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Everything posted by FlatEric

  1. Hi to all who remember me and Hi to those who don't.😎 For those who remember, I have a thing about small operation English guitar makers - Reeve, Ray Cooper, Doug Wilkes and the like but in particular, Peter Cook. I was going to post this on another Peter Cook article I did some years ago but I managed to find it and it was some time ago!! 😁 So, here we are on another thread. . . Two more Peter Cook Axis Basses. Axis Bass 204, the red one - I know who now has that one. Axis Bass 203, I am aware of but not sure where it has gone since 2020. Anyone that visits on here? 😊
  2. Just been watching the news. . . . Sad to see that Jeff is no longer with us.😪 What an absolute legend - I only ever saw him playing live once and he was absolutely mesmerising. I'm sure like many who admired him as not only a truly amazing guitarist but also a consummate musician, I will be listening to a lot of his music over the next week or so. Good bye Jeff Beck, thank you for the memory of watching you on the stage. Another great who has left us. A sad day.
  3. Now I've got a name. . . . it's easy. Good shot of George and the Axis Bass at 1:36.👍
  4. Thank you, very much. 🤘😎 Now you have said that, I recall a George Ford (somewhere in the dim and distant past) but never knew what he looked like. The power of Basschat! Brilliant. Anyone got any images of George Ford, playing that bass? Cheers. 🙂
  5. OK. Found this - starts at 5:12. This is the fella, playing a rare PC.
  6. Yes, from a quick google at the time, that's what I came up with. He seemed very relaxed, doing all the moves, just didn't look like he dropped in just for the filming. Cheers.
  7. Hi to all out there, ages since I was on here. 🙂 Hoping someone can help. . . . . I was watching Kenny Everett on That's TV Xmas, S3 Ep1, from 1980. They were doing Ghost riders in the sky and the bass player was someone I didn't recognise, playing something I did recognise - A Peter Cook Axis Bass. It may still be available on catch up. Player was a Black guy, short ish hair and he looked very much part of the band. Doing lots of octaves, in a modernised version of the track. Who is going to stop all my head scratching, just can't think who it is. . . . . . Waits for a deluge of replies. . . . . Cheers. 😊
  8. On the same tack, I also love the RSB Deluxe. RSB Deluxe Sort of the same but different! Aria of late (speak to younger players to confirm) seems to be seen as low budget, which is such a shame as the heritage of Aria was solidly formed from high quality, with a range that many pros would seek out.
  9. As a fan of the T-40. I know what you mean. I am also a big fan of the SB Special SB Special
  10. For what it's worth. . . . . . I have been interested in this since the 70s and generally follow a rule of play it/listen to it and then decide if you like it, as opposed to Look at the name on the head an see how Visually appealing it is, Being lucky enough to be able to select several different instruments at one time, I have vever really found a solid and consistant rule of thumb. There is a thread on at the moment about plywood bodies and I have/have had various ones of those and can honestly say that some were absolute dogs and some were really very good. I can (and have, many times) take three or four of something, same make and model/same year/or one year younger or older, maybe different colour but that's all and the all have subtle differences. I have had £150 purchaces and been blown away by the sound and conversely bought something online (which we all do now but didn't 20/30 years ago) because it seemed to tick all my criteria boxes but just couldn't get to love it - tonewood/high mass bridge/fancy pots/high end tuners etc but just couldn't get on with it. Being interested in this, I have gone through the posts and I think bubinga5 made a valid comment " It will always be the sum of the parts. Way too many variables to nail any conclusions down". It is also about fashions, anyone old enough would remember the days when most players lusted for the new this and the new that and older instruments would have been seen to be "high milage" and needed to be replaced. Now, those old instuments are highly prized. Are they all made from exotic woods, perhaps not. Having said all of the above, I am like almost all on here and my head has been turned by something that I have loved the look of and may have been lucky on many occasions, to find that I did like it. Blindfolded, can you really tell the difference between a £10,000 bass and a £5000 bass with beautiful and appealing tonewoods . . . . . maybe, maybe not. Can you tell between a £5000 bass and a £500 bass. . . . maybe, maybe not. Between £500 and £50, more than likely, yes. Fit a new set of strings, a different sound and tone - different lead/head/cab/room/floor/ceiling = different sound and tone. This is something that will roll on for generations, I believe it's a personal thing - maybe best to leave it that no one is right and no one is wrong. 👍😎
  11. Thin Lizzy, Johnnie The Fox tour, 1976. . . . I think. Really loud but with clarity. After all this time, perhaps one of my favourite/most memorable but SO loud!
