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Everything posted by FlatEric

  1. Finally got round to taking a pic of my Series 2 SB1000. I've never seen another on except for the ones on Graeme Fyfe's exellent Aria Site. [url="http://www.prog.rockers.co.uk/sb10002s.htm"]Aria Site[/url] [i][/i] [i]Very[/i] different to it's older brother. Also, while I've still got the green fur up ........... pics of the TSB 650, medium scale thumper. That's all for now.
  2. [quote name='cocco' post='846366' date='May 24 2010, 11:30 AM']Anyone spotted T-40 s being used anywhere in the mainstream? Friendly Fires had one in a video not so long ago.[/quote] This the man?? [attachment=50941:friendly..._house_1.jpg] [attachment=50942:friendlyfires.jpg] and........ while I was looking for that, saw this. Someone rockin' it out in the garage!!! [attachment=50943:garageband.jpg] [quote name='dannybuoy' post='850011' date='May 28 2010, 07:05 AM']I have a '79 natural toaster edition also, and I'm considering setting it up with BEAD tuning. Anyone else tried this?[/quote] Not yet! I have one five string and still can't quite get the hand of it. A friend converted an old Aria into a five - made adjustments to the nut, strung it up and bingo. I did think of doing it on one of my 40's and if I do, I will slip out the nut and make another one, as the originals, unique to the T-40, are difficult to get hold of. You go first and let me know how you get on. Cheers.
  3. Not really an e.bay related thing but I told Jon I would post pics of the Lincoln I have. So, here it is. This one has also had a head repair but this one is [i]much[/i] better than the one that was up for sale. Sounded very nice when I got it - took the strings of to "get it sorted" some time ago and never got round to it. Must get on the case! [attachment=50937:Lincoln.jpg] [attachment=50938:Lincolna.jpg] [attachment=50939:Lincolnb.jpg] [attachment=50940:Lincolnc.jpg] Cheers.
  4. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='849837' date='May 27 2010, 09:40 PM']Korean Satellite? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-P-TYPE-FRETLESS-BASS-GUITAR-JAPAN-VINTAGE-80s-/220612546137?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item335d884e59"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-P-TYPE-FRETLE...=item335d884e59[/url][/quote] Yep. I've go one of these - really quite good. Nice sound and feel - nothing special just gets on and does the job. I bought it to improve my fretless technique, as mine has factory position marks on the edge of the neck. These are dead centre to where the fret would be. Helped me a lot. . . . . . . . . Helped me to realise I am never going to be a fluid fretless player. I have some lined fretless, so I think I will stick to that. Might sell mine, if anyione is interested. Cheers.
  5. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='849908' date='May 27 2010, 10:47 PM']Played the t-40 through an amp for the first time this evening at a rehearsal. All i can say is that i am absolutely blown away! This thing has so many brilliant tones! I especially like the rear pickup in humbucker mode and having both pups on with one in single coil and one in humbucker. Brilliant!!! Can't say i found much use for the phase switch though! just seems to cut most of the bass out of the sound. Bit pointless!!![/quote] Welcome to the Club. There are SO MANY combinations. Best way to explore is on a practice amp or turn you usual amp right down, that way you can here all the subtle differences. Try out of phase, both humbuckers on and back the volume of the front or the back a bit. Now you have a different sound - you can check by putting it in and out of phase. now try bleeding in a single coil, then another. The other thing is, when you have the back one on single coil, the phase swith lets you choose which coil - the one nearer the bridge or the one nearer the neck. I will post up on this thread, something I have had in another one, which explains all about it. Glad you like it. Any questions, come back to me. One another note. What the ****!!!! A fellow Peavey nut sent me this today. What on earth posesed the owner to do this!!! [attachment=50698:peavey__1_.JPG][attachment=50699:peavey__2_.JPG][attachment=50700:peavey__4_.JPG] [attachment=50701:peavey__13_.JPG]
