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Everything posted by muzzer

  1. I have been "GASing" over the new Jack cabinets that Bill has designed here [url="http://www.billfitzmaurice.com/Jack.html"]http://www.billfitzmaurice.com/Jack.html[/url] I have bought the plans with a view to building myself a nice 2x10" version with the two deltalite's I have currently sitting wasted in an old G+K cabinet, but unfortunately I have no way of cutting the ply up to the sizes required (or the skill for that matter ). So, I was wondering if anyone here on Basschat is still building cabs and would be willing to make me a "flatpack" version of the Jack 2x10" ? I know a couple of people on here used to build BFM cabs, but can't find any references now. Any takers? I'll pay for the ply, time etc. obviously Cheers Steve
  2. You have PM
  3. muzzer


    I'm looking for one of these to replace my Tech21 Sansamp rackmount preamp/DI. I'm going down the active cabinet route and want to replace my rack stuff with smaller "stompbox" versions. Would you be interested in a trade? I'm at work at the moment so don't have the full details. If no trade, I'm still interested in buying. Let me know Cheers Steve [quote name='ahpook' post='472934' date='Apr 26 2009, 08:55 PM']up for grabs is my old-model ebs microbass II (without the -10dB pad and the pre/post EQ switch for the DI out). it's been part of my live rig since i bought it from lee650 a bit back and it's amazing imho. still in excellent condition, apart from the obligatory velcro on the bottom. no box i'm afraid. i recently got hold of one of the newer models, so since i'm not gigging anymore i can't justify having two (as i i ever really could ) EDIT: how's about £140 delivered ? anyone...bueller ? bueller ? thanks[/quote]
  4. B**gger, that was quick, I've been looking for an Aphex Bass Xciter
  5. The bass in my Avatar is one made by our very own Chopthebass, though I think he's moved to New Zealand or somewhere nice now. Here she is: 'Scuse the crap photo - David Bailey I'm not [quote name='fleabag' post='469789' date='Apr 22 2009, 05:50 PM']Mystic sounds so much more funky than VP710b By the way Muzz - whats that stonking looking bass in your Av ?[/quote]
  6. Apologies for hijacking this thread - second bass I owned too - still got it Bought it from Ned Scrumpo's Emporium of Goodies (I kid you not) in the late 80's, I was told at the time that it was "a poor mans Aria" and was made in the same factory. Defretted it in the late 90's wish I hadn't now. I seem to remember mine was listed as a "Vantage Mystic" I still play it occasionally, surprisingly good for a home-defret. I'd be interested to know if these are worth anything and any history behind Vantage. Cheers
  7. I've just received my new project in the form of a Schroeder cab that needs a little TLC. Snapped up from our very own wotnwhy for a bargain price, the cab arrived very quickly and was well packed. I would like to say nobody should have any problems dealing with him if this is anything to go by
  8. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='312419' date='Oct 22 2008, 07:33 PM']yes, i'm fully aware of this it's precisely why i ordered one [/quote] Hi Tom, Will you be doing a "build diary" type of thing when you get your Hypex module? If not, could you drop me a mail on your first impressions of the module as I am thinking of doing a similar thing with the Schroeder, when I get it Sorry to hear about your experience with BK electronics, I was also looking at their D-class module with a thought to building an active bass cab, but I thought "Hmmm, 600 watts is a bit too much and so is the price!" I have used (and still use) one of their 300W FET amps for monitoring and found it to be excellent. Lets hope that Hypex fill the gap for us DIY guys. Thanks to Stevie for the link. Steve
  9. +1 also Though it sounds like the component you're talking about is probably a 150 microfarad non-polarised capacitor. It's being used as a simple "crossover" to reduce low frequencies going to the HF horn. You won't be able to measure this using the "ohms" scale on multimeter as they block DC current and only let through higher frequencies. Sounds to me more its more likely the HF pad or level control is likely to be at fault. The level control will have at least two terminals or wires going to it, you should be able to read a change in resistance when you turn the control (or a fixed resistance if you measure across the outer 2 contacts of a 3 terminal control - either outside terminal should be variable to the middle one). Hope that makes more sense than how it reads Anyway, if you get an open-circuit across across any of the connections it's probably blown - you should be able to just short across it to bypass this if you don't mind the horn at full-blast all the time. HTH Steve
  10. I had a black one of these back in the early 80's (first bass) and the neck twisted on that as well - you're probably better off with the refund From what I've heard most of the hondo bass necks were more than a little dodgy.
