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Posts posted by Jazzjames

  1. I can’t comment on the bigger AER combos but my AER Amp One is shockingly loud and deep sounding for its size.  Don’t look at the specs, try one. I’m sure it’s fit for purpose!

    If you go down the separate amp and cab route, I can recommend the Greenboy Fearless F112. I’ve got one and it has a wide and very even response, and is really all the cab most people need.  Check out the Bass Whisperer’s youtube review to learn more.

    • Like 2
  2. On 13/10/2020 at 08:25, Al Krow said:

    All of the above points I agree with - except that they are all positives for me! I love my cabs to have clarity and articulation and the F112 delivers this in spades (and I'm sure the BB2 will too). Here's a clip I've posted elsewhere of the F112 in action, live - have a listen through decent headphones if you can - I thought the bass cut through / sounded fine in the mix?


    Cab sounds good.


    FYI the 5th note of the main riff should be a b5 (Bb) not a 5 (B) like you guys are playing it.

    • Like 1
  3. On 23/09/2020 at 10:28, Chienmortbb said:

    The power amps in the Quilter and TH500. The TH500 uses the ICEPower 250ASX2 module that outputs 500W into 8R. Slightly more  but 50W is neither here or there. Any difference you hear is likely due to the Pre-Amp implementation. 

    The Aguilar TH500 puts 250w into 8ohms and doesn’t kick anything like as hard as the Quilter. For sure the preamps are voiced differently but the Quilter has simply much more juice on tap.

    • Like 1
  4. 55 minutes ago, Dan Dare said:

    I reckon a Quilter plus F112 would be pretty spectacular.

    It certainly gets the job done. The SVT-7 pro has even more punch and warmth though. Both sound great and I can happily gig with either.  The Ampeg has a smoothness to it, whereas the Quilter is more grainy. I like both and they serve different purposes for me. For flights the Quilter’s the amp coming with me in my carry-on.  But for the Ampeg has ultimately the more sophisticated sound.

    I don’t shut up about the Quilter because the bang for your buck is just insane, even at the 2020 price!

    • Like 1
  5. On 14/09/2020 at 19:14, Dan Dare said:

    I do like the Quilter a lot. If I didn't have my AG700, I'd get one. I may still do so if one pops up used at a decent price.

    I haven’t tried the Aguilar, but I know the old AG500 and had a TH500 for years. Nice gear. I would have bought the AG700 if it had a little more power at 8 ohms... My Greenboy F112 is pretty power hungry!


    The Quilter is amazing for the size, and I think it has an amazing power delivery. Very clear and powerful.  Streets ahead of the TH500 in that regard.

  6. Alright, you got me.  But as a boxing fan, when I think of featherweight, I know there are 7 weight classes below featherweight...

    But semantics aside, any bass amp that can go in the gig-bag is small enough for practical purposes.  I don't even notice the extra weight of the Quilter.  Whilst an Aguilar AG700 isn't heavy, it's for sure physically quite a bit larger than a lot of the heads I listed.

    500 class D continuous/RMS/peak/lead-sled/tube watts have been debated to death...  Pick the one that sounds right to you.  I like the Quilter for the robust power delivery and the fact it doesn't get all shouty when pushed.  But then again, I still use my Ampeg SVt-7 Pro when big volume is required, as it has 'that' Ampeg sound.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Dan Dare said:

    AG700. Not truly featherweight, but very light/easily carried. 700 into 4 or 2 ohms. I think a true featherweight that puts out 500w+ into 8 ohms may not exist.

    Not true, sorry.


    The amps I can think of that are lightweight and push out 500w+ at 8 Ohms.

