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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. Not being a fan of pre distressed stuff, Id say go for the pup upgrade (cheaper too!)
  2. PM,d you Jon thanks for all the great advice. Im away for a couple of weeks but will deffo ask here for any for sale before trawling through fleabay. Just like buying basses, get em here first, cheaper and better! Thanks Basschat!
  3. [quote name='muttley' timestamp='1391426081' post='2356892'] Fancy a project? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Thorens-160-turntable-/221362786843?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiFi_Turntables&hash=item338a40121b"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item338a40121b[/url] [/quote] saw that, just up the road too....interesting!
  4. those are a bit legendary aren't they? i've seen a few but they go for a fair bit more than £130!
  5. HI Folks so i really fancy getting a turntable again! Like a muppet I sold my Rega P3 a few years ago for about £150 quid on ebay and have regretted it ever since. Unfortunately my budget is a round £130 what with Christmas and everything. Does anyone have experience of a turntable at around that budget used price? I really fancy a Pioneer PL-12D, anyone got one? Or any other model for that kind of price? Cheers, Steve
  6. we were given one, had it tuned and repaired for £25, its stayed in tune (to my one ear!) so bargains (if not even free) are out there!
  7. [quote name='Rustyhornpipe' timestamp='1391243297' post='2354837'] Interesting stuff, we are also going through them at a fair rate. Bit woried one day a punter will get a 15 inch speaker through their skull. Especially as however big the dancefloor they always seem to be drawn to standing right next to the speakers and tripping on the legs of the stands. [/quote] Which is Another Reason to use Subs with poles for the Tops!
  8. Hi Marc give this a go http://www.lemonrock.com/smalladsection.php?catId=20&typeId=2
  9. Tracktion 4 for me , all the way........ http://www.tracktion.com/
  10. bump time, c,mon guys, anything out there you fancy a trade with? Open to offers!!!
  11. looks great, but surely 100 W isn't really enough to keep clean at loud volumes is it? Isn't that why STV,s and VBA,s are 300-400W? As never having owned a monster tube amp this is purely speculative!
  12. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1390046317' post='2340814'] One of our guitarists used to change guitars constantly, in the end we put a stop to it as it took too long and looked so unprofessional. [/quote] soooooooooooo this!
  13. you've heard the old tosh we churn out Phil, you only need one bass for rock mate, guitards now using a Les Paul as well as the strat and it drives me nuts with the swap overs, we've told him to do it as little as possible and let us (me and drummer) start some intros while he does, but what with his reluctance for a set list ( a whole other thread!) its all becoming a real issue with the tumbleweed blowing between numbers ( I have no stage front craft)
  14. hey 15 minutes to go...£425.00...........
  15. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/226803-squier-vintage-modified-jazz-with-upgraded-squier-japan-silver-series-neck-only-l15000/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/227037-bass-collection-blue-pj-4-string-mic-fresh-setup/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/225015-squier-vintage-modified-jazz-bass-sunburst-rosewood/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/220001-esp-ltd-surveyor-405-ebony-new-pics-l200-ono/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/224318-aria-gt-4-string-trans-blue/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/226958-fs-ibanez-gsr205-black-5-string-l175-inc-uk-del/ ok, so that took 10 minutes for several lovely used bass which will be looooaaadddss better than that new stuff, please take a look at the for sales and do yourself a big favour!
  16. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1389468346' post='2334534'] Ooh yes I remember it well ! Any interest in my Wilkes Savoy part trade? [/quote] Not my cup of tea Ash, haven't got a spare G&L knocking about by any chance?
  17. Nice! P and Diddy, oh wait its a Jazz...
  18. Good luck in your search but you may be looking for something that doesn't exist except maybe in your head!
  19. Hey folks, much as i love this lovely old thing, Im not using it anymore (now using a CIJ jazz) I got it off Ash a couple of years ago and its been fab but it just sits at home unused. Someone popped a SD quarter pounder Jazz Pickup in it at some point so its not completely original but they did a real pro job of it jo. I added a Quarter pounder P pup but I still have the original plus I got the pots redone by KiOgon and again I still have the originals. Its seen some "ahem".. action, so nicely roadworn, nice creamy white and lovely golden maple neck. Will post in a Mansons padded gig bag plus cardboard guitar box and lots of padding if the swapee (?) would do the same or we could meetup (Im in Devon). Thanks for looking and good luck with your bids....oh hang on...wrong site. Trade wise Im after something like a G&L, or a ray but let me know what youve got if you're interested, I'll pay extra for something nice! Many thanks.. Pics to follow.
  20. gotta be a used big old valve head, VBA400 or SVT CL ( or at least £500 towards one!)
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