  12. I have what I believe is a BX7 One P and One J. Stripped back, with a 2 X V and 2 X T mod, which I bought out of curiosity and have found it a surprisingly good bass, I think you would enjoy having one, to add to you family of instruments.
  13. " sorry .....will send money! " 😎 No Worries. 🤘 Never actually handled a Steinberger at all, ever - just never happened. As well as the Rails I had, I also have a Quantum, which if you love that 80's vibe, is a corker! Westone Quantum X850 I also have a Hohner B2A, which is very nice indeed. Cheers.
  14. Gotcha - Understood. I have seen sales on ebay, in the past, with their description and my pics. That was some time ago now, before everyone had a camera on their phone!! The Mag II had a post, still the most visited page but never really revisited it. Still got it, still play it.Magnum II 😎
  15. Jon. . . . . you should have said something years ago. . . . both now gone back into circulation. 🤔 http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.com/2010/08/on-rails.html Stay safe mate. Cheers. 😎
  16. Hi all. Just popped in for a brouse and spotted this thread. Bit of a shock, exactly the same as mine - I think the image should be listed as a library pic. http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.com/2013/05/yamaha-bx-1-headless-bass.html Had mime for quite a while - it is a Very Nice bass, indeed. Cheers. 😎
  17. Classic Ibanez is my favourite Japanese brand, closely followed by the likes of Aria, Yamaha etc. The newest one I have and that is now quite a few years old, is a beautiful SR900. The remainder are mainly 70s and 80s. This little beauty, a cracking bass, ended up with Truckstop, of this parish but was mine for quite a time. He sold it on and regretted it. Hiya mate. . . if you drop in here. One of the oldest is this rare 70s Ibanez Destroyer 2495B. Ibanez Artist, posing and also shown at work! I can't say I have ever played or owned a Classic Ibanez that I wasn't pleased with and that goes for the guitars, as well but that would be naughty putting them up on here! Will come back with a few more.
  18. This may help some with temp relief. I have had it for over 40 years (mine is a high pitched whistle) which I believe was caused by testing/running Burman Valve amps at very high volumes, in a small studio! What would the older me tell the younger me. . . . . . "Turn it down a bit, squire!!" This works for me. Doesn't last very long but it does give some relief and reminds me of what my hearing was like, pre 1978!! https://trudenta.com/this-simple-trick-may-help-with-tinnitus/
  19. This may also help: Ovation Magnum Strings See details at the bottom of the post. I was asked so many times, I measured it all up. The ones you can see on my Mag II are Stadium Elites, which as you can see, have plenty of length in them. The other shots are of the Mag III I had but now belongs to another BCer. The strings on that were as it came to me, with Roto Swings on, which fit but the silks sit within the nut. Surprisingly, they were quite bright, with no damping due to the silks. The Elites do suit the bass, in my opinion. Hope this helps. Cheers. : )
  20. I have necks. Let me rummage and I'll message you with details. : )
  21. Link. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/88904-peavey-t-40-basses/#comments
  22. Hello mate, nice to see the Black and White one, which you had years ago, along with the additions. Top Job - Glad you are still a Die Hard T-40 fan. Tommorichards has asked about some T-40 info, which I have replied to today and sent him a link to the thread I started, running alongside yours. Unfortunately, a lot of the pics were on the old Photobucket but there are some of your old posts on there. All the best. Cheers. : )
  23. Thanks for that - not seen that one. : ) Knowing that this one is fretless, would account for some of it, as well as settings on the amp but I have one the same as this, in a red burst and the tone is sort of piano-like. bright, defined and percussive. You can, of course, roll that off but in general terms, a punchy, powerful sound. Cheers. : )
  24. Curious to know how you got on. The Ned, as you know, is part of the Peter Cook legacy. You mentioned Firebirds - Del had a Peter Cook Firebird Twin Neck. Couple of pics with Del, Six over Twelve. I have the other one, Twelve over Six.
  25. Lovely bass that - glad you are still lovin' it! I would like to back you up on the sound - it is surprising the range of tones that you can squeeze out of it. The thumb rest is not original but I too, like the feature on the Mag II, which means you can easily place your thumb where you want. I was going to do that but make it so it sat on top of the pick-up rings, that way you could remove it an leave no evidence. Happy Jack, Hi. The way I understand it, the Mag II was a bit of a Marmite bass, as you can see in the link below, an unusual but comfortable shape, so Ovation went more conventional with the III, to attract more buyers. Ditched the stereo, the script on the scratchplate and the sliding damper. In terms of sounds, they are pretty much identical, I couldn't tell the difference. A really great Bass. Good luck with the sale. : ) Cheers. : ) For Reference go here: Mag II Mag III
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