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Everything posted by FlatEric

  1. If it is of any help. . . . This would have been a Blazer, converted to RB650 Spec, by adding the J at the bridge. Both the Blazer and the 650, have the jack socket on the plate. This is mine: [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/ibanez-rb-650-hot-marquee-and-davy.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/ibanez-rb-650-hot-marquee-and-davy.html[/url] I seems to be a neat conversion, so I would imagine it would have the same charcteristics of the 650, which it a truly great bass - one of my favourites and current rehearsing bass and back up. Luvvverlee to play, Big, Punchy sound and great tones. Would be a great bass to own and play. Cheers>
  2. For anyone who was following this, the bass is now finished. See Here: [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/[/url] Anyone else got a Reeve, Seen one, played one - would love to here from you. Cheers.
  3. For anyone who was following this, the bass is now finished. See Here: [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/[/url] Anyone else got a Reeve, Seen one, played one - would love to here from you. Cheers.
  4. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1479657968' post='3178182'] Very nice work, Sir. Once again Mr FlatEric shines an illuminating light on British Guitar history. Truly he is a scholar (and a gentleman) [/quote] Why, thank you - Very kind of you to say so. It's a lot of work but a true labour of love! Cheers. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1479658271' post='3178187'] Peter sold me an aria SBR-150 with actives modified by him. He was a really nice guy. I traded my Manson explorer bass in against it. This was late 86 maybe even early 87 [/quote] Whilst rooting through all the stuff, we came across a "day book" - jobs coming in day to day. All sorts of names/jobs in there (a lot of them) - I'm sure those of us who are of an age and who visited the shop, may have an entry in the book. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1479660944' post='3178223'] When I was a drummer, back in the early 70s, our bassist had a Ned Callan bass. It was a tone monster through his Orange valve head and WEM 2 X 15 cab. Great instrument. [/quote] Ah, those were the days - if it was a bass, BIG speakers were the order of the day! I have a Ned Bass and for something so simple, it sounds really nice! NB. I have edited the original post, as one of the images was missing - it will make more sence, if you take another look. Cheers.
  5. Hi. For those of you who are familiar with my blog, you will know that I did a big feature on Peter Cook and his custom work, including stuff he did for John and Pete of The Who. We had arranged quite a while ago to have a get together to sort out what had been salvaged from "The Garden Shed" and the shop, in Hanwell but various things got in the way, until this week. Well, what a brilliant day I had with Peter - the promised "sort through" of all the stuff that was in the attic/loft, was more interesting that I could have imagined. After a cup of tea (how English) and a bit of a natter, we started on a smaller box with diaries, note books, delivery notes etc. Lots of entries for John (The Ox) and Pete, plus Clapton, Neil Murray, Lemmie/Fast Eddie and a whole host of others. The second box, marked up as Ned C, was full of Ned Callan bits, as you would expect, as well as more copy delivery notes, which on reading, quite shocked me at the quantities! I never thought there were that many in circulation - and included were the serial numbers of a lot of them, along with the dates. There were many more interesting items, which we had a sort through - with another tea, including some Polaroid shots of a very young Peter Cook, playing a Firebird copy, prepared for CSL! We also came across one of those typical tour jackets of the 70's and 80's, which Peter used to take to shows and apparently, sold like hot cakes. Anyone remember seeing one, got one? Then the third box! So many interesting bits and pieces to sort through and then. . . . . What do you think this is? Got it yet? Fans of John, I'm sure would spot this instantly - it had the whiff of "Garden Shed" I was truly "Gobsmacked"!!!!! Yes, it's the real thing, trust me!! Also found a few layers down, was this! The bottom part caught my eye, because he mad two Firebird Twin Necks - mine and the one Del Bromham had. . . . was this entry relating to mine? The parts at the top, obviously relate to the items shown above, if you hadn't already guessed!!! This is just a fraction of it, in terms of details, notes, etc. - so we are going to have another go at it and try and bottom it, at some time!! As I said at the top, a brilliant day! As always, my request goes out to anyone who has/had a Peter Cook or Ned Callan, seen one/played one - would love to hear from you. Any info/pics - anything. Cheers. EDITED: Realised that one of the images was missing - should make a lot more sense now!
