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Everything posted by FlatEric

  1. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1371062' date='Sep 12 2011, 08:52 PM']For me, the passion is about the instruments as well as the playing. I probably spend more time on my playing and craft than I do thinking about basses themselves but the equipment is an extremely important part of the equation and must not be overlooked.[/quote] A very interesting OP - can't find any comment from the original OP but may have missed it. I am guilty of being a "Collector" but one thing it has taught me over many years is. . . . . $£$£$£$£ does not always equal the sound or feel you are looking for. I DO play mine, on as regular basis as I can and none of them make me a better player but one thing is for sure, for most of the time, a different bass will make me want to move in the direction it leads me. A J or a P, I go mostly all "trad", a fretless and I wander off in another direction, something cheap that "sings" perhaps makes me smile the most, something rare or unique makes me want to stretch myself - to justify it's existance in the collction. I have bought many things just for "Me" to make up my own mind, what "I" think of it. I don't play golf but I know many people who do and are always chasing the next bit of kit. I know that another addition to the collection WILL NOT make me a better player but if it's any good, it will stay for a while and I will enjoy the experience. Very few people go to the Same Pub, or the Same Resturaunt, or the Same Attraction, or the Same Film, over and over and over again, they feel like a change. I am fortunate enough to reach out for anything I fancy at the time but always get a warm glow when I see a young , talented player on an Encore P, a Sue Ryder or Woolies Special, knocking Nine Bells out of the thing and my eyes are glued to the board and my ears are straining to pick up all he or she does. I love all the gear I have got. It could be Fishing Kit, Golf Clubs, Orchids, China, Silver or Art - for me it is Guitars and Bass. If I hit hard times, I could drop it to ONE, well maybe TWO, or Perhaps Three . . . . . . No, joking aside - being left with only one, with a half decent sound, feel and playability, would keep me going. That is my take on it. Cheers.
  2. I am in the process of a string change and wipe over on my Magnum 1, no pics, I'm afraid - not like me but just never got round to it on this one. So, the last time I did this, I thought I would find out when it was born and now it's all coming back to me - I gave up in frustration. Mine is B and four digits. Wherever I look I can't find a detail on dating a Magnum bass with a letter and four digits. Anyone cracked this? Answers on a post card. . . . Cheers.
  3. I had one for a couple of years. great bass. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.com/2011/06/ibanez-rs-800.html"]Details from Ibanez Catalogue[/url] Sold mine for about the same price, earlier this year - mine was perhaps not so "Roadworn" as the one in the picture. Depends how rare they are round your way. For what it's worth, all the Ibanez basses of any quality (not really including the starter/budget range) from around 1976 to the early/mid 80's are truly great basses - not come across a bad one yet and I have nine of them. May be worth haggling with the price. Cheers.
  4. [quote name='cocco' post='1361406' date='Sep 3 2011, 11:01 PM']Just thought you might like to know I have found complete tonal perfection and it is a T-40 and a sansamp though an orange AD200 and 8x10 rig. I feel genuinely sorry for anyone who never gets to experience it. That is all.[/quote] Top Job! Curious to know how your Toaster is set, control wise. Cheers.
  5. Sorry to hear that after all that time it was a "shovel in the face"! If you had been there 30 to 35 years ago, it was a different place entirely. This was before mobile phones, faxes and t'internet. I know this is drifting off slightly but when I went to see one of the Harry Potter films, "Diagonally" - where all the bricks turn round and you entered a bustling street scene, reminded me of Denmark St. in the late 70's. It's where you could see a lot of gear, all in one place and each different shop had it's own quirks. Great times! Saddly, things have changed a LOT and the last couple of times I have been down, during the last 5 years, have been such a disappointment, I have vowed not to bother again! At the rate they are going, it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't there at all, in a few years to come. Cheers,
  6. [quote name='FlatEric' post='1355462' date='Aug 29 2011, 05:48 PM']Hi. Bit of a long shot - anyone gigging withing 20 mins of the Birmingham Hippodrome, tomorrow?? Dropping people off to a show and got to hang around!! Would be great to come along and see you. Please come back ASAP Cheers. [/quote] Tuesday Bump. If anyone is doing anything that's not far from the centre of Birmingham. . . . . let me know. Otherwise, it's going to be a long wait!!
  7. Hi. Bit of a long shot - anyone gigging withing 20 mins of the Birmingham Hippodrome, tomorrow?? Dropping people off to a show and got to hang around!! Would be great to come along and see you. Please come back ASAP Cheers.
