A good High Quality, "Used" instrument would only break into half of your budget. Aria SB - 1000, 900, R 60, Elite, SB Special. All very well balanced and comfortable to play. A true classic. Ibanez RB 650. RB920 (single pick-up) - has a lot of tonal range and is possibly one of the most comfortable basses to play and is light in weight. Earlier, now becoming more collectable, Peavey Foundation - terrific sounds, fast neck, not too weighty, and very comfortable. I could list a load more but the idea is to lean you towards looking at an alternative. Just a thought. Cheers.
  11. Jon, you must find an excuse to use this!!
  12. As my gran used to say. . . . . If wishes were horses etc. Truly, a rare old beast. Wonder where it is now?
  13. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1418555570' post='2631075'] I might mock it after 37 years but it got me started on the bass and that has been a passion ever since. [/quote] Yep, me too - mine was the Tulip one??? I was a guitarist and then the band needed a bass player - way back in the 3 day week era. It was the only thing I could get my hands on/could afford. Opened up a whole new world to me. About 4 years ago, I can across one, about in the same condition mine was. Bought it, plugged it in, expecting it to be totally NAFF. It wasn't. Can't say it was brilliant but it passed muster! Notstalgia, Eh??
  14. A reply! When you say it's not for you, I understand - I have been there. What is it like, what are the plus points?
  15. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1418560410' post='2631131'] Whip off the neck & you'll probably find a date and Andrew Evans' signature, if he did work on it. I've got this, and it's pretty amazing: Could do with a stronger back, though... Jon. [/quote] OOOOoooooooooo Jon, I saw this when it first came up - now I see a good shot of of it WOW! [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1418562346' post='2631156'] This was mine until GAS struck [/quote] What do you mean. . . . . until. . . . . where is it now??
  16. £140!!!!!!!!! Bargain!!! Gordy made high quality instuments, that sold for a LOT of money back in the day. A very lucky scoop you have there sir. Nice one. My Gordy Headless. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/11/gordy-headless-bass.html"]http://flatericbassa...dless-bass.html[/url] Cheers.
  17. [quote name='Froggy' timestamp='1415700670' post='2602732'] Hi all, after wanting to play bass all my life I've just picked one up at 39. I thought I might be able to teach myself using all the resources available these days, but I've decided to spend some time with a tutor too. Got a Washburn Taurus T14Q for £100 on Saturday, and I've surprised myself by being able to play twinkle twinkle little star already! I think I have a long way to go! :-D [/quote] Top job mate! I have a friend who wanted to play bass, for many, many years but just didn't think he would be able to do it. He took the plunge around 5 years ago, took some lessons - enough to get him going, practiced hard and bit by bit, he got better. I was over the moon when he called me the next morning, after depping for me at a New Years Eve gig, I couldn't make, in a band I had been with for over 8 years - he was like a dog with 9 tales!!! "It was bloody brilliant" he said - "all that practicing paid off". So, now you've started. . . . . . keep going, you'll find lots of support on here. And by the way, he was 50! Cheers.
  18. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1418119419' post='2626932'] Mind you, you're doing a pretty good job of changing my mind... [/quote] Ok. Look at it this way. . . . . Imagine you have £200 to buy a bass. Not necessarily to look at or look good playing it just a tool for making great music. You want it well made, bit of character, nice feel to it, easy to play and to get on with - simple controls etc, enough punch and tone to make a LOT of basses run for cover - what could you get? Mmmm! Ask Truckstop, he'll agree with me - what you would get is an Ibanez Blazer! But. . . . . . you have one, so no need to go looking! Why not bond with it again - you know it makes sense! Cheers.
  19. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1418213190' post='2627978'] "Matsumoku" Thunderbird anyone? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1970s-Japanese-Made-MIJ-Matsumoku-Through-Neck-Thunderbird-Bass-Guitar-/291321517744"]http://www.ebay.co.u...r-/291321517744[/url] [/quote] Doubt this even knows where Japan is!!!! Jon? Cheers.
  20. [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1417423150' post='2620071'] These are such good basses. Practically giving it away. Hope it goes to a good home - would have had it myself but I am really trying to be good. The fact that I have hovered over these images for a good five minutes, makes me think I am not cured yet. Good luck. Cheers. [/quote] My "trying to be good" is wearing a bit thin. Somebody PLEASE buy this! I am weak but trying to be strong. Truly, sometimes I just don't get it. These are REALLY great basses, with a power and tone that would floor many popular basses. I'm off to put a Blazer Blindfold on!!!!!!!
  21. [quote name='planer' timestamp='1417863871' post='2624641'] That's a great first post mate, welcome to the site. [/quote] +1 Welcome.
  22. Bought a Genz Benz Combo from Pete - my second purchase from him. A trully great guy to deal with. Thanks Pete. PS. When collecting, Pete said it sounded brilliant with an extension cab, so I picked up the combo and loaded it, went to lift my ABM 210, which is quite a bit heavier. . . . . and did my back in!! Think I'm going soft! Now looking for the correct cab to go with it!
  23. Pete! PM Sent. From you know who! Cheers.
  24. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1417565215' post='2621919'] Did that work or do you need more assistance? [/quote] Hi. Not sure yet - will have another go at lunch. Thanks for your input guys, much appreciated. Cheers.
  25. [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Goedendag. [/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]I have found some interesting Peavey content on basgitaarforumnl and have tried to [/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]register but I can only get so far (right to the end, to agree) and then it posts you[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]to some script, which I have google translated but then I can't get any further.[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Any advice??[/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Dank U. [/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Proost. [/font]
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