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Everything posted by FlatEric

  1. Hi. I have sent you a PM
  2. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1407661161' post='2522614'] Alright Paul? I think this may have been mine at one point, if not had exactly the same model. HUUUUGE P bass sound and very comfy to play. John [/quote] John - I had it - still got it. . . . . . I just don't get it!! LOL These are really great basses! If this was a naff Ric copy etc, at twice the price - it would have gone in a flash. This is function - John, you know how loud and powerful these are - does anyone want a damn good bass for very little money? That's me done.
  3. [quote name='stevetut' timestamp='1408463317' post='2530449'] Just wanted to share pictures of my T40. I bought it last year from Ken Achard; it was presented to Ken by Hartley Peavey..... Made of magnolia, no scratchplate, figured maple neck and serial no 007. It is immaculate and apart from some setting up plays perfectly. I play it every day..... [/quote] Oh my, Oh my, Oh my!!!!! You have it! More pics from my little pile of Forty pics. You lucky, lucky. . . . . you know the rest! A truly unique Peavey. The best bit about your post. . . . . . "I play it every day" Thanks for sharing. Cheers.
  4. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1408035022' post='2526506'] Some pickups sound punchy and produce good note definition. Some others sound produce indistinct mud. What is the difference between passive pickups (or wiring) that make pickups of similar design (or at least form) sound so different? [/quote] I'm glad you asked that. . . . . . . always facinated me and still does! I have a term I sometimes use - "it would remove kidney stones at ten paces!" Something with a lot of Punch, Depth, Definition and Power. That is generally what I like but I do have some more mellow moments, now and again. As you said, [i]Some others sound produce indistinct mud.[/i] Thick and boomy or thin and compressed. The DiMarzio P, Greco/Early Blazer pick-up, The series used by Ibanez on the RB650 both P & J, and several others I could name, given enough time, give a lot of punch. Just a case of trying and seeing - I know many players who prefer a thicker/less defined sound - so it's horses for courses!
  5. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1408000909' post='2526072'] @FlatEric - there is no ebay link in your post (that I can see). Not that I'm going to be buying it, but I'd like to looksee all the same. [/quote] Sorrrreeeeeeeeeeeee! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ARIA-PRO-2-BASS-GUITAR-FOR-SALE-/321491342487?"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ARIA-PRO-2-BASS-GUITAR-FOR-SALE-/321491342487?[/url] This one. It had already been posted by Alyctes - hsould have said.
  6. If anyone is looking for a Good Bass. . . . . . Someone put me onto this, when it was first listed. I know the photo's aren't that good but - these are a seriously good bass. Back in the day, these were BIG $$$$$$$$$ Mine came with it's original hang tags. You should just be able to see £328.87. That was way back then! This is mine. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/09/little-more-aria.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/09/little-more-aria.html[/url] It has got to be worth a punt at that price, if someone is looking for a good bass. There you go, that's my tuppence worth. Cheers.
  7. [quote name='RaNoFuNkY' timestamp='1407863853' post='2524839'] I'm the BC'er who bought this from Flat Eric! Bizarre - I literally have it on my lap whilst typing, and that Ebay auction is nothing to do with me. I love it still (I have two!) [/quote] Hiya mate. So glad you still have it. I have had thousands of hit on the article for that bass. In an around about sort of way, you are famous! So many players are interested in that bass. Hang onto it. Cheers,
  8. Have a free bump for a great bass. These are such great basses - passive and active versions, I have both. This is a give away price. I know it's not a P or J or any of the fashionable basses but as an instrument/tool, you just can't go wrong. Gigged mine both indoors and outdoor events - Big Sound. If somone is looking for a great player, even to use as a back up You Cannot Go Wrong with this. Good luck with the sale - I'm off to play my black one now, which is about 6 foot away from me! Cheers.
  9. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1407545336' post='2521757'] I've got one which I had from FlatEric (thanks mate ). I don't play it much, but I'll never sell it. What a great design, and what a great sound. Also if you run the pup back to the bridge, either rail is perfectly balanced as a carry handle [/quote] Glad you still have it. I had some fun with them - was going to keep one but decided to let go and one day make a "Tribute" but in 34" scale. One day! As you know, the tonal differences, as you slide along, are quite interesting and varied. Cheers.
  10. Great bit of kit. I had two of these. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/08/on-rails.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/08/on-rails.html[/url] Not that common, was VERY expensive, when new and has a lot of tonal variations. Nice one.
  11. I have been thinking about this, since this thread started and to be honest. . . . . I have no idea! Ahhhhh, the Seventies!!
  12. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1406755369' post='2514529'] I didnt even know this kinda bass existed. Im highly tempted. Anyone got any sound sample? Lookin at you flateric...... [/quote] No sound sample but I can say it is one of those basses that could take out kidney stones at ten paces! A phrase I use on the occassions that I find a bass that really KICKS. I've got RB 45's on mine, as well as my Greco 750 - Really Nice.
  13. You guys. . . . . There are a lot more heavier basses out there - some 70's Fenders are the same weight. I assume from this post that Jon now has the twin that I was looking at? Progtastic, mate! Ash, had you not thought of keeping it for a while? Cheers.
  14. Ha. LOL. Isn't it funny how topics wander? I just wondered if anyone had experienced that "embarrassing moment" and as someone else said earlier, "threw daggers at the guitarist", only to realise it hadn't been pulled back up to E. That said, some entertaining posts.