  6. Oh Really!!!??? Poor old John must be spinning!!
  7. [quote name='stu_g' timestamp='1477953298' post='3165566'] ive got one of those lovely japanese hondo,fitted a seymour duncan spb1 to mine i really like it flat eric has one on his website>[url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/10/hondo-professional.html"]http://flatericbassa...ofessional.html[/url] [/quote] A really nice bass - I've said it and other players that had had a go on mine, say it sound like a P does on a recording. I think this one may have been pimped up a little - this is the first one I have seen with black hardware. If it's up for grabs, I'd take it!!
  8. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1477066673' post='3159690'] Cool story! I wasn't so lucky with my Ricky. The previous owner, (professional in the 80s) had used the bass on TV, singles, and even a Peel session. With the bass being a commission sale, I asked the vendor to contact said bassist to get more of his own personal history with the instrument - maybe even it's life before him. I also wanted to show him the restoration if he was interested. Answer came back, a big fat no. He said he was married and had a career, and that he wanted nothing to do with the bass ever again. Very sad. In fact, the vendor did tell me that the guy didn't want to part with it, and that he felt that he in denial. Once it's gone and all that. I did try! [/quote] Shame - to date, I have been quite lucky - just send a nice email and keep your fingers crossed! Usually works. Anyone out there had a Reeve, played one, seen one?? This is the other one I have. . . . Cheers.
  9. Hi. Some time ago, I put up a post in build diaries, about a Headless Bass I was restoring. It is a Reeve Bass and since starting it I have managed to meet up with Val Reeve, wife of the late Ges Reeve, who was the maker. Whilst going through a mountain of history files and photos she had, this one popped up! This is a very young Derrick Taylor, of Roachford fame (and many others if you click on the link in the feature) who placed an order for the bass you see, in 1984. I managed to contact him and he very kindly said that he was fine with me doing an article on him and the bass. So if you want to see more, please go here:[url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/"]http://flatericbassa...blogspot.co.uk/[/url] This is how the bass came to me: [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/search?updated-max=2015-07-24T04:57:00-07:00&max-results=8&start=8&by-date=false"]http://flatericbassa...8&by-date=false[/url] As always when I am doing these kind of things - anyone out there ever had a Reeve instrument/know of one/played one?? Cheers.
  10. [quote name='Ajoten' timestamp='1476613228' post='3155581'] Being a bear of very little brain who likes Precisions, if I had to buy something with active electronics I wouldn't want 25 knobs to faff about EQ. 1x tone control to change from bassy to trebly please. Never seen such a thing. Have you? [/quote] Aria Pro II LAser Heritage Active. I Vol I Tone - bassy one half trebleeeeee, the other. FAT sound LOADS of power. Sorted!
  11. Sitting eating my lunch at work, so no chance of checking this out, so could be completely wrong but. . . . I'm pretty sure the base is die cast and the material is not brass? Perhaps have a look underneath before 'avin' a go. As I said, could be wrong. . . . Mmmm this cheese salad cob is nice!!!