  8. [quote name='tom1946' post='1317485' date='Jul 26 2011, 07:16 PM']As title, my stuff is always in excellent condition and this no exception. 350 watts, 4 speakers = pretty loud and controllable. From Samsontech: The VX3500 combo combines the best selling classic Hartke 3500 amp with a killer Hartke speaker cabinet loaded with four 10" Hartke VX speakers and a high frequency driver. The VX3500 provides 350 watts of power to the built-in 2-way bass speaker system. With that kind of power and Hartke's custom designed transducers, the VX3500 is extremely live and punchy. In addition, the VX3500 offers a number of additional advanced features, including front panel compression and graphic equalizer LED indicators, effects send and return jacks, an effects send/return balance knob and a direct output with ground lift and pre or post EQ selection. With excellent power and tone, the VX3500 is ideal for live performance use in small and medium-size venues. Additionally, its advanced preamp features make it perfect for use in recording environments. And with solid cabinet construction, heavy-duty casters and recessed side handles, the VX3500 is made for the road, ensuring reliable, professional performance night after night. Looking for £275 because it's worth it. Thanks for looking. PS, nothing else in the pics is included [/quote] Tom, Hi. Have a Sunday morning bump on me. I did an outdoor gig, yesterday, with one of these. Sound guy says "whatever you do, don't turn it up beyond 2 or 3 on the master, it's loud!" I thought, Yeah, OK but it can't be that loud. IT WAS!!!!!!!!!! Never went further than 2 - bright and punchy, with the EQ as I had set it. Impressed! Can't see any pics, I assume it is this one. [attachment=88046:VX3500__...er_face_.jpg] Cheers.
  9. [quote name='Grreth' post='1348488' date='Aug 22 2011, 10:13 PM']Hello!! I bought a T40 a few weeks ago but it needs a bit of work. It's a 1980 model toaster with maple neck.It's absolutely great,properly worn in but I'm looking for a few pieces for it, if anyone can help?! 1. A set of 4 bridge saddles 2. A machine head 3. A phase switch If anyone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it. I'm not unleashing it until I've got it tidied up.[/quote] Hi. Welcome. Saddles. . . . Mmmm, not so easy! Tuner, What it wrong with the original? Switch - easiest of all requests. Easily got, if you struggle, I've got spares. Come back to me. Cheers>
  10. I've been looking for a nice one of these for ages, if by light wear you mean no deep dings, consider it sold! Yippee. Will PM you. Cheers.
  11. [quote name='karlfer' post='1347537' date='Aug 21 2011, 09:11 PM'] . [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140594615353?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140594615353?ssP...984.m1423.l2649[/url][/quote] Oooeerr!! Ye don't see many of these, matey!! Rare! I'm almost certain it's had a paint job - never seen other than natural. Here's a bit about mine, with words of Jon included. (Bassassin) [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.com/2011/02/ibanez-2459b-destroyer-and-greco.html"]Ibanez 2495B[/url] Unusual range of tones, nice neck - like most of these things, a tad head heavy but nothing that can't be lived with. Good look in your quest! Cheers.
  12. This event comes round so quickly. The years are flying by!!!!!!!!! MASSIVE influence on me and the band - if it were left to us, we would do Lizzy all night! Always feel sad on the birthday and the day he slipped away. What a player and writer, a genuine talent that has touched millions, I'm sure.
  13. Been watching this from the start. Look, no hands! Object achieved - looks great. There's a very good chance your neck will be OK. The longer you leave it, the better and onece you have tipped it over the edge, as I'm sure you realise, the string tension will hold it there. Perhaps just nip up the rod nut, at that point and not tighten. Keeping my fiingers crossed. Now I've seen it, I really fancy one! Now, where's that saw gone. . . . . . . . Cheers.
  14. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='1343324' date='Aug 17 2011, 04:17 PM']Yup, I have a couple... and there's a couple residing with my friend in Wolverhampton...[/quote] Would genuinely love to see some pics of all four.
  15. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='1342686' date='Aug 17 2011, 08:14 AM']Jim passed away in May. I attended a money-raising testimonial gig for him earlier. Jim was in fairly good fettle at that event, though obviously weak. There were a few local bands featured, some playing his gutars, but one line-up played 'Spirit in the Sky' with Jim sitting in the front row. Maybe they thought it was apprpriate [/quote] Again, slightly off topic . . . . Sorry to hear that. I have been thinking of doing a feature on him, in my blog - bit like the Peter Cook one. Once again, something like this reminds me not to think about things too much and just go on and do it!!!! Anyone else have a Jim Cairnes?
  16. Go for the Blazer! Set up your amp for the USA P and then plug the Blazer in! Come back and tell us all what happened. I know the answer already, as I have done it before but I'd be interested to hear what you say about it. Cheers.
