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Everything posted by FlatEric

  1. [quote name='Sibob' post='694212' date='Dec 27 2009, 12:25 PM']Yeah.....don't remember them all, but they'll all written in the diary lol Si[/quote] Ha, Ha - see what you mean!! What I meant was, because of my advancing years, I can't remember all the gigs!! Did the audience start Pole Dancing - yes it did happen in October time, or did we only play to 20 odd people as the venue had not advertised it! That sort of thing. If you have done 50+ gigs, surely you can't remember them all!! . . . . or can you????
  2. Sitting here, getting over the excesses of the last two days - dropped onto this. I am amazed at some of the numbers here, with people holding down full time jobs and some on shifts!!! We did 20, which I think was 2 down on last year but 40, 50, 60 and way beyond!!!! I struggle to remember all of ours in one year, let alone some of the 100+ listed from some of you guys! Hats off to you. Now where is that gig diary????
  3. [quote name='arsenic' post='692912' date='Dec 24 2009, 12:49 PM']I humble myself before your expansive knowledge, and I agree this should be returned to original topic - bring on the Antoria, Burrito (grabs coat and heads to Japcrap sub forum)[/quote] I'm with you - what a lot of info!!!! I too am off to JapCrap!!
  4. [quote name='arsenic' post='691433' date='Dec 22 2009, 12:47 PM']That interesting, because I have not seen another bass like this. Any chance of some pictures - would be interested in a comparrison. I was always a bit of a sucker for some of the low end Jap stuff - I well remember lusting after a Shaftsbury Rick copy way back, and I used to have a really nice Avon EB/SG style bass in a transparent goldy colour, that played rather well - that was part ex'ed for a '73 Fender Precision - now sadly long gone due to unemplyment in my early twenties (about 25/26 years ago) - I would like to replace that with an all original '62 (year I was born) or a nice late '70's all natural/maple one, a bit like Jon's Japcraptasic one thats in the For Sale section. - but not until I have lots of money.[/quote] Not great pics but should show similarity. [attachment=38821:TelBass.jpg] [attachment=38822:TelBass1.jpg] [attachment=38823:TelBass2.jpg] Had a quick go on this today - really quite good. Cheers.
  5. [attachment=38800:t_45s.jpg] [attachment=38799:t_45as.jpg] I know this is for "Intro's" but couldn't think of anywhere else to put it. Hope this helps. Cheers.
  6. [quote name='arsenic' post='690103' date='Dec 20 2009, 08:06 PM']The pickups do seem to be fairly typical of the era....these are the ones on an Agelica Tele bass copy I have(my first bass), from around 72/73. [attachment=38689:DSCF2686.JPG] [attachment=38688:DSCF2681.JPG] The bridge is very similar, if not identical to the Avon Jazz featured here.[/quote] Hi. Your Angelica looks identical to my Columbus. Maybe the same factory? Cheers.
  7. [quote name='implo' post='691037' date='Dec 21 2009, 09:45 PM']Hello, I stumbled into 'gear porn' after googling the Peavey T-40/T-45 and thought you seemed like a splendid bunch. I'm originally a soft southern tw*t who now lives in Norway, where I spend alot of my free time writing [url="http://implosionquintet.com"]odd sh*t[/url]. Bass-wise, I'm self-taught and have been playing for 14 years, and currently own a Warwick Corvette 5 (which I'm attempting to flog to the norgs). As was mentioned, I came in via a search for a Peavey T-45, a particularly mint example of which I found for sale over here. I wondered if there are any T-45 players out there who can give me any idea as to how it sounds/plays? As a reference point, I spent some time working in a guitar shop in Bath years ago, and played regularly on two basses - a beyond-my-wages Stingray and a tuppence Peavey milestone. The 'Ray was superb, EB or not, but the Milestone had that neck... Cheapy or not, it was lovely to play. So, The T-45 struck me as a kind of mid-way between the two - it looks to have a milestone-esque neck, and what with the pick up being where it is (and that curious little roll-off pot), I thought it may come close to MM tone. Maybe. Any input is very welcome indeed. My thanks, gentlemen. *doffs*[/quote] Implo, Hi. Glad you are into Peavey "T"'s, I love 'em and some of mine are posted in the Gear Porn that you have already looked at. The T-45 is perhaps not what you think it may be. I have one, to accompany my T-40's. The neck is the same as a T-40, which is not the same as a Milestone. The necks are broad ish but not very deep at the back, so I get on with them great, despite having small hands. If you read all the stuff in Gear Porn, so you will see I have written quite a bit about them. The single pick-up thing, sort of works but it doesn't have the range of the T-40 - again read the Gear porn listing. The controls are Volume, Coil selection - single, brighter - humbucker, darker and deeper and the final one is a Tone, the same as on any other bass. I have a manual I will scan and post up. The other thing. . . as there isn't much timber routed out on the T-45, it is heavier than the 40, which is something you don't want. PM me if you want any more info on Peavey "T" basses. Cheers. Flat Eric.