  12. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1475321920' post='3145010'] I've bought a couple of things off the seller including an Ovation Magnum and he's really into collecting unusual basses. Nice to see one of these in good condition the back of the neck area reminds me of John Birch basses. If I hadn't just bought an old Yamaha bass I'd be making an offer! [/quote] I know him as well - great guy. As Coldflows said RARE. Took me several years to pick a good one. Really interesting thing to own, look at and play! [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/electra-outlaw-mpc-x620.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/electra-outlaw-mpc-x620.html[/url] [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/electra-outlaw-bass-part-ii.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/electra-outlaw-bass-part-ii.html[/url]
  13. FlatEric

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1468864890' post='3093900'] I LOVE this.... would you sell? [/quote] Owdo!! Only just seen this. At some point, I think so. Over the next two/three years, I am letting a lot of my stuff go - the earliest ones (in terms of then I bought them and still have them) would be 1974 and 1979 and the rest followed on - I have about a dozen instruments with "can I have first grab on it", so for this one - "you name vill go on ze lizt!" Pike!! I can't remember how long I have had this one - I dig it out now and again and just drift away into 12 string heaven. Sweet. I'll put you name in the case - sorted!! Cheers.
  14. Free bump for a great bass. £200 is an absolute steal - one of the nicest Medium scale basses out there. Someone grab it - you can't go wrong.
  15. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1470521927' post='3106570'] Looks like the Hohner Steinberger system. You slide the saddle under string tension then lock all the saddles with sideways force using that grub screw visible at the side of the bridge. [/quote] Correct! It is all fully floating, you make the adjustments you want and then lock it off. Reeve make all their own hardware, in the same workshop as all the woodwork, which when you look at them close up, you realise how much work went into them. During my trip to see Val, I found a full tuner set, bridge and nut end retainer, which I now have. Will put up pics to illustrate. Cheers.
  16. Bit of an update. . . . . I was fortunate enough to meet Val Reeve, the other day - wife of Ges Reeve, guitar and bass builder. She had kept a mountain of stuff from their heydays, including a lot of names associated with the instruments in the pictures. I [i]think [/i]I have found the original owner of my headless bass, that started the big feature I am doing on Reeve. [i]If [/i]it is him. . . . a famous session player who has played for many famous artists. I'm just a little bit excited. . . . . .
  17. FlatEric


    Very nice indeed! I do have the passive version and a passive III and I can confirm that these Magnum basses are a joy to play. Out of all the posts on my blog, my Magnum has had [i]the [/i]most hits, by far!!! Good luck with the sale.
  18. [quote name='customstocker' timestamp='1469514255' post='3098836'] I built a new Franken bass recently & wanted to use a cheap modern bridge that was chromed, I thought that if I could remove the chrome with a gas torch & patinate the brass? beneath, it might look interesting as the bass in question was to look weathered. I heated up the saddles first & saw a dimensional change as the thing distorted, let out a puff of gas & collapsed. when it cooled down It was just a blob of white crystal. ! has anyone else tried this ? what a load of rubbish !!!!!!! I had the idea for a while to build an industrial looking bridge from a lathe cog but the only ones I have are for my lathe for screw cutting & needed. I did have a massive cog from a mangle & have used it, best I could.[attachment=224302:DSC_0006.JPG][attachment=224303:DSC_0033.JPG][attachment=224304:DSC_0047.JPG] as you can see, the cog wasn't ideal as the internal holes cut the corners off. I am finally getting the hang of silver soldering though & got a couple of brass sections to fill the gaps. The saddles are made from a steel which has an addition of another metal to help the finishing & is heat blued, the brass has been patinated to roughly match the iron that the cog is made from with a Gunsmithing patina ( which stinks ) the saddle grooves in the base were cut on my mill, a bit deep actually, if I do another one like this I will just skim the surface. The worst bit on this project was machining down the back of the cog. Iron needs a very slow cut & the shape has probably helped to knacker the bearings on my lathe. All in all, though , quite pleased for a first attempt. The bass itself has an ash body which is quite small, the electronics are passive 1x V 1x T & the pup is one of mine, a split-p 4 coil humbucker with a 12 K ohm output. for more images of the bass you can find it here . [url="http://www.herrickpickups.com/gallery-demos/builds-work-in-progress/"]http://www.herrickpi...rk-in-progress/[/url] Thanks for looking [/quote] Impressed!!! I love things like this - take something that is nothing to do with what it ends up as. Imaginative!
