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Everything posted by Urban777

  1. only phaser left, tis a very good pedal... bump
  2. Hey, I'm selling three pedals on eBay, they aren't seen as the best, but these pedals have really worked for me, and for a low price. Check them out: Arion Stereo Phaser: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270481786024&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MESELX:IT[/url] Aria Stereo Chorus: SOLD, already!!! Behringer DD400 Delay: SOLD
  3. Urban777


    That deffinately looks niice
  4. Urban777


    Yeh, I'm not saying I will spend that much, that's just my limit lol. the most expensive doesn't mean the best haha
  5. Urban777


    haha Price is no objection within reason (eg. anything up to £500), only because I'm getting £100 a month EMA and I don't desperately need a looper, I'm just getting into experimental music. I want to mix a looper with the Maestro Echoplex tape delay, good old vintage sh*t. If noone knows what that is you should check it out. Until I get a pedal which is completely devoted to looping, then the EHX Memory Man (w/ Hazarai) will do for the moment I reckon... Thanks for all the help so far
  6. ahh realllly want that looper... can probably get the money in a month or two...
  7. Urban777


    hey, does anyone know of GOOD loopers? money is no restriction, so i'm open to anything [good].
  8. These certainly look interesting bump.
  9. tis that the 410 version ya? (4x10"speakers?) if so then yeh that's great quick reply too
  10. Im thinking of buying this amp and was just wandering if anyone could popst a picture of their guitar next to it, so i can get a feel for dimensions? If you have one that is... Thanks
  11. f***.... can't beleive so many people are getting pissed off by someone asking for 17-25 year old bassist. It's not like he, or she, has slapped you in the face is it? Move on. And to that Later with Jools Holland comment, that's rubbish. There is so much talent that's young and up-coming, open your mind.
  12. Hey, I'm sorting out the gear I want to get and for a long time now I've been switching between rig ideas, but I've just thought of something else. Can you mix two MAG 810 cabs with an Ashdown 600H? If anyone has any knowledge about this, or any advice than please comment :-)
  13. I had a Zoom 506II for a long time, did me good loved it until I moved onto bigger better things. I also have a trusty Aria Chorus although the black line has detached itself from the batter terminal lol. But yeh Zoom 506II. Yeh.
  14. I'm upload sound clips hopefully this week. Will be good quality as my brother has an Mbox I can use. The bybass is great, there is no leak at all. Hasn't got true bypass but it doesn't need it in my opinion. Yeh do look into it. I'd say it doesnt go as deep as the EHX Phaser, but I found the EHX went too deep (the frquency that it).
  15. I haven't seen many reviews of this anywhere, so thought I'd post one right here right now. This is my first review ever, so don't ridicule me too much, eh? So yeh, this is the review for the Arion Stereo Phaser SPH-1. To start, I'm using the phaser on it's direct option, rather than its Stereo option, through the Output 1 jack. [center][/center] I hear a lot from many bassists, if not all, that you can only get decent pedals for a high price (ie. Don't get Behringer ). But when it comes to old analogue vintage (as I'd class this Arion as vintage), or certainly phasers, you don't need to be made of money. I picked this pedal up second hand from eBay for a total of £6.39, postage included. The phaser has three dials on it: Rate, Depth and Resonance. It also has a switch that goes from Direct to Stereo. As you can see from the picture, the most high tech part of the use is two outputs for the stereo option. So not exactly rocket science. The sound quality is superb on this thing, there's no need to spend your wages on a more expensive pedal, for instance the Electro Harmonix Small Stone. I started off with all the dials low; at about 9 o'clock. This gave a slow groove style to the tunes I played, while certainly keeping that low end that I love ( I don't understand why people buy basses, only to put mass amounts of treble on to it?). I then put the Rate to about 10 o'clock, depth to around 2 o'clock and resonance at 12 o'clock. This I found is the best setting for this pedal, there's just a perfect amount of everything while keeping that low end again. This style, in my opinion, can be played with anything. Except maybe classical. After, I decided to see what it sounds like with all dials on full. Horrible. So I turned the rate down to around 10 o'clock again, and I found quite a nice surprise. The style coming out from the pedal sounded like (but not as good) an EHX Q-Tron. Very similar to Sir Psycho Sexy by RHCP. The reliability is average for this pedal, one of the only downsides in comparison to the EHX Small Stone. It's made of plastic, I haven't gigged with it yet but I get the impression that if you stomp it really hard during an eventful tune then it'll break, which, let's face it, isn't great while performing. But for such a small price I wouldn't expect it to be made of metal, and it does the job. These pedals are quite old and I haven't heard of any breaking yet, which is a plus for reliability. So yeah, it's made of plastic. But it's a phaser and it does the job incredibly well. Overall, this is one hell of a pedal. You can get so many effects and tones and can be used with a lot of styles. For so cheap aswell! When it comes to a phaser, don't worry about expensive brands like Electro Harmonix or Boss, turn to the Arion Phaser SPH-1. Seriously. Do it. Wrote this quickly and I'm incredibly tired, so sorry if it ain't too good. I might upload a video of its sounds onto youtube. Thanks for reading this, if you got this far.
  16. crap, cancel that. second page f***s sake :@:@
  17. maaaaan, if i had the money i'd get it. When I get £400 if this is still for sale I'm having it (if you can parcelforce it down to the shire [wiltshire])? btw, confirmation that it works? Ever since I bought a pedal only realising later that it was broken Im scared of buying broken stuff haha
  18. haha yep, I'm hoping sometime in the future I'll build up a load of sinyths all together, see what crazy sounds I can get out of it . Maybe the Ibanez SB7 going through the Micro Synth, should sound good. Maybe add the Phat Hed in Yeh I'll watch my money, I just blew all my cash on a spree on eBay, earning it back up though so it's all good. I also like Airsoft btw, just in case anyone else does..
  19. put the phat hed on ebay and ill be on it like a f***ing kangaroo!!!
  20. still got that phat hed?
  21. did it get sold? if it's on ebay PLEASE send me a link
  22. you willing to put it up for sale?
  23. Hi. Don't really get this but yeh.... I play a Yamaha RBX-170. Probably the best thing I own in general and in my bass rig. Currently I am playing through an Aria Chorus nad hopefully an Arion Phaser, don't know if it's broken though... My amp is a Kustom KBA10 (10 watts). I've only just startedbuilding my rig, but I hope to get an Ashdown MAG 600H head with ABM 115 and 410 cabs. I wana get an Ibanez Phat Hed, ElectroHarmonix Bass Metaphors, Bass Synthesizer and Memory Man with Hazarai. Maybe a few other things ubt those'll do for now. Maybe an ElectroHarmonix Mole Bass Booster? I play anything I feel like, funk, indie, rock, alternative, jazz, disco. Whatever. S'all good. That's me. I'm guna hurry up to the For Sale forum now so see ya.
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