    Trickfish 1k

    Quilter Bass Block 800 ("only" 450w, but very robust power delivery)

    Darkglass 900 watt heads (MT / Omega / Alpha Omega)

    all Markbass 800w/1000w heads

    Eich T900/T1000

    Peavey Minimega

    Numerous GK heads



    I went with a Quilter BB800, because I only use it as a backup amp, and it fits nicely into my gig bag with all my cables etc.  When I have used it live, I've always been impressed how clear and loud it is.  Maybe not the most sophisticated sound in the world, but that's why I've got the Ampeg SVT-7 Pro.  It also delivers 600w at 8 ohms and sounds mega.  Somewhat heavier than the previously mentioned amps, but at 7kg it doesn't exactly break the back!




  8. On 06/09/2020 at 12:00, Reggaebass said:

    Thanks jazzj, I’m still looking but there’s none near me at the moment, there’s a few newer ones but I like the older ones,  there’s one on eBay I quite like the look of but it’s too far 🙂

    If you can get one at a good price it may be worth a go. But only if you think you can sell if for the same or not make a significant loss if you don’t get on with it.


    Best to wait until one comes up near you and take your time. Find one you bond with.

    • Thanks 1
  9. If you like the Ampeg sound, it makes sense to stick with Ampeg!


    I’ve got an SVT 7 Pro (few months old, latest revision, 3 year warranty) and it sounds great. And it sure is a piece of cake to transport around compared to a ii pro!

    You could also get a matching Ampeg cab, but suggestion would be to go for a Greenboy Fearless cab of your choosing. It’s one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. It’s hilarious how loud and full my SVT 7 Pro/F112 setup is.


    If you want to get a really small head, I can recommend the Quilter BB800. I have one of those too, and it’s also extremely capable, but doesn’t have that Ampeg sound.

  10. How long is a piece of string?

    The japanese JV basses are the most coveted. They can fetch quite serious money. It’s not possible to say MIJ is from one factory and CIJ from another. It’s a lot more convoluted than that.


    Don’t worry so much about when/where. Focus on the details like the tuners/hardware, and finish (poly/nitro). For example, the tuners are a good indication of how far up the model range you’re at for any given year.

    I’ve got a 1988 precision and I’ll never sell it. It sounds great. I’ve also played a few of the same age that were very average. They were all well made, but the Fender principle of mass-produced instruments means a lot of them are only okay instruments.  Try before you buy!

    • Like 2
  11. 14 minutes ago, thodrik said:

    This would be a fun thread on another bass forum...

    Seriously, I have used both US and non-US Ampegs and not really noticed much difference between the US and non-US cabs. I haven't tried the new US made 'Heritage' series of cabs though.  Bear in mind if you are buying used cabinets then 'how good' the cabinets are could depend a lot on who owned the cabinets and how hard they were gigged.

    The 4x10HLF is a pretty dark and subby cab to me. It delivers absolutely loads of deep low bass owing to the massive bass ports in the cab. To me I always had trouble taming the low end and getting a lot of definition. It is also a really heavy and bulky cabinet and is much deeper than most standard 4x10 cabinets. I actually found it easier to move an Ampeg 6x10 which I think is a really underrated cabinet. For the right price I would still consider the 4x10HLF though as it is a good workhorse cab.

    Thodrik explained my grievances with the cab very well!

    • Like 1
  12. I found those cabs pretty woeful, but the ones I’ve used were always hired in and may have been ragged to death... I play an Ampeg amp And love the sound but a lot of their products from the last years have relied on the name, and have not been of good design in my humble opinion.
     If you’re dead set on Ampeg, then just try that cab. If it works for you, awesome! I’d never want to move around something that big ever again, when there are more modern cabs from Greenboy, Barefaced, Genz Benz etc. that offer more spl, which sounds more focussed, in a more compact and lightweight package.


    Is your current cab 2 ohms?

    • Like 1
  13. I use an AER amp one and it’s got a seriously full and punchy sound. I’ve also used a lot of the other competitors and used to own a Genz Benz 3.0 Shuttle combo which was also really nice. For giging ability The AER combos are, in my opinion, a cut above the rest.