  15. [quote name='GregBass' timestamp='1406552983' post='2512338'] I asked whether they were actual photos of his bass, and got this reply: "[color=#000][font=arial,sans-serif][size=2]They are generic photos as my guitar is in storage! I can get real photos if needs be. It is exactly the same tho and is in mint condition!"[/size][/font][/color] [/quote] Fair enough but you would have thought he would have put that on the listing. Hey Ho. They are a really great, 32", light weight bass. Thousands of hits on my blog about the Urge.
  16. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1406667459' post='2513632'] That's a great price for what looks like a tidy, original example of a Mk1 Blazer. Someone get it bought! Jon. [/quote] +1. I've got two of these - SO impressed with the first one, bought another. LOADS of power LOADS of sharp, punchy tone. Same pick-up as used in the Incredible Greco GOB 750 II. Sweet.
  17. ooooeeeerrrrrr! What have I started here? There's more to this than I thought! I just wondered if anyone else had had that sudden realisation, the rush of blood to the head and the panic that followed. There's more to this than I imagined. I'll get me coat.
  18. Wow! Only been gone a day - lots of content. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1406536024' post='2512122'] I've got a five string too. Try playing Velvet Revolver's Slither on a five string [/quote] Ironically, that was the number!!!! Then a random number was picked and once started it took me 3 or 4 bars to twig what the matter was. I can see from the posts that I'm not the only one!!! [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1406538430' post='2512162'] I've never understood the need to retune to match what the guitarist is doing. I use a 5-string tuned as normal and even when we had a guitarist who played exclusively in drop D I kept my standard tuning. It makes the interplay between what the guitar and bass are doing far more interesting is they aren't simply aping each other. With my guitarist's hat on I only ever use drop D to make playing chord patterns with 6ths and 7ths in them easier - less finger stretching for smaller hands. [/quote] Hi. I can play anything with even numbers. . . . . . 6 and 12 guitar, 4, 8 and twelve bass but a five string confuses the **** out of me. Maybe I'm just too old school or I'm not clever/patient enough. I had one 5 string . . . . . . . I don't have it any more. Curious - does anyone play slither on a 5, with ease? Cheers.
  19. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1406530465' post='2512077'] how long does it take to tune one string? [/quote] . . . . . . after you have started the next number. . . . . .???
  20. Tip of the day! Never wander off the set list, when you have tuned to Drop D, for the number you have just done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Panic and a lot of quick thinking. . . . . . . even that didn't really rescue me! Anyone else confess to this?
  21. Mornin' all! Somone pointed this out to me: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Urge-Bass-Guitar-Stu-Hamm-/171399175285?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item27e82fdc75"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Urge-Bass-Guitar-Stu-Hamm-/171399175285?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item27e82fdc75[/url] The images are of mine, which I sold to a BC'er, several years ago. Out of all of my collection, this has got the fourth most hits on my blog - so must be a very popular search. The one pictured is not the one for sale, as he can't have had it since the 90's! One of my posts on the Urge. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/09/fender-urge-1-stu-hamm.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/09/fender-urge-1-stu-hamm.html[/url] That said, what a really great bass!! I sold mine for £250 ish, from memory but can't remember the BC'er. Cheers.
  22. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1406226047' post='2509591'] Got the mag. Great piece, great collection! Nice work FE! [/quote] Thanks. Lars said that if there was a good response to the feature, we could do the rest of them, another time. There would be more Guitars and Twins, in that one but still some great and as yet, unseen basses on the blog. Would love to do it again - easier the second time around, as I now know what's involved! There is a lot of work goes into it - don't know how Lars keeps up with them all! Cheers.
  23. Sweet! As above - nice to start with and then gets better and better. Well worth a look.
  24. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1406142439' post='2508764'] I sold it because I'm a prat. I'd stopped gigging because it had become such a soul destroying experience for me, I was starting to play more guitar & keyboards & I sold some bass gear to buy other stuff - the Odyssey was one of the things that went as I thought that was it for me & bass playing. Wish I had a pound for every time I've thought that....t I've owned lots of supposedly 'great' basses - none of them were any better than the Odyssey & some were nowhere near as good despite their high price tag. [/quote] Mate, I fully get what you are saying and in some strange way, I feel for you. It is a real joy to play - so much power, tone, presence, feeling - I could go on. Pete had some work done on it, when it was around 35 years old, just to keep it the way it should be - I am very proud to be the current custodian.
  25. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1406033024' post='2507661'] Some fine basses there Eric, good article too. [/quote] Thanks - I like 'em [quote name='Norm' timestamp='1406041867' post='2507781'] Wow, what an amazing collection, or should say part of a collection. How many more are there? I'd be happy to play any of those beauties! Excellent article & a great blog too! [/quote] Well, if you've read the blog you'll see a few missing from the article. . . . . . plus there are a few more. Been a bit slack, on the blog, lately but hope to get back onto it soon. Keep reading. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1406053845' post='2507907'] Finally found a copy of the mag. A jolly good article and an intriguing collection. You are to be congratulated, Sir [/quote] Congratulations accepted. Thanks. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1406054996' post='2507915'] There's a picture of my baby! Got all sentimental for a minute there. [/quote] Now then. . . . . . as you know I bought that from Pete. That is THE MOST GIGGED bass, I have. Curious to know why you sold it? Stunning bass! Cheers.
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