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Everything posted by FlatEric

  1. [quote name='sifi2112' timestamp='1493847409' post='3291315'] Bump [/quote] Sending PM.
  2. A black chop job with a MM type tuner arrangement and something almost as bad as the OP!! [attachment=244480:peavey (4).JPG] [attachment=244481:peavey (13).JPG] [attachment=244482:Peavey.jpg]
  3. Oh my life. . . . that's worse than another similar one I have a pic of!! He had it from new and did that???
  4. Mr KB - Good day, Sir!! Have you actually swapped over a T-40 neck to a 45 and played it or jut tried it for fit and calculated the intonation? The frets on my 45 are shot - I have several spare necks but never even thought of trying the swap. Cheers.
  5. Your Forty is 37 years old - early 1979. Lovey condition for something of that age.
  6. [quote name='ba55i5t' timestamp='1490665636' post='3266886'] Hey all, Here's my contribution to the T40 thread. Yes like some of you I did consider putting it up for sale. I was entertaining some trade offers when I decided I didn't want to put it up anymore and kept it. Lucky for me I was able to get that mysterious 5/16" wrench - fyi it's the same one that is used for a Gibson Les Paul. In any case, I introduce to you my 1979 Peavey T-40. [url="https://imgur.com/a/37HZQ#?"]https://imgur.com/a/37HZQ#?[/url] [/quote] Very Nice - Early Toaster. What are the first four digits of the serial number? Cheers.
  7. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1489959941' post='3261143'] Sadly not I sold it when I was going through a skint phase. I loved that bass. Oh well, they're only things, aren't they? Although digging out this old thread has me GASing for another refin project! [/quote] It [i]was [/i]mine. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2011/09/ibanez-blazer-bass.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2011/09/ibanez-blazer-bass.html[/url] I wish I still had it, as well. I went through a phase of letting some of them go and Alex, who was soon to become "St. Albans Ibanez Blazer Fanclub President". . . . the only member so far. . . .seemed to be the best custodian and then. . . . . he sold it!!! I think we both feel the pain. I replaced it, with a red one. . . . so I'm alright, Jack!! Get another one mate. . . you know you want to!!
  8. Brian. . . . . Nice!!
  9. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1487790863' post='3242993'] On hold. Bugger. My dream Aria SB-R right there, and a surprisingly good price too. Would very probably have pulled the trigger on that. [/quote] Cheap (ish) eh? Think somone hew that and jumped in!
  10. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1487790444' post='3242983'] Mann was a Canadian import brand known for their range of MIJ copies in the 70s. They were never sold in the UK. Which is cool because this is neither a Mann nor is it Japanese - it's an Italian-made Melody from the same era. A bit more interesting than the MIJ Grabber copies and a bit less common - mostly because they all seem to fall to bits, like this one is doing. Interesting to see but he's having a laugh starting this at £200 with its comedy collapsing neck. [/quote] Jon, Hi. I had one of these "Melody", yonks ago - looks very much like it!! I think it went for £70? I was well chuffed with that - not something I wanted to keep!!
  11. May sound like a dumb question but there is a reason for it. How heavy is the amp on it's own? Ta.
  12. Thanks to all, so far - a few things to think about. I'll keep you posted. Cheers.
  13. Hi. I have searched on here but can't find anything about this, although I "think" I have seen something on here about it. Sure someone will point me in the right direction. . . . . A recent change of rehearsal venue (what is effectively a hall, close to neighbours) and a couple of things aren't right. A: The sound is bordering on awful (echoing/muffled/lack of definition). B: Two visits in and we have already had the "can you turn it down a bit lads", which we already had done, being senstive to the location. There is a house PA, std sort of run of the mill desk. The idea is. . . . use the gear we have, run it into the PA (both have DI) and keep the volumes on the Guitar/Bass amps really low. The vocal mics would run into the PA and the only thing that would be at normal volume, is the drum kit - knocking the levels right back. I haven't looked at the desk yet (we sort of packed up and wandered, once we had been told to "keep the noise down) but. . . . . There must be a monitor/headphone output - can I run some sort of interface (small mixer?) out of it into four headphones, so we can each hear bass, guitar, vocals through headphones and hear the drums acoustcally/bleed from the vocal mics?? Anyone done something similar/thinks my wacky idea will work?? Taaaaaa.