  8. [quote name='nettson' post='691279' date='Dec 22 2009, 09:30 AM']Hello, I am Nettson as some of you may know me as. I don't feel like giving out a big introduction at the moment, so for now, I shall say just a "Hello" to all, so now all of you do me a favor and start "welcoming" me.[/quote] Hi. Just logged on, saw your intro. Welcome. Cheers.
  9. [quote name='Bassman' post='687999' date='Dec 18 2009, 08:30 AM']Hello FlatEric, I've never seen the Westone "steinbergerlike" before, waw, it looks great ! does it sounds as an steinberger ? Is it comfortable to play? Thank you[/quote] If you look in Gear Porn under Westone, you will see what I have posted. There is another great looking one. To be honest, until I saw the Westone thing, I hadn't played them for at least six months - can't gig them - see reason in the Gear porn listing but have really enjoyed getting together again. Very fast to play, pick up movement gives LOADS of different sounds but not as light weight as you would think, at 6lbs. Cheers
  10. Having looked at the post by Paul_C, who seems at have an attraction for Yamaha SBV, I have the same thing for Peavey "T"'s, as well as a few others that are twins. Not photographed together, so I have not included them. I have listed these pics before in Gear Porn, where you will find some other great pics of the T-40. The White Aria Laser Heritage, also has a twin but never photographed together. The other two are Aria Elites. The are also two "Rails" in Gear Porn, under Westone. [attachment=38490:A3T..JPG][attachment=38491:A3T2.jpg] [attachment=38488:3Aria.JPG] [attachment=38492:Rail.jpg]
  11. Hi. Smart move. If you like something, back it up. I have just bought an identical amp to the one I use from a BCer. Very happy. I have several twins and also a few of "Father and son's". Bass and it's nearest guitar. Take some time to find what you like and if needed, and you are fortunate enough - find a spare.
  12. [quote name='Spoombung' post='675239' date='Dec 5 2009, 08:28 PM']I want one! I've been looking for one of those for a while...[/quote] Here are the two together. Lightening fast to play and loose nothing to the bottom end due to the shorter scale. Great fun. [attachment=38191:R4s.jpg][attachment=38192:R5s.jpg] [attachment=38189:R2s.jpg][attachment=38190:R3s.jpg] [attachment=38188:R1s.jpg][attachment=38193:R6s.jpg]
  13. Is there a "Classic Ibanez" section in Gear porn - looked but can't find one Some good pics in here!
  14. [quote name='Spoombung' post='675239' date='Dec 5 2009, 08:28 PM']I want one! I've been looking for one of those for a while...[/quote] Here are the pics. This is the nicer one of the two, the other is more of a "Road Warrior" I have played this one today - the first time for ages!!!!! What a surprise. Whisper quiet electrics, HUGE tonal range, big sound and plays like a knife through butter! These are quite rare - I guess even more rare with the case. . . and the distributors label!!! This one is a keeper. The other one has a missing tuner knob, which I can sort - this one will be up for grabs. I don't need two but after having a go today, I have realised what a great recording tool this is. Move the pup 10mm this way or 10mm that - it makes a LOT of difference. [attachment=37818:Rail.jpg][attachment=37819:Rail1.jpg][attachment=37821:Rail2.jpg] [attachment=37822:Rail3.jpg] [attachment=37823:Rail4.jpg][attachment=37824:Rail5.jpg][attachment=37825:Rail6.jpg] Cheers.
  15. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='669550' date='Nov 29 2009, 10:14 PM']I'm waiting for someone to turn up on here with a "Rail." Fred.T.Baker had one when I had a couple of lessons with him in the late 80's. Seriously cool thing! [/quote] Aha, I might be able to help. I have two of these, one in it's original silver soft case. Big sound and the sliding pup allows you to hear how important pick-up positioning is. Not as light as you would think - weighs around 6lbs, from memory. Fun thing and is a serious bass but never dared to gig them. I took my Gordy Headless to a gig, just after Christmas - I can still hear the ringing of the laughter from the lads in the band What the **** is that - it's got no head!! I, erm - pretended not to be hurt! I may be letting one or both of them go as I saw one recently fetch about £350!!! Wow! I keep looking at them but just can't seem to pluck up the courage. The lads seem to think that unless I have at least 10lbs of wood hanging around my neck, it won't sound any good. Will keep you posted. Cheers.
  16. Played at a private party last night, with my RD Artist, which for some reason didn't like my radio gear. Plugged in a trusty old lead and away we went! Great night, made even better by a guest appearance of the host's 13 year old son, in the second set. He rehearsed with us twice and pulled off 13 numbers. ACDC, Purple, ZZ Top, Lizzy and several more - awesome! Also somewhat upsetting for us "older" members! How can a 13 year old be as good as that???? :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: Great night. Hoping he will guest with us next year.
  17. Very nice P, love the grain and the rose board. Lucky man. Here's mine from the same era. [attachment=37674:78P3.jpg][attachment=37671:78P.jpg][attachment=37672:78P1.jpg][attachment=37673:78 P2.jpg]
  18. Good luck to you. Seems like things are turning around for you, at last. Stunning bass - you're not going to see many like that. Enjoy your playing - bet you have got out of bed a couple of times in the night . . . . . just to have another peek!! All the very best. Flat Eric.
