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Ghosts Over Japan

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Everything posted by Ghosts Over Japan

  1. [quote name='ChickenKiev' timestamp='1376927350' post='2181014'] I wasn't that happy, but I was skint! Haha! I just looked down one day and noticed all the slime on the fretboard and the strings. I'm now back to clonky sound of new strings and loving it . [/quote] As long as you're happy now haha I do love pro steels though, they'd definitely back on my bass if I couldn't get DR's!
  2. that is lovely Good luck with the sale!
  3. [quote name='Bloc Riff Nut' timestamp='1376902530' post='2180427'] Trade offer PM'd. Swap my Scot for your German? [/quote] And replied If anyone has something with one of those Delano Oval pickups they don't want please do let me know! Or if you're feeling generous a Marleaux [size=4] Cai[/size]
  4. [quote name='p58' timestamp='1376032359' post='2168701'] [/quote] THIS, This I like! I actually messaged Sandberg to see if they could Hardcore age my bass a couple of months back but they said it wouldn't work as well as building one from scratch Cai
  5. I'm a huge Jazz bass fan, My Sandberg was my perfect bass but being realistic with myself, I'm a fairly small framed guy, A streamer is far more comfortable for me (I don't own one but I have played many!) and can still produce great tones, I'm tempted to try one of the WARMOTH Dinky J's though, I might get a long with those a little bit easier! Cai
  6. [quote name='ChickenKiev' timestamp='1376857915' post='2180108'] Haha. Last time I changed mine was the middle of December.. They were practically like stone. Some lovely fresh ones on now though . [/quote] might of been like stone but that's a hell of a long time for any strings to last so if you were happy up until then, that says very good things about them!
  7. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1376818808' post='2179352'] I think I've come to the conclusion that overall, I prefer the sound of stainless steel. I have found that Rotos are a bit fuller sounding than the D'addario Prosteels, but I like them both. Just how good are DR's? People always rave about them but the price puts me off (tight arse). I'd quite like to try some, but do they actually sound REALLY good and last a long time? [/quote] I'm bombed down by out goings costs quite often so it's rare for me to get a new set of strings but when I do I get DR's, They really do last and I Spent 2-3 years on buyings Medium Gauge prosteels before this (Still great strings by the way) but I brought a bass that came with DR's on and the difference was incredible, and more importantly, I could do a few gigs with my old band (Death metal... sorry guys ) and the sweat would destroy a set in two gigs + practices in between. I can usually ride out around 5-6 months with a set of DR's (I do clean my strings monthly and I only do bedroom jams now just to confirm, but 5-6 month is a lot of bedroom playing!) and they still have a nice "Zing" to them and they still feel nice! Yes I'm a tramp when it comes to buying strings but DR's last a long time so in the long run, I (from my personal experience) end up saving quite a large amount of money. Cai
  8. And replied
  9. Still available, any more trade offers or anyone looking to purchase? BUMP
  10. have a bumb on me, interesting looking bass! out of interest does the extension on the fingerboard have a particular purpose or is it designed to rest your thumb on? Cai
  11. [quote name='sexy666' timestamp='1376655199' post='2177412'] thank you I like your Sandberg mate! [/quote][size=4][quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1376655739' post='2177425'][/size] You like Seems to me that you both may be able to do a deal here! Beautiful Warwick...bump! [/quote] Thank you! Yes I would be interested [s]but I've been offered a very nice Warwick Streamer in red for a extremely low price so if I go for the Streamer route, it'll be via selling my Sandberg as I'll make quite a lot of spare cash as well Still a beautiful bass though and someone is going to be very happy with it![/s] EDIT: You have PM [size=4] it's too bloody nice...[/size]
  12. [quote name='CalDeep' timestamp='1376650576' post='2177300'] Ive got a Jon Shuker elite 5 for sale would you be interested in p/ex / trade [/quote] Very Interested, PM'd
  13. that is absolutely stunning! Good luck with the sale!
  14. 34" good sir! I can't really manage 35's And the low "B" is nice and tight, I used to do bedroom practice to our old stuff which was Drop A tuning and this handled it a lot pretty than I expected!
  15. Nice looking bass! Good look with the sale
  16. pictures, spec?
  17. and in one very sly swoop he has lost a LOT of trust and that will lead to a HUGE loss in custom.
  18. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1376498901' post='2174993'] That's a lot of bass for the money! Looks the business too... GLWTS [/quote] Thank you, she really is a looker, I actually named her before I owned her, then the fates decided I'd get my chance! I just fancy something different now! [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1376499686' post='2175018'] I had a 4 stringer of that model for a while and it was awesome. How much does it weigh? [/quote] [size=4]Well I've not got scales but a JM5 on bassdirect is 4.4kg/9lb 10oz[/size][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][color=#000000][size=2]. [size=4]all pm's replied to, four trades offers already! people must have been waiting for something like this to come up for a while! :')[/size][/size][/color][/font]
  19. Traded Cheers Cai
  20. A little piece of perfection here! Maple neck Rosewood fingerboard Single coil Delano jazz pick at the neck and a MM Delano in the bridge (with coil tap) 5 string Tobacco burst finish on what I believe is an alder body. Active with passive bypass volume/passive bypass pot Pickup selector Bass Treble and the little flick switch changes the MM pickup from single coil to full! good condition with a few small dings I've tried to picture but that are very small and highlighted in the picture some of the DELANO marking on the MM pickup has worn off and a little bit of the E has come off in SANDBERG from the headstock. I'm looking for trades or sale, A nice Warwick may swing me as that is what this is for sale for but PM me anything you've got, dont be shy! Feedback here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/140635-feedback-for-cai-ghosts-over-japan/"]http://basschat.co.u...sts-over-japan/[/url] Reason for sale? Fancy a change of scenery but I'll probably regret it down the line as this exact bass was one of my "Top Three"! Cheers Cai
  21. That is stunning. Easily the nicest looking Roscoe I have ever seen!
  22. wow. if I had the money I'd buy this!
  23. She's beautiful! [size=4]I know you're not accepting trades but I don't suppose you'd consider a trade for a Sandberg JM5? haha I can only try right? [/size]
  24. you couldn't buy the electronics and hardware for one of these for £300! I loved mine but had to sell up to afford my current bass, great pieces of kick though and the range of tones is amazing!
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