  11. [quote name='ahpook' post='224507' date='Jun 22 2008, 10:02 PM']just mooching round the 'net i found [url="http://www.albertkreuzer.com/preamp.htm"]this[/url] again, something i stumbled across a while ago. in my quest to get rid of the 'annoying fan' situation i've just scored a cheap [i]silent[/i] power amp from ebay and i thought i might try to cook up my own pre to go with it. anyone ever tried this ? know of any good schematics ?[/quote] Hi ahpook, I found this link too and thought "mmm, that looks like it might sound ok" and as I was looking for something simpler and "cleaner" than my bass pod pro I've had a guy I found on ebay make me up a PCB for one of these. I've ordered most of the components up but haven't got around to building it yet, especially as an impulse buy of a Tech21 Sansamp BDI (which I can heartily recommend)sort of makes it redundant now I'll see if I can finish it off soon and I'll post a mini-review. I'm at work at the moment, but I sort of collect schematics and I'll have a root around to see if there's any others when I get home. Though I assume that this was probably the most likely candidate as I started building it! Cheers Steve
  12. Hi Osiris, sounds to me like it may be a component on your pre-amp starting to go faulty, maybe one of the op-amps. Though you saying that replacing the battery clip and the jack has improved things suggests it might be a bad or "dry" solder joint and the disturbance of wiring etc. when these were replaced has changed the way the fault appears. Not sure what type of pre-amp the SR500 has, but my EDC705 has a pre that looks like this: (this is the track layout, but you get the idea ) Your's is probably similar, it uses a couple of TL062 dual op-amps which I have seen causing "random noise" sort of problems and is the most likely cause after bad connections or intermittent control pots. You could try gently tapping/prodding the various components to see if this re-creates the problem. Bypassing the pre-amp worth a try I suppose but, as EBS-freak said it's pretty unlikely to be pickup related. If the worst comes to the worst, replacing the two op-amps on the board would be fairly simple and the chips are pretty cheap if you can find someone willing to do it (assuming you can't yourself). Good luck.
  13. As promised, here are a few piccies of the installed pre amp: As you can see, the pre amp is small - about the same size as a normal 9v battery - and the pots are pretty tiny too. Luckily my bass has a huge control cavity so there's plenty of room to fit 5 pots, two switches, an LED, the pre amp and two batteries in with room to spare. I can't wait to see wait this thing sounds like at a gig
  14. A quick mini-review. I've just finished installing the 3ZB2 pre/eq and I have to say I'm VERY impressed. Right from opening the box things looked good, the packing was excellent and the instructions seemed very clear. Everything, and I mean everything, is supplied - right down to heatshrink tubing for connecting the pups to three different coloured washers/nuts for the switches (chrome, gold, black) and o-rings to use as spacers for the tiny pots if you had larger normal pots installed as I did. Even a watchmaker's screwdriver to adjust the trim controls! The instructions were very easy to follow and highly detailed. Each step is clear and I encountered no problems at all. It must be said that even though I am an electronics engineer by trade, I feel that anybody with a bit of confidence and some basic soldering skills should have no problem installing one of these. Now to the sound. I plugged the two batteries in (this is an 18v option), plugged the jack in and set all controls to mid, set the 3Z switch to "high". The blue LED flashed on for 3 seconds (batteries are new so no level change) and I got sound. Very nice sound it was too, in active high-z mode it sounds the same as my pups passive but a little warmer and a fair bit louder. In med-z mode and you get a very "active" sound, just what you'd expect from a normal bass with a decent pre in it. There is loads of adjustment available from the three-band eq with some nice tones in there I'm sure. The