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Everything posted by FlatEric

  1. Sorry I'm late to this party! Happy New Year. : ) WOW!!! Well done that man!! In standard form, a stunning bass - mine has a Piano like tone and almost every note sounds like it is trying to climb out of the instrument. Yours clearly has way more tonal options. Not sure I would find any use for the wammy but considering how hard these are to find, even globally, if you were looking for one, it had to be done. I haven't played mine for AGES and it is one of quite a few that I have never photographed, perhaps now it the time to dig him out! More Odyssey stuff here: Odyssey Basses and Guitars Congratulations on an excellent find. Cheers. : )
  2. Hi guys - all blasts from the past - nice to see you. Many thanks for your comments, much appreciated! As I said, hoping to get back into gear and do the rest of the collection and anything else that takes my fancy - bass/guitar wise. Onwards and upwards. . . . . Cheers.
  3. For anyone who was here ten years ago, you may remember me and my blog. Under the old forum format and with the original Photobucket, there was a fair amount of content that was put up on here and I kept in touch with many of the members via PMs but with the change over, mine and everyone else's didn't make the transition and I sort of lost touch with those who were around at the time, along with all the information that went with it. The blog carried on but due to my personal circumstances, less content was posted but as of yesterday, the beginnings of my ramblings are now ten years old, with 250 posts. So, Hi and thank you to all those who have visited the blog over the years - I am now hoping to get it back into gear and put up more content. Bass and Guitar Collection Blog Anyone from days of yore, would be great to hear from you. Cheers.
  4. Very similar to the model I have except different tuners and TRC. Interstingly the nut seems to be of bone and not brass. Another one I had not seen before - that vill go on ze lizt. . . Pike! Forward thinking on Atilla's part - start from the north, as opposed to London? Just thought it was ironic that the renewed intrest in this was started on the "Grants are pants" thread! You couldn't make it up!!
  5. EMG456 - " In which case yours is the one I have played! I think I maybe also re-strung it as well. I used to work with Jimmy in Edinburgh and Glasgow. " You may be able to help - I have never really known how the ones in the UK got here - the only leads I have ever seen, point to Scotland. Can you remember how many were on display - one, a few, several - Guitars as well? Could he have been the only importer/dealer? Grateful for any info. Cheers. : )
  6. I think it's a Samick - did a bit of research when I was writing about a Magnum, Mag III, Viper and Breadwinner. Sort of got a Hondo Pro type head. . . Jon?
  7. This has been done before and there are current threads discussing the subject but following a chat with Jon (Bassassin) - we decided it was a good idea to start another, as the last one was started in 2016 and with the changes to the forum, what has been tranfered doesn't look good, so - here we go again! This bass is the reason I joined up to Basschat, almost ten years ago - I had been a "lurker" but I finally came out, when I saw a post about the Atilla Bologh Odyssey Bass. I featured the bass, as one of my very first posts on my blog: Odyssey Bass For those not familiar with me (I have not been on here much since things changed - getting old and used to familiarity) I have run a blog for the last 10 years: Flat Eric's Bass and Guitar Collection and started a long running thread about the Peavey T-40 and was a regular contributor, back in the day. Jon and I have always had banter about these basses, as when he found out I had two of the same model, he couldn't understand why he couldn't have one!! There is a small vid here (up to around 35 seconds, the rest is just mush) which shows the same model, as two of mine. I will be putting up more info on here but for now, Jon and I are very interested in any knowlege, ownership, experience of Atilla Balogh's work. Back real soon. Cheers.
  8. I bought this, ten or 11 years ago and still play it. Hondo Pro When I play through an average amp (don't have any boutique amps) is "sounds" like a P does on a recording. Several Fender players have had a go through their rig and have bee "quite impressed" I've got another Hondo P, the one with the Kluson tuners (can't remember the model but I'm sure jon will enlighten us) which is in white, same sort of quality. Nice. 🙂
  9. Hi. Yes, I have that one as well. Bart pick-ups and a piano like tone. I have seen it for ages, so may go a hunting for it. I have no pics of it, at all but when I do lay my hands on the old fella, I will stick it up on here. Cheers. : )
  10. Why, thank you. Series/parallel to each pick-up and the third one in is in/out of phase - two vol and two tone. Cheers. : )
  11. A rare thing, indeed! I have put this up to tease Jon - Bassassin. 😂 I have two of these and have not seen another in the UK. . . from memory. Atilla Balogh Odyssey - around 1976/1977 - My most used bass. . . by far. Cheers. : )
  12. FlatEric


    I went to visit him, some years ago - to show him a bass he had made. In a nutshell, a great bloke. Was with him for about an hour and he was very happy to have a chat, whilst sipping on our tea. There was dust everywhere and various things that were mid construction but when you saw the finished article - quality. Doug's workshop and my bass. Cheers. : )
  13. Well spotted that man!! Well Identified! : ) I have two Reeve, this one: Reeve Twin Neck and the one that was made for Derrick Taylor, of Roachford fame and others, shown in the above link. Here is the whole Reeve feature: Reeve Story When you get to the bottom, click next posts and there is a bit more. The pick-up is Kent Armstromg - Kent Armstrong Reeve Pick-ups and the circuit on mine give a good range of tones. Cracking sound. They were made for Alligator Amplifiers - Alligator. I don't think you would go far wrong with it and being in Stevenage, it hasn't travelled far from it's place of birth. Nice!