  14. Oooooooooooo!! Very nice. Guess this won't be around too long. I really don't need another one!!
  15. [quote name='ProfJames' timestamp='1485207119' post='3222183'] Hi Guys How good are they? They appear to be very popular with a number of bassists. Worth buying? [/quote] Great Basses - I love 'em! They drop into two camps - Toaster/Slab Body and Blade/Contoured. Toaster, more old school sound and Blade, a bit more punch and bite. Lots and lots of stuff here:[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/88904-peavey-t-40-basses/page__hl__peavey%20t40%20flat%20eric"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/88904-peavey-t-40-basses/page__hl__peavey%20t40%20flat%20eric[/url] Lots and lots of stuff here: [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/search?q=T-40"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/search?q=T-40[/url] People often mention the weight of them - generally the earlier ones are lighter - I have a few that are around 9 to 10lbs. The thing is they are very "well balanced". I have lighter basses, that "feel" heavier, as they hang off balance, so try not to let that put you off. Have a read up and decide if you want Toaster or Blade. Good luck in finding the one for you - plenty of fans of the Forty on here! Cheers. ::
  16. Nice. Only just discovered this band via here on Basschat - may have been you that put it up. Like their stuff.
  17. Owdo mate!! Good luck with the sale - make a bit more room for you to stack up all those kidzzz toyzzz!! LOL. Hope you get your op sorted out soon!! Cheers.
  18. Ah, this has risen to the surface again. I never did find anything definative. A one off? Nice looking and hopefully, nice playing.
  19. I thing there are two sections of Ibanez and there are fans for earlier (sort of pre1985 ish) for later and in some cases they like both. I fall into the earlier - I only have one post 85, which is a beautiful SR 900. Here:[url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/09/ibanez-old-and-new.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/09/ibanez-old-and-new.html[/url] I just love the "Classic Ibanez", in my opinion, some of the best basses money can buy and the values of them aren't falling. Someone has already mentioned a confusion between models, which may be true, I can't say I know a newer one from the other. It has also been mentioned that Dave Swift is an endorsee, he also has a floor to ceiling collection of the "Classics" It is perhaps that the modern ones, just don't stand out? I love my 900 but have never been tempted to buy another later Ibby. Nothing sort of grabs me - but then to be fair, I only really do 4 String.
  20. Nice. People only get to realise how good they are, once they have had a proper go on one - very rarely do players acvtively search for these, preferring more accepted brands. A truly cracking bass!!
  21. I joined up because I was trying to find someone else in the UK, who had an Odyssey Bass, like mine. I managed to find someone and nearly a thousand posts later (small fry for a lot of you guys and gals on here), I am still here. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/06/start-at-last.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/06/start-at-last.html[/url] It is certainly one of the best around and long my it continue.
  22. Bit of an update on the Peter Cook Story. It is (hush my mouth. . .) Guitar related but I'm sure in this instance, it'll be OK Click on the link to see Peter, (me ) and the Wonderful Axis Guitar, that has returned to the guy who made it. [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/[/url] For anyone that hase not seen the Axis Bass - see here: [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/search?q=Axis+Bass"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/search?q=Axis+Bass[/url] This is a post that I listed before I managed to track Peter down. That was a task and a half!!! [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/07/peter-cook-custom-builder-where-are-you.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/07/peter-cook-custom-builder-where-are-you.html[/url] I will be doing more on what we found from the attic, in the new year! Cheers.
  23. [quote name='Norm' timestamp='1481038953' post='3189213'] Thanks Flat Eric for your expert knowledge. Your white bass is sweet! Question still stands about the body construction? [/quote]Mm. Got me there. Looks like a veneer front and back? They did a dark see through stain - perhaps that on Basswood. Don't put off by that. I have a red Blazer - thunderous!!!
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