lo-z setting is something else altogether, you've really got to hear this to believe it. The sound, to my ears anyway, is very similar to the pups in passive mode but just BIGGER. The bottom end is huge but very controlled, the highs are clear and not "tinny", the mids are well defined and you can still get a nice growl should you need to The 3ZB2-VB 2 I installed has the 18v, pickup blend/balance, three-band eq and passive bypass switch options fitted and it was installed in my custom Jazz clone 5 string with a pair of custom Wizard "84" custom wound 5 string pickups and a set of D'Addario Pro-Steels. Unfortunately I haven't been able to compare it to any other top-end onboard pre-amps (unless you count the Sansamp BDI I use in my rig), but I'm still very happy with the results - especially for the price. If you need scores, out of 10: [b]Quality [/b] 10 [i]Think of a Bavarian car maker[/i] [b]Instructions [/b] 10 [i]Think of the opposite to MFI[/i] [b]Sound[/b] 10 [i]Especially the Lo-Z mode [/i] [b]Value[/b] 10 [i]Buy one![/i] All in all I'm very impressed, I would recommend one of these babies to anyone wanting to "update" a passive bass that they like the sound of, but just want more flexibility and a wider range of tones. I haven't tried this out in a live situation yet, but I'll be very surprised if I don't like it and post any comments here. Hope this was useful. PS. I'll try and update this with some photos later, too busy playing at the moment
  15. +1 for the D'Addario Pro Steel strings, have a set on my Jazzenstein and they DO sound like a piano Depending on what pickups you use of course. I'm sure the Wizards on mine help.
  16. +1 This is what I'm hoping too. I've just got an active crossover so I can run my 2 x 10 with an hf horn on one channel and a T24 on the other (probably a 2 x 10 24" wide one) when I can find the time to build it. Can't wait
  17. Don't know if this is of any use but, as you say you tried a "fan from a PC" I assume the fan is a 12volt one? If that's correct then you could try using a Panaflo fan. These are really quiet and commonly used to sort out noisy fans in PCs. You can get them here: [url="http://www.dorothybradbury.co.uk/"]http://www.dorothybradbury.co.uk/[/url] I've bought a few and the service is great. Another trick is to put a resistor in series with the fan to drop the voltage down to around 7 volts. HTH Steve
  18. Should have done this last week Just bought a very nice Custom Jazz 5 from Ian. Beautiful ash/flamed maple body (crafted by the man himself) with a MM neck and custom wound 5 string Wizard 84's. Plays nice, sounds amazing! Ian's a great bloke to deal with and has real skill as a luthier, if you want a stunning instrument at a great price you know where to go I've got an audere 3ZB EQ/pre coming and a control cavity cover to make, but I'll post some photos when it's finished. Steve Edit - just noticed there is already a feedback post for chopthebass - admins feel free to move this as I can't
  19. If its any help, this guy on fleabay sells brass sheet [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-brass-sheet-offcut-1-2mm-thick-178mm-x-157mm_W0QQitemZ360057340649QQihZ023QQcategoryZ98641QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-brass-sheet-offc...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  20. Excuse the blatant plug.................. Having just given in to a case of G.A.S. and bought a custom frankenjazz from this very forum I'm thinking of selling my Ibanez EDC705. This has possibly the narrowest spacing I've ever seen on a 5 string, not much wider than many 4's in fact. From memory the string spacing at the bridge is around 16.5mm (about 66/67mm across all 5 strings) It looks like this one: If you like the unusual style it's a pretty nice bass in my opinion, plays well with nice range of tones from the two soapbars and 3 band EQ with swept mid. PM me for more pics/info/price if you are interested Steve
  21. +1 for me as well, he refunded my money and more before I asked when he realised he'd made a error with an item I had bought from him. Cool geezer Steve
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