  17. Very Nice. Slightly off topic - Didn't know that Jim was no longer with us. Recent? I have one of his wonderful necks on a bass - a work of art, in terms of look and feel. Cheers.
  18. Sold, pending the usual, to a fellow Blazer fan. Cheers.
  19. Anyone fancy this od fella. I've had it for a while, shared it and enjoyed it. Thunderous Punchy sound - more attack than a USA P. Most of those who have seen it or played it have said "it's the one that the bloke from Supergrass used to use". In places it looks like it has done a few rounds with Henry Cooper - finish on the body missing all over the place but on the plus side, it has a nice neck and a huge sound. Plug and play - everything works - nice progressive pots. Looking for £160.00, delivered to most parts of the UK. If you are looking for something to polish - this won't be for you but if you are looking for a big sounding, nice playing bass, this would tick all the boxes and you wouldn't have to worry about catching a cymbal or bumping into anything. Cheers.
  20. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1330865' date='Aug 7 2011, 12:46 PM']FlatEric - can you hack into CK's account and change his avatar to something else, please? That goat keeps sending me subliminal messages to hurt people.[/quote] I know what you mean about the goat - with me it keeps telling me. . . . . . BUY MORE GEAR BUY MORE GEAR BUY MORE GEAR BUY MORE GEAR BUY MORE GEAR Hope it gets sorted. Cheers.
  21. Can someone from the mods or IT PM me. Logged out and was about to close when I got a PM?????????? Found I was logged into the account of the sender of the PM. Did a print screen to show. Get in touch and I will explain. Ta
  22. Hi. If it's any help, I have a 900, 4 string and it is a lovely bass. The neck on the 4 is a joy to play, I'm guessing that the 5 would be quite a fast neck. Great tonal range, the back of mine is curved inwards, to fit around your "two pints, steak & chips" Cheers.
  23. [quote name='FlatEric' post='1304861' date='Jul 15 2011, 04:36 PM']Well, I went ahead. . . . . . The small standard one was a whisker too small and the Great Gramma was too big!! So, I bought the PlatFoam from Studio Spares, had a piece of decent ply lying around, also had some industrial matting stuff, so it was all systems go! This is the result. The total cost was £21.62 - foam/delivery/adhesive and took me about an hour to build it. Hoping it makes a vast improvement, I'll be using it live in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed - I'll let you know how I get on. Smoke and mirrors, Snake Oil or a genuine improvement. Cheers. [/quote] [b]BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b] Took my Acoustipad out on a gig last night - one of the places that I've had trouble with before - one of the reasons I went ahead with it. No Smoke and Mirrors and not a whiff of Snake Oil!!!!! It works, simple as that!! Several friends/players in the audience all commented on how good the whole thing sounded. You can still feel a little coming back off the floor but nothing like before - no boomy resonance. Tighter sound - held Ashdown 4 x 10 plus 2 x 10, with ease - No worries. I'm a convert! Anyone else unsure or dithering over a purchase, I can assure you I was well impressed last night. Not that difficult to make, if you get the correct foam - or buy one off the shelf. I think the price of the Great Gramma is a bit steep, considering that it isn't much bigger than the STD. Not sure why that is???? Hey Ho, have a go yourself if £$£$£ are an issue. Brilliant! Cheers.
  24. [quote name='FlatEric' post='1304861' date='Jul 15 2011, 04:36 PM']Well, I went ahead. . . . . . The small standard one was a whisker too small and the Great Gramma was too big!! So, I bought the PlatFoam from Studio Spares, had a piece of decent ply lying around, also had some industrial matting stuff, so it was all systems go! This is the result. The total cost was £21.62 - foam/delivery/adhesive and took me about an hour to build it. Hoping it makes a vast improvement, I'll be using it live in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed - I'll let you know how I get on. Smoke and mirrors, Snake Oil or a genuine improvement. Cheers. [/quote] [b]BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b] Took my Acoustipad out on a gig last night - one of the places that I've had trouble with before - one of the reasons I went ahead with it. No Smoke and Mirrors and not a whiff of Snake Oil!!!!! It works, simple as that!! Several friends/players in the audience all commented on how good the whole thing sounded. You can still feel a little coming back off the floor but nothing like before - no boomy resonance. Tighter sound - held Ashdown 4 x 10 plus 2 x 10, with ease - No worries. I'm a convert! Anyone else unsure or dithering over a purchase, I can assure you I was well impressed last night. Not that difficult to make, if you get the correct foam - or buy one off the shelf. I think the price of the Great Gramma is a bit steep, considering that it isn't much bigger than the STD. Not sure why that is???? Hey Ho, have a go yourself if £$£$£ are an issue. Brilliant! Cheers.
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