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Doc B

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Everything posted by Doc B

  1. Thanks for that - I'll have to measure the pups on my Streamer to see how the outline of them compares with a twin jazz.
  2. I've recently achieved tonal perfection (to my ears) with my recent purchase and subsequent modification of my Squier VM Jazz with maple body and maple neck: [post="0"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=32643[/post] My Jazz is by far the best sounding bass I've played and has a neck and good action too. The problem is that my old Streamer Std II simply blows it away when it comes to feel, playability, ergonomics, comfort, whatever you want to call it and the dual big humbuckers provide plenty of thumb anchoring points. That is why I've kept it for so long, that and I love the looks of it too. It feels like it was built for me, even though it's an off the shelf instrument. But the Streamer just can't cut it sound-wise any more, it does it's warm dark growl thing brilliantly but I want the bright bouncy springy ringing sound of my Jazz. It is THE SOUND for me - it doesn't need any EQ other than to engage the Deep and Bright switches on my Ashdown Electric Blue 120. Ideally I'd like to start by changing the pups to Wizard 64s like in my Jazz but the non-std shape of the MEC humbuckers makes that a problem. Any ideas?
  3. Doc B

    Marcus Who?

    TBH - I never kept track of the exact costs but I think the total came in at about £450 but that included a full set-up with fret-stone. Would have been a lot less if I'd still had access to a work-bench and soldering iron. I know that the total outlay could have got me a 'better' off the shelf or used instrument but I would still have had to change the PUPs and bridge to get what I wanted in the sound. The only other basses in the same style: maple neck/blocks and natural finish that I could find were the CIJ 70s Jazz (£699 Guitar Emporium) and one of J Shukers stock basses, also £699. I haven't tried a MIA Std Jazz since I got this one but maybe I should for comparison. It looks and sounds fantastic though, the tone is what I've been trying to get since I started playing 16 years ago. I love the action/playability too but unfortunately it just can't compare to my Streamer Std in that respect.
  4. I've always wanted a Jazz style bass since even before I started playing but the only one that I tried in about 15 years that I ever connected enough to buy it with was my maple-necked Squier VM Jazz. I also recently decided to try a few Precision types as that's another itch that I've been needing to scratch. I tried a few out in GuitarGuitar in Glasgow and decided none of them were really for me. But the Classic Vibe 50 P had the most amazing neck and action. It actually played like the Status MM neck on the Groove I used to have. I considered buying that P just for the neck. The finish was of great quality too. Oh yeah, I should add that my Squier was bought to replace my Status.
  5. BTW - there are loads of great cars in the UK for less than a grand. These aren't bangers either but good, reliable daily drivers. One of the best I've heard is someone on [url="http://themotor.myfastforum.org/index.php?component=indexpage"]themotorforum[/url] got a 51 reg Skoda Fabia 1.4 for £900 (badge snobs look elsewhere). My wife uses a similar one every day and it has never broken down.
  6. [quote name='bassoctopus' post='342608' date='Dec 2 2008, 07:45 AM']As per my earlier post - for the sensible amongst us, it means amazing basses for no money if you don't want to buy new £900 (RRP £2500) £1100 (RRP £3800) £900 (RRP £1800) I made money on the SS1 and I bet you I won't lose a penny on the other two.[/quote] Phwoar! Top notch Warwick porn
  7. Gorgeous bass, very jealous.
  8. Veeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrryyyy niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!
  9. Sniff... I miss my old BLX150HMC...sniff...never should have traded it...
  10. Doc B

    My rig

    That is one great looking Aerodyne. Jazz Basses, mmmmm
  11. Doc B

    Marcus Who?

    Yeah - for years I've played basses with either 2 big humbuckers like my Streamer Std II or with one pup in the sweet spot like my Status Groove and my old Stingray copy so I got used to anchoring my thumb there. The VM Jazz is good to begin with but now it is actually the best sounding bass I've ever played. Now I just need to find some other people to play with!
  12. Doug Wimbish is one of my favourite players too. I saw him play with Living Colour in 93/94 on the Stain tour. Amazing stuff.
  13. Doc B

    Marcus Who?

    Finally got all the mods done to my Squier VM Jazz Bass: Wizard 64s, Bad Ass II, neck pup cover and lastly a lovely rosewood thumb rest handmade by BassChat's own Neephied. The pup cover and Bad Ass were also bought on here - cheers guys! I should add that I got the mods fitted by Strung Out Guitars in Glasgow as I don't have suitable tools at the moment.
  14. Norwood Fisher Peter Hook Billy Gould
  15. Not even close - my car's worth about 12K.
  16. [quote name='SJA' post='313007' date='Oct 23 2008, 02:40 PM']was George Lamb as cretinous as he was in the ray davies "interview"?- [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx5oGJD0QdE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx5oGJD0QdE[/url][/quote] Hadn't heard that before - GL totally embarrassed himself there. The Sony Award has gone to his head.
  17. Brilliant clip
  18. What's a 'Google'?
  19. One for the MK fans: Just been listening to the George Lamb show on 6 Music and they had MK on the phone for a chat and some jokes about slap bass. As well as being a bass-playing god MK is a very funny guy.
  20. I use the passive tone control on both my basses a lot, although I tend to use the volume knobs (both are single tone, 2 volume set ups) to vary my tone more. I actually find it easier to get a wide range of tones out of 2 pickup passive basses than with active ones - which is why I am now passive all the way.
  21. I wore a kilt for a while on stage but having a singer who was 6ft 7in and 24 stone was a far better 'gimmick'.
  22. I always got the idea that Flea mainly just used Stringrays live and a range of basses for recording. As others here have said he played a Wal for at least a large part of BSSM (his fretless and 5 strings may well have been Stingrays) and IIRC he had an Alembic Epic for the One Hot Minute sessions. The comments about the Jazz suiting his more recent chordal/melodic playing is interesting to me. I play a lot of lines in a similar vein (both me and Flea rip off Hooky big style) and found a J type bass to be more suited to it than my graphite-necked Status Groove (like a cut-price FleaBass). Maybe Flea should get a Squier VM Jazz and install a Bad Ass 2 and Wizard 64s Hopefully whoever gets his endorsement will be able to make a more affordable version for 'the fans'. Apparently Ernie Ball's refusal to do this with EVH's guitar is one reason he jumped ship (this was a long time before SUB and OLP).
  23. [quote name='thedonutman' post='264674' date='Aug 18 2008, 03:57 PM']The worse experience(s) I've ever had with a guitar shop is Wizard Guitars in Sheffield, the worst guitar shop I've ever been to, and it's not even on Denmark Street![/quote] I'd agree with you there - I went in once with the guitarist from the band I was in as he was looking for a second guitar and wanted to try some Epiphone Les Pauls. He had the cash on him and was literally at the point of finalising the deal when he asked if the Epiphone came with a case or gig bag: 'you've already got one' came the reply as he had his other guitar with him. We left there and then! I did get some revenge on them when I was in once and saw a second hand Kent Armstrong Sky Telecaster bridge hotrail type pup and asked how much they wanted for it: £35 said the boss-eyed brother of the other ugly guy. I burst out laughing and said that's what they cost new - I got it for £20 with a scratch plate thrown in! There was a lovely blonde girl who worked there for a while though....
  24. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='265571' date='Aug 19 2008, 03:11 PM']A £599 Streamline 'made in Czech Republic' could be very tempting, and perhaps stimulate a wider demand for other basses from the Status range.[/quote] great idea - I'd have one in a shot!
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