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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. just managed to post on the fb page...
  2. vid.mp4 If anyone is vaguely interested, I edited (in Reaper video) and uploaded some "trippy" visuals onto an SD card to run for over 2 hours and put them into a cheap projector I got for nothing. I think I'll try running this above the band on the ceiling alongside the regular lights and haze, hopefully producing a decent look. PS that's about 9 feet across on the back wall at a distance of about 12 feet.
  3. We have about 9 booked from June onwards. I have been slowly but consistently gently prodding my regular venues/Landlords about putting gigs back on. Most have said it's too soon to call yet but are hopeful once the mist clears a little more. Some pubs have closed, some have said they're not doing live music anymore, some Landlords have permanently moved on to a different career. I am fairly confident things will pick up more rapidly from June.
  4. Another zoom recommendation from me. We sometimes use the H2N (audio) or the Q2N (audio and video) for rehearsals. The sound capture is pretty sweet. Nowdays we mic everything up into a Tascam Audio Interface and mix in Reaper but for a quick setup I certainly think you can't go wrong with the zoom like this one https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/field-recorders/zoom-h2n-handheld-audio-recorder?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces&gclid=CjwKCAjwhMmEBhBwEiwAXwFoEcY-iDv4_qQ35F0IvSpt6_yiR5_hSh78RuX8douuTI7wb7Mze2yotRoCp_YQAvD_BwE
  5. I've run my peavey TNT 130 watts with our band, drums all mic'd up, Marshall 100w tube and 410 guitarist and it was plenty loud enough for onstage monitoring with Di to the PA . Can you Di to the PA as well? That would sort you out.
  6. sounds great, fab mix
  7. Bargainsville. This is the best sub 300 quid bass around Be amazed if this is still here tomorrow.
  8. weird, this happens to us at Every gig? Now we know!
  9. My Daughter (21) and all her mates are crazy for The Smiths, they still have a huge influence on todays 'Yoof Quite how they reconcile themselves with Mozzas stupidity (they're also big Corbinistas ) I have absolutely no idea but then again I'm over 50 and invisible.
  10. buy some servisol and give the inputs a bloomin' good spray!
  11. you mention about getting foldback monitors later. I think your singer will need one more than anything else TBH
  12. I have a Digitec JamMan Stereo. I don't use it for bass now (use it to trigger additional sounds/instruments - Think siren off War Pigs) but as I recall it looped bass fine with no discernible loss of low end. I also had a Nux loop core and that was good value for money.
  13. and if you can keep a straight face you're playing jazz walking lines!
  14. One Tone to rule them all... My Preccccccccious!!!!
  15. you've obviously been to my gigs at the Volunteer in Honiton!
  16. have you ever known the bass player in a band to have the time and luxury to actually mic up their cab? far too busy sorting out the PA and lights and the Guitarists (Gods) Mic placement to the mm on his poxy 412 as well as getting in the first round...
  17. £91 inc postage, good reviews, J & D - J Bass https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/J-D-Bass-guitar-JB-3TS-4-String-3-Tone-Sunburst/art-BAS0000913-002
  18. recording your band and you're in the band? Just press record on your phone and away you go!
  19. Marshall VBA's come up now and again around the £400 mark, although the running costs...well...
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