  14. Long story but Lyle was desperate to get his hands on an Ovation Magnum III but it had to be a specific colour - the smokey grey that Ovation did. He asked me for some advice, over a few emails and he ended up with the one I had. An absolute pleasure to deal with, went to meet him and deliver the object of his dreams and he loved it. Makes a great cuppa and is VERY generous with the biscuits!! Mmmmmm! Top Job!! Cheers. : )
  15. [quote name='Bluepigbass' timestamp='1509694018' post='3400857'] Bump [/quote] [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1437635250' post='2827660'] Oooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Just when I have made a pledge to downsize! Rare over here. Very nice indeed! Good luck. [/quote] Aarrgghh. What I said 2 years ago, still applies! This one always escaped me. Hope it finds a good home soon!
  16. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1508859840' post='3394929'] I've still got mine. Sunburst with blades, natural with toasters, natural with toasters converted to 5 string and natural with toasters and active EQ. [/quote] Well. . . I knew you would be on here! Anyone else. . . Kingforaday, you still got a black and white set?
  17. I have just replied to a PM from a T-40 fan and went here to look up some of the info on here and have seen that I have now had a 1000 posts!! A mere drop in the Ocean, for many on here - but a bit of a milestone for me. This is still one of the best (perhaps the best) places to ramble on about our chsen subject. The sad thing is when you do go back to look at older posts, all the work from all posters, putting up images has gone west, due to the demise of the photobucket we all knew. So, just curious - how many owners of the Old Forty do we still have on here? Cheers. Ooooo! 1001 now!! For those of an age, that reminds me of a carpet cleaner. . . remember!!
  18. Oh my life!! We had one of these in the shop, back in the 70's - it came with a load of overlay cards, to get a whole load of settings, one of which would makes it ramble away all day with a random tune! Only ever had one person walk in and knew what he was doing with it - sounded awesome. . . . in the right hands! Good luck with the sale!!
  19. [b] Gigging/how do you start a set?[/b] One, Two, Three, Four. . . . . I'll get me coat!!!
  20. Glad you got sorted. When I replied to your initial post, I meant this! I [i]think [/i]it was you. . . . was it? Cheers.
  21. [quote name='Bassclef' timestamp='1498929266' post='3328078'] I am retiring from bass playing and selling the last of my gear. This is a very special bass. In fact I liked it so much I created and ran a website dedicated to the Aria SB series of basses. The SB-700 is the passive brother of the SB-1000. The simple circuit means there is less to go wrong. There is less wood cut away, which means better sustain. This is an incredibly smooth, playable bass with a rock-solid neck, a low action and not a trace of fret buzz (unless you play hard above fret 19 on E-string or 20 on A-string.) The neck is narrow and deep which might seem a bit unusual at first but hopefully, like me and others who have tried this bass, you will love it. The neck has never needed any attention or adjusting in the 20+ years I have owned this bass. The pickup is not original. I transferred the original to an SB-R80 which had one faulty pickup and replaced the SB-700's with one of Kent (or is it Dan?) Armstrong's replacements. Volume, tone, series/parallel switch. Schaller locking strap buttons and Fender strap with extra padding included. Yes, before anyone asks, this example in oak is a heavy bass! Has the usual small dings for a bass of its age. A hole on the back, where a previous owner had relocated his strap-lock, has been filled. Action at 12th fret = 2.9 mm (E-string) / 2.3 mm (G-string). You are welcome to try the bass if you live in central Scotland. From a non-smoking, pet-free home. Advertised elsewhere. Comes with Hiscox case, £475 delivered within UK. [attachment=248217:DSC02211.JPG][attachment=248218:DSC02212.JPG][attachment=248219:DSC02215.JPG][attachment=248220:DSC02216.JPG] [attachment=248222:DSC02223.JPG][attachment=248224:DSC02217.JPG][attachment=248225:DSC02222.JPG][attachment=248226:DSC02218.JPG] [attachment=248227:DSC02230.JPG][attachment=248230:DSC02220.JPG][attachment=248228:DSC02231.JPG][attachment=248229:DSC02213.JPG] [/quote] Graeme, Hi. Sorry that you are drifting away from the bass - your site was a true inspiration and the start of my Aria collection. I hope whatever it is you are now pursuing gives you as much pleasure as your work on the Aria site, back in the day. All the very best mate. Cheers.
  22. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1494139504' post='3293488'] Known issue with Microsoft browsers and this site, use Chrome or Firefox. Alternatively, I think hitting the button up top right to go to the barebones code editor rather than the one with all the buttons does the trick also. [/quote] Ah! That would explain why it works on other PC's etc and not on the new lappy! I will try the simple version. Thanks for this - it was starting to wind me up. . . . . Just A Little!! Cheers.
  23. My new windows 10 laptop does not like Basschat. When I try to type a message, I have to go really slow or it misses out letters? When I try to type u a messagitgoes realy slow and msies oulettrs! As above! ?
  24. I think it was you - combine it with a six? If this means nothing to you please reply using the quote "You crazy fool"
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