    • Like 2
  14. On 27/06/2020 at 18:19, Happy Jack said:

    Every time I see a Topic entitled NAD, I always (and I mean always) think of


    :) I have one of these in the living room. I bought it from ebay, broken, for £20. Got it fixed up and it’s worked like a charm rver since!

  15. Can you tell us which revision the board is? You need to look on the board itself, inside the amp. The latest revision is revision H__. Those amps should have had all of the problems ironed out by now.  There’s a (like always) a mega thread on talkbass about this amp and the issues many people have experienced.

    If you bought the amp second hand then I guess it’s more difficult to complain to someone.  The (mega) thread on Talkbass about this amp will give you all the info you need regarding possible problems and their solutions.


    The best thing to do would be to have the amp at least looked at, and then see what’s happened to it?


    I’d definitely ask Surrey Amps exactly what they fixed last time (if not on the invoice) and make sure they’re following the advice/standard repair procedure for this amp, again, that thread on TB will guide you. No point repeatedly replacing a component that’s part of a dodgy circuit as it will just go bang again in the future.

  16. I started using an Ampeg SVT-7 Pro recently, and it’s much more grown up in its power delivery that the other light weight amps I’ve used in the past. The tube preamp, compressor and ultra high/low buttons give it bags of personality.  It brings my instruments to life in a way to date none of the super small heads have. And as far as willy waving goes: 1000w at 4ohms!  Let’s just hope it doesn’t break like the early models did!


    In the event that the SVT decided to fry itself, I carry a Quilter BB800 around as backup- a little rough around the edges in terms of sound but also punches well and is very small if that’s important to you.

    The Tonehammer 500 would also rank highly on my list, but only if you plan to run it either at low volumes or through big cabinets- it gets a bit shouty/out of breath at high volumes.

    • Like 2
  17. 16 hours ago, ambient said:

    I had a 5 string Marcus Miller bass that was embarrassingly bad. Maybe I was just unlucky? The neck joint looked like I’d done it. The little metal inserts/cups for the through-body stringing were loose and kept falling out. 

    To my knowledge the 5 string model was actually built in the USA, not Japan.

  18. I went from a rig with 2 DB112 cabs to one Greenboy Fearless F112. It’s a revelation not having to move so much weight around. And the sound is clearer than ever.  The only problem I found is that my TH500 couldn’t deliver the volume at 8 Ohms so I now have a Quilter BB800 to power it.  It’s a great sounding light rig that’s shockingly loud.


    In one of the rehearsal rooms at the music school I teach at the bass rig is a SWR Redhead (2x10 combo) with a SWR 18” extension cab.  The Quilter/Fearless rig annihilates the SWR rig for quality and quantity of sound.


    If your goal is to reduce the weight of what you’re moving around, there are better ways to go than PJB.  PJB do make nice well made gear, but not the most practical any more in my opinion.


    If your foray into Barefaced doesn’t work out, Greenboy cabs will be of interest.

  19. 23 hours ago, pineweasel said:

    Does anyone know how the Quilter stacks up against the Tone Hammer 500?

    The Tonehammer’s got a nice vintage voiced preamp and usable DI. It sounds nice at low/medium volumes and seems to be very reliable and well made.  It can cover louder situations but you’ll need a lot of speakers to help it produce the volume. Running it harder into a smaller cab doesn’t sound great.  It sounds like it’s shouting but running out of puff while doing so.

    The Quilter on the other hand has freaky authority and control over the note at much louder volumes.  It really delivers tons of punchy bass into my fearless F112.  Is it as crushing and thick as my Ampeg SVP-CL->Warwick Hellborg 500w rig? No, but it’s close enough for no one to notice and saves me carting around 40kgs of rack gear!  The Quilter doesn’t have a very versatile EQ compared to the tonehammer, but if you like the sound of your basses as they are, then the Quilter can tame a room nicely.  I think it’s a great bit of kit.

    My current rig of Quilter->F112 is the best rig I’ve had to date, but my rigs in the past were all good as well. We live in a good age for bass gear!

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