  19. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1468839629' post='3093629'] Anybody sitting on a goldmine ? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Westone-THE-RAIL-Bass-Guitar-with-Case-Vintage/391492789950?_trksid=p2047675.c100010.m2109&_trkparms=aid%3D555012%26algo%3DPW.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D35923%26meid%3D4cb5807ca33b4804b05e4174fd1de6ef%26pid%3D100010%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D291821464385"]http://www.ebay.co.u...%3D291821464385[/url] [/quote] WOW! I had two of these - both, I think, went to BCer's for a fraction of that. He gonna have to wait a long time to move dat!! [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1469477287' post='3098682'] Another Hondo, this time a very good condition Fame series: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hondo-Fame-SERIES-830-Bass-Guitar-White-Hard-Case-/201628899011"]http://www.ebay.co.u...e-/201628899011[/url] [/quote] These (generally) are great basses. I have a Pro and an 830 (the 830 has Grover tuners, like this one) and both light my fire. Not a lot of money but great players and a great tone from the original pick-ups. Someone grab a bargain!! Cheers.
  20. Hi. If you can wait. . . . every now any again, one of these comes up but it could be quite a wait! [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/11/gordy-headless-bass.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/11/gordy-headless-bass.html[/url] Absolutely brilliant and the build quality is A1. These were and are a serious bit of kit. Hark from the 80's and in today's money, would be around £2500!! Start looking! Cheers.
  21. [quote name='Moosa' timestamp='1468255783' post='3089620'] [size=5]Hello Folks,[/size] [size=5]Just looking for some advice on my bass. I have an Atilla Balogh Odessey that I am looking to get some feedback on the value. I have owned her for 10 years and recently had a re-fret by Andy Gibson in Denmark street. [/size] [size=5]Cheers![/size] [b] [size=5][attachment=223270:IMG_20160711_172743.jpg][attachment=223274:IMG_20160711_172709.jpg][attachment=223273:IMG_20160711_172702(1).jpg][attachment=223272:IMG_20160711_172732.jpg][attachment=223271:IMG_20160711_172715.jpg][/size][/b] [/quote] [size=6]WOW!!!!!!!! [size=6] [size=6][size=6] [size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6] [size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6] [size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6][size=6] [/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size] [size=4]Stunning. [/size] [size=4]When you ask about value. . . . I hope you are not selling that beauty. [/size] [size=4]Unknown to Jon. . . . . I have one of these as well.[/size] [size=4]There, the cat's out the bag now!![/size] [size=4]I haven't seen one like this in the UK for a long time - Canada, you will see a few come up [/size] [size=4]and in the USA.[/size] [size=4]They fetch plenty $$$'s over there - value here - plenty £££'s[/size] [size=4]Yours looks lovely.[/size] [size=4]This is one of mine - earlier than yours - most gigged out of everything![/size] [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/06/start-at-last.html"]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/06/start-at-last.html[/url] [url="http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/atilla-balogh-odyssey-bass-two-more.html"][size=4]http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/atilla-balogh-odyssey-bass-two-more.html[/size][/url] [size=4]Where did you get it from - Canada?[/size] [size=4]Cheers. [/size]
  22. Double Double buy it!!!!!!!
  23. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1464451632' post='3059589'] This. Dave is also a really good friend of the forum. Cool mag, cool guy, cool bass, cool gig. [/quote] Well said! Dave is a great bass player, with a good feel for various styles of music. A professional, who is out there on a Very Regular basis, doing his stuff and a friend of mine. He is a very genuine person, who has developed a very health interest in Classic Japanese instruments - mainly Ibanez, as after playing all sorts of things over the years, has now recognised the quality of that era and is playing them on a regular basis. Top Bloke! Jools just happens to be on the cover!!
  24. For what it's worth. . . . These are great basses!! The Super Ferrite pick-ups are brilliant! If this was one of the more "Favoured" American brands, it would be a LOT MORE MONEY than this. That's all folks!!
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