  6. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='846930' date='May 24 2010, 09:56 PM']Can you expand upon that please? I'm assuming this is the clearance you get when depressing the string at both the first and last fret? Or am I barking up the wrong tree...? [/quote] Hi. The measurement is with the bass lying on it's back, as when you put it in the playing position, it raises by about 0.25mm. Gravity!! Many years ago, I saw somone using wire to measure action. Wire is made in Standard Wire Gauge, SWG and is a uniform standard size. Sliding something round between the fret and the string, is the most accurate way of measuring the distance. I never did quite get the steel rule thing. This is my '79, which is the one I am playing at the moment - the vernier shows the size of a drill bit and this is slid between the fret and the string. If the gap was greater than the 2.2mm, it would roll off the fret. As the drill is secure, the gap must be less than 2.19mm. So, the action on this one is 2.2mm, when laid on it's back - it was measured as 2.4mm in the playing position. [attachment=50547:Action.jpg] [attachment=50548:Action1.jpg] On average, in the playing position, mine average around 2.5mm, which is very comfortable to play. Not sure how old your strings are but if they need changing, try Picato 735 LHY. Please bear in mind that I play off the front corner of the back pup - if you play nearer the neck, this would have to be lifted to suit. Hope this helps. Cheers.
  7. [quote name='bob_pickard' post='846564' date='May 24 2010, 03:12 PM']my first bass was one of these - brilliant guitars - matsumoku made and I wish I hadn't sold it. If you come acoss on ewith Asterix and Obelix painted on it - it's mine and I want it back!![/quote] Quite right - I've got two of these - they sound like something ten times the cost. I would gladly take on board another. Black, this time.
  8. Very nice. I dabble with "The Dark Side" - Yamaha guitars of this type are very well made, looks like a nice one. Shwing!!
  9. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='846813' date='May 24 2010, 07:58 PM']Hi Eric, thanks for clearing up the neckplate thing! Got my T-40 last night, and still haven't played it through an amp! (Don't have an instrument cable around!) Bu sounds lovely acoustic. Lots of things to do to it though, it really needs setting up for me, it plays lovely, but i play too hard for the action and the neck tilt adjustment could do with erm... adjusting! Has anybody replaced their scratchplates? The one on mine is very buckled (common ailment!) and i wonder if it's worth getting a new one [url="http://www.wdmusic.com/pickguard_pv_2900.html"]here[/url]... Not sure if you can class the pickguard being like this character or mojo though!!! I love black/black/maple but i'm considering a white scratch and truss-rod cover (I know mister coolandclassic guitars has trussrod covers available) just to be really different! On top of that, I need to replace the switches, take all the screws off and scrub them/bathe them in cola because they're rusty, replace both pickup surrounds (both are cracked and one has lost a corner), clean the knobs (possibly in the same way as the screws), get a new set of strings on it, set up the intonation (i don't think it's out, just want to be completely certain), clean the frets (which are in great condition and the fingerboard is spotless!), wash the outside of the case and possibly try and brush some life into the lining, may even get a new nut, the current one appears fine but would prefer a brass one to what appears to be just a generic silver coloured metal! Also, what looks like the top layer of the black plastic on the pickups (where you would put the bread in the toaster) has come off a bit on a couple of areas... don't think i'll bother doing anything with this though! So yeah! Looking forward to the long road ahead with my T-40! Will get pictures up when i eventually get round to taking some![/quote] Hi. Glad you have got your hands on it. Neck tilt is perhaps the last thing. Check there is not too much relief on the neck. Mine are all set up to around 2.5mm at the 12th. Takes some care but it will be worth it. On [i]some[/i] of the scratchplates, they do buckle slightly - part of the character - if it was a Fender, it would be Mojo. I'd leave it. Pup rings do crack due to age but mainly over tightening of the screws. Cleaning up the knobs/screws should be easy. Strings, Picato 735 LHY - try them. The nuts are unique and an after market won't fit directly, I would leave it and keep it original. The top layer of the old Toasters do suffer if the pups are too high. Again, it's Mojo. In a nutshell, give it some TLC but try and leave it as original as poss. If you need any help, PM me and we can sort it out between us. Cheers.
