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  1. I'm sold on that idea. I looked on the Design-a-cable website, and found this - https://www.designacable.com/mogami-ultimate-3368-guitar-cable-all-neutrik-1-4-mono-jack-types-low-capacitance.html which I'm guessing is the one you mentioned. One question, whats the difference between the silent and gold (aside from price).
  2. Thanks for all the recommendations. So far I've got him a Pinegrove leather strap and a case. He's not bothered about a pedal and as his amp has the tuner he's not bothered about one of those at this stage. The bigger amp/new bass is one for the future. Couple of questions... I want to get him some strap locks. Should I just get him something like these - https://ernieball.co.uk/guitar-accessories/strap-blocks#P04603 ? I am going to get him some strings. At the moment he uses - Ernie Ball Super Slinky Nickel Wound Electric Bass Strings - 45-100 Gauge. Should I just buy some more of these, or is it an opportunity to treat him to something "better"? Thanks again for all the help.
  3. Hi, rather late replying, but when you say "a good professional setup", it sounds interesting. We're based in North Surrey - any recommendations on someone who could help. I've had a Google but as I know nothing about this I'm not sure what/who to look for so any advice would be great. Thanks
  4. Thanks for taking the time to reply and for the ideas. I'm definitely going to look at a nice strap,some locks, a tuner and a pedal. I'm pondering if I just get him involved so he can get exactly what he wants rather than me trying to second guess. I like the idea of him having a strap that he'll have for a few years.
  5. He's got his bass and amp and says he's happy with them for now, so I'm pondering what I could get him for his birthday. It won't be his main present, so I was thinking along the lines of... A really nice strap or case. Maybe something he could use to hook up to a pc and record, mix, produce.....yes I don't know what I'm talking about! His amp is a Fender Rumble LT25 so has lots of different sounds (if that's the right term). I'm not a bass player so any advice would be great. Thanks
  6. PXL_20231214_201522978~2.mp4 I went to see Deadletter at the Scala on Thursday. Really liked the support band The Joy Hotel and great to see the bass player going for it for the whole set. You can tell I'm getting on when I'm watching thinking he'll have a sore neck in the morning.
  7. Wow thanks for all the replies! I'll have a ponder but some great ideas - thank you.
  8. Hi My son got a Yamaha TRBX174 for his birthday last year and he subsequently got a Fender Rumble LT25 and stand. Its coming up to his birthday again and I was looking for something to get him. He says he'd like some new strings and I've asked if he would like some lessons but he says he's ok using the online resources at the mo, so I was looking at something else and so far the only thing I can think of is a cleaning kit. Having had a quick look I'm not sure if they are actually a good idea. I don't play so any advise would be gratefully received....along with any bass present ideas. A friend gave him a strap so that's covered. Thanks
  9. Great thanks
  10. Thanks to everyone for the replies. After looking at some of the various suggestions he decided he wanted a Fender Rumble LT25.....and we got one on eBay. It's a year old and (so say) in excellent condition. Next up is making sure it's all a ok when it lands.
  11. Ah sorry missed "rumble" out for some reason! Ok thanks for replying. I'll have a look.
  12. I have a feeling I might be breaking the "there are no stupid questions" rule. But hey I know nothing so there is only one way to learn. I need a cable to connect a bass to a Fender LT25. Will anything that Amazon throws up do or should I be buying something better from somewhere better. Any recommendations welcome. I'm in the UK and a complete novice....if you hadn't already guessed.
  13. Thanks for all the replies. Does anyone have any experience of the Blackstar Unity U60 Unity Pro. There's one on eBay.
  14. Ah just had a look and seen this.... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Laney-guitar-bass-amp-amplifier-RB3-/175147964537?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  15. Thanks for the replies. He's into all sorts but Metallica, Radiohead and Kendrick Lamar are favourites! I have a feeling whatever he gets (within reason) will suffice but thought I'd ask the experts here before jumping in.
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