  19. [quote name='jmstone' post='671797' date='Dec 2 2009, 07:58 AM']Wow! Didn't know the bridge was non-original! Are you certain?[/quote] Don't panic. The bridge is original - same as mine. Some had round saddles and some square. Why, I don't know.
  20. [quote name='noelk27' post='670683' date='Dec 1 2009, 01:32 AM']Having trouble identifying a particular SB series model. Purchased by me in '88, used, the bass has an '85 serial number. Based on the weight I'm guessing that the wings are a North American ash, finished in black, with the traditional maple and rosewood five-piece centre block. Now, here's where I start to get confused: the bass is not thru-neck, but has a socketed and glued neck, with a deeper profile than than usual for an SB, and which is comprised of three sections of maple, with a dark (possibly Jacaranda) touchboard (dot, not eye/block, markers), a 40mm nut, tapering to 18mm bridge spacing. Bridge is chromed, tuning pegs are chromed, nut is brass, control pots knurled (finished gold), and pickup appears to be an MB-II. My best guess is a late issue SB 600, as it's not an SB R-60 or SB Elite-I. Anyone have any thoughts?[/quote] I think it must be a 600. The description of the "chunky" neck joint matches mine. Don't remember them having gold knobs - maybe a later addition. Mine sounds great but it takes me about half an hour to get used to the string spacing. [url="http://www.matsumoku.org/models/ariaproii/catalogs/1981ts/81ts_a_pg3.jpg.html"]SB600 Link.[/url] Can get you a pic of the neck joint, if you want to check it out. Cheers. Flat Eric.
  21. [quote name='noelk27' post='666848' date='Nov 26 2009, 10:45 PM']Any thoughts on the current (non-eBay; non-Denmark St) value of an '84 Aria Pro II TSB 400, finished in black, in average condition.[/quote] Hi. Spotted this post, as I whipped out mine, the other day!!! It's an earlier one, with four in line on the head. I would agree with the other post, the later two aside would fetch around £180 ish - maybe £200, if it's a nicer one. I also agree on the "won't sell it" Try taking your £180.00 into a shop, or on-line to see what you can get for your money. Nothing like what you have.
  22. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='664086' date='Nov 24 2009, 05:56 PM']As an aside, I've got one of those Blazer pickups going spare if any one needs it (sorry if this is slightly OT).[/quote] Sent you a PM.
  23. [quote name='henry norton' post='663141' date='Nov 23 2009, 08:32 PM']Changing the strings should be the very first thing a player tries if they're looking for a new sound from their bass. It's where 'the sound' emanates from and the medium that interprets the entire physical construction of the guitar. Lucky you by the way. Interesting experiment but have you strung the three basses with identical sets of strings and played them back to back through a flat EQ so you can see the difference each neck/body combination, magnet age, finish option makes on the tone of what are otherwise supposed to be identical instruments?[/quote] Yep, I tried that as well, with a brace of T-40's and Japan P's. The T-40's were the same era, neck, controls etc - Red, Natural and Sunburst, all strung with Elite mediums, same gauge. The Natural was the most bright and powerful, then the Sunburst, then the Red, in that order. The P's, strung with the same strings, were hard to tell apart, although all (and most of the ones I've played) had a more powerful E, which despite having the pup further down on that side, still barks louder than the other strings. I am just more gentle on the E - seems to work. The thing I mentioned about the leads, in the previous post, had one being hurled into the bin. Looked OK, got some fancy writing on the side but seemed to suck up about 10% of the power. Never noticed until I started playing around with them. Just goes to show that if all the governing factors are in your favour, Great! If not, could be a great bass but the lead and amp let it down, or a great amp and duff bass! I have followed a lot of the posts from "doctor of the bass" and I'm sure he must have had a similar experience. Would be interesting to find out.
  24. I've spent a while browsing older posts, to see if this subject has been posted but can't find anything like it, so I'll have a go. Anyone who knows of a post like this, let me know After many years of collecting, I have recently been fortunate enough to be able to put same make and different make basses side by side, in three different amp/cab combinations. To make the recipe more interesting, in some combinations, they are strung with different makes of string/different gauges. As we all search for "our sound", or to emulate one that we like, or to copy it for cover numbers, the recipe has to be about right. If you take a sample bass, (I started with three Japanese 62 RI Jazzes) near enough the same year, with three different types of strings (all roundwound) the difference was very noticable. The amp is set to a fixed setting, all the time and then the same basses were tried in a different amp/cab, with pretty much the same EQ settings. The sound and tone, as you might expect were different again. So, when looking for "that sound", it may be a case of keeping the bass you have and altering the recipe. I even tried different (good quality) leads and a wireless rig and found that there was a noticeable difference. Alternatively, you may chop in a completey good bass for something different, only to find that the elusive magic sound is out of your grasp, as the amp/cab doesn't add to the flavour. Comments please. Cheers. Flat Eric.
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