  10. [quote name='Jigster' post='846032' date='May 23 2010, 09:19 PM']eric i don't have, but am very attracted t the T-40 - so can I play? would be interested to know, will a good strap ease some of the heavy duty people talk about - but i guess the weight is where all the tone comes from? aside from the pups of course Also, is there anywhere in particular you've bought these? do they mainly deal out of the states?[/quote] Yes, of course you can - the more, the merrier Everyone keeps mentioning weight There are [i]some[/i] that are heavier but in the main, they are around 10lbs. Is that heavy?? This is something I posted some time ago. One of the things that is often said about the T-40 is how powerful the pups are and how you can dial in a lot of different subtle tone differences. Although they were all machine made and feel pretty much the same, they all have slight differences in sound. Two of the same year, side by side, have a difference. Pretty much in line with other makes, I guess. In reality, this would only make a difference in a studio, live - you would not be able to tell. The other thing is the weight. Well, compared to a Steinberger, yes! Compared to a Jazz or Precision, Yes. I do have heavier, though - an Ibanez Studio that you could knock posts into the ground with!! I was thinking about this, earlier this year, when I opened up my '79 to sort out an annoying crackle, I decided to strip it down, clean it up and give it a good service. I weighed the parts on a very accurate industrial scale. The body was 2.15Kg - 4.73 lbs, neck 1.16KG - 2.55 lbs and all the remaining parts were 1.45KG - 3.19 lbs. Total 4.76KG - 10.49 lbs. When you consider that each bridge saddle weighs about one ounce and the whole bridge, assembled, is just under 1 lb, at 15 ounces, I think that's what tipped it over the edge! Does anyone know of a heavier bridge?? Having weighed some of the others, 10.5 lbs is about on the mark. Does this add to the sound? Well, all things considered, I suppose it does. What are they like to gig with? Well, our sets are about 45 to 50 minutes and it doesn't bother me, in fact after a while you get used to it and then going back to something lighter/smaller, feels a bit odd. I use a standard Wrangler strap, no padding. They do come up for sale in the UK, you just have to keep looking. I have sold three of mine, in the last two years and there have been at least 6 or 7 come up for sale this year. I did muse over selling some of mine but every time I get round to doing it, I change my mind. The most common ones are the Natural/Maple. The most rare ones, as far as I know, are the Red/RW. They also did Sunburst, Tanburst, Orangeburst, (not sure that's what it is but it is brighter than the tan, Black, White and Wine. Maple boards are the most common, Rosewood is quite a rarity on any of the colours. And finally. . . . . . . [quote name='allighatt0r' post='841260' date='May 18 2010, 07:15 PM']Question for you T-40 nuts: Why do they put the neck plate on upside down? Seems a bit odd![/quote] This is the answer from someone "in the know", who asked Chip Todd, creator of the "T"'s. "I actually asked Chip that same question a few years ago while at his shop. He said it was so the audience could read the name if you flipped the body up while playing. Have someone put your T on and flip the body up. Yep. Can read the neck plate plain as day. Personally I think he was pulling my leg, but it does make sense". No, I don't believe it either Cheers.
  11. [quote name='razze06' post='845972' date='May 23 2010, 08:15 PM']I'll take pics of my t40 as soon as i'm finished with the house move...[/quote] Great stuff - look forward to it. Pics in Gear Porn - General T-40 stuff, technical and introductions, in here. Cheers.
  12. Hi. Here's my '79. Such a lot of life in this one. Full sound, harmonics all over the place, deep thud when required, bright and snappy when needed. Lovely to play, brings a smile to my face every time I pick it up. This is one of the more rare "Three piecer" bodies. The "fur" background is is a "lend from a friend" - what he has it for, I'm not sure, Mmm?
  13. Welcome on board. Ash, Jerry - nice to see you as some of the early posters - hope to see Kingforaday popping up soon. Allighatt0r, welcome - you'll love it. Post up some pics in Kingforaday's thread in Gear Porn. I'm off now to post up pics of my Natural '79. Hope to see more posts from others - there must be more of you out there.
  14. [u][size=4]Hi to all those of you out there who have, or are interested in the Peavey T-40[/size][/u] As there seems to be a lot more interest in this great instrument and a lot of info swapping is hogging up space in "Gear Porn", I thought I would get this started. So anyone out there who has got one, two, or more - drop in and say Hi! For those who aren't familiar with the beast. . . . . . . . . This is the animal. Look forward to hearing from you. Cheers. Flat Eric.
  15. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='844544' date='May 21 2010, 07:51 PM']I've just scored this T-40 off of eBay Picking it up on Sunday! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320533604040#ht_4642wt_1048"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...#ht_4642wt_1048[/url] However! It's had the switches replaced at some time in it's life. Does anyone know how I can get my hands on some original switches (the paddle shaped ones, not the bat shaped ones). Yes, this is a cheeky way of me asking if anyone has any going spare! [/quote] Top man. Nice bass. Welcome to the Club. Time to spread the word If you get stuck, I have some switches - I'll find out how much they were and I'll PM you. [u]Eric, do you play with a plectrum or with fingers? I ask as people often leave this detail out when describing string sounds, despite the big difference to the way it affects things...[/u] Fingers, my good man - We'll have no plectrums here!! Thumb resting on the corner of the back pick-up ring. Perfect. I'm off to dig out my '79 and take a pic, as this is Gear Porn that we are hogging, perhaps we should put some pictures up! I think I'll start a T-40 thread in Bass Guitars and perhaps we can continue this over there and save this area for it's proper purpose - Your gear as the lens sees it. Cheers. Flat Eric.
  16. [quote name='cocco' post='843190' date='May 20 2010, 03:13 PM']I played mine at rehearsal yesterday through my sans-amp. I had to change the settings a bit from my jazz to compensate for the low end and dead strings combination but once I was done I had some serious growl. I'm really toying with the idea of trying to trade mine for a rail one because they're a little hotter Im told?[/quote] Hold it right there!!! I think yours is a '79, Toaster?? I have now started to re-string all mine (when they need doing) both toaster and blade. In the past on the 40, I have used Rotosound, Stadium Elites, Martin and D' Addario. Stuck a set of Picato 735 LHY on one of my Toasters, also a 79 and . . . . .WOW!!! I have used up the six sets that I bought and have another 10 sets on the way. I am using these on almost everything now. Where;s the catch??? There isn't one!! Great strings, great feel, great tone, equal balance across all four strings and . . . . . . les than £8 a set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brings out a real "punch, bark and growl" Click on the link below. [url="http://www.stringmail.co.uk/bass.htm"]Stringmail[/url] I'll post a pic of mine later. Cheers.
  17. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='841260' date='May 18 2010, 07:15 PM']Question for you T-40 nuts: Why do they put the neck plate on upside down? Seems a bit odd![/quote] Hi. I have often wondered about that. I don't know the real answer but the microtilt hole needs to be at the back and to get the logo as large as possible, it has to sit behing the P. Either that or someone given the task at Peavey made a mistake. I have seen a few fitted the wrong way round, especially on the T-60's. [attachment=50073:NeckPlate.jpg] I know of a Peavey man, he may know the answer - I'll get back to you. Cheers.
  18. [quote name='Soloshchenko' post='838953' date='May 16 2010, 04:19 PM']I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'd love it if you wrote a book on the history of Japcrap/Rickenfakers mate.[/quote] [quote]I'd love to do it - but there's only 5 people in the whole world who would buy it! [/quote] Well get cracking on it and put me on the list. Seriously Jon, you ought to put finger to keyboard and share the knowlege. I bet there would be a lot of interest from all of us who share a liking for Japan's finest. I know a couple of tame printers!!! Gooo Ooooon, you know you want to!!
  19. [quote name='budget bassist' post='833801' date='May 10 2010, 11:47 PM']Aye sounds good to me, i can't do weekdays really, nor would most other people i imagine.[/quote] From what I can make out, are we talking about June 5th? If the date is made firm, I'm sure a list of names will put up. Cheers.
  20. [quote name='Bassassin' post='834955' date='May 12 2010, 01:36 AM']Real shame about the headstock break on this, been slightly gaseous towards these for a while. These are a bit of a mystery (which I'd like to think I've solved) on the JapCrap boards - they appear with several thousand different names all over Yurp & the US in both bass & guitar versions. There are several threads about these on the Matsumoku board - Ebayers usually claim them as Mats because of the Hippy Sandwich body/neck - but this is what they really are: [url="http://www.fernandes.co.jp/others/catalog/1978_f_01/27.jpg"]http://www.fernandes.co.jp/others/catalog/1978_f_01/27.jpg[/url] With a few variations in pickup/controls, it's a Fernandes "Custom Hand". Where do they get these names? According to one of the Japanese vintage sites, Fernandes was built by either Kawai or Tokai at this point. And I've seen an 8-string version of this.... :brow: J.[/quote] Jon. I've got one of these. Mine has a break but is has had a solid fix. Bought it ages ago, for too much money if I'm honest, meaning to do something with it. Just liked the look of it. I [i]nearly[/i] bought the guitar version but missed it. I have never seen another one. Will get you a pic. You may wish to make me a Gypo offer for it.
  21. For the unwashed, what exactly is a Bass Bash? We are based Loghborough way, so a few of us could make it to Notingham but I'm not clear what goes on. Please enlighten the uninitiated. Cheers.
  22. No apologies required, good to see the marque recognised. Nice looking basses. I think Aria of this period, made some truly great basses and I have a few of them. First up is in my opinion, a very good bass - one that is never put on anyone's want list, probably skip by it when reading the ads but when I got mine, I went and bought another, just to make sure. Punchy, is the best description. The Red one. Just Luvverly The Grey one. Just as Luvverly SB Special II These are nice to play. Stacked Volume and Tone, Series/Parallel - Some great tones and weighs next to nothing. I have some other Classic/Rare Aria but never took any pics. Will try and sort it. Cheers.
  23. [quote name='walplayer' post='830684' date='May 7 2010, 02:23 PM']No case unfortunateley ,it's not mint as i said,just player wear,i was toying with idea of a sand and refin on body.Has got one of the circular bits on the back missing where the strings go through body but the retainer bit is still there.just needs a bit of tlc .SOUNDS GREAT.[/quote] Nice bass. As Cocco said, these are beasts. Yours is a fairly rare "Three Piecer" - most of the bodies are five pieces like this. [attachment=49159:FiveBack.jpg] Stick a set of Picato 735 40 - 100 on this and away you go. These, in my opinion, are some of the best strings around and suit the "T" down to a "T"!! Good luck with the sale.
  24. [quote name='walplayer' post='824843' date='May 1 2010, 02:08 PM']Thinking about moving this old thing on,not mint but sounds lovely plugged in.Am looking for trades only at the minute,possibly a f'less but not sure,open to suggestions. Ash body maple 'board.toasters. Will get some more details/ pics up soon if anyone's interested Cheers. Only pic i've got for now [/quote] OK. Temptation is TOO great. Let me have more pics. Case??
  25. [quote name='MuseMatt' post='825665' date='May 2 2010, 05:28 PM'] I think I want to get this one pimped as I have no cash to buy another 'proper' precision bass and it plays lovely. Has anyone done this to their Roadstar and what was the result?[/quote] Don't Do It!!!!! Please. Pimp something cheep and cheerful. I'll swap you something you can fully pimp up.
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