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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. Heads Up. Plugin Alliance is doing a free Ampeg SVT VR Classic for free with this voucher AMPEG-FOR-FREE https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/ampeg_svtvr_classic.html
  2. lurking at the back of my garage, will still be working with the coming of the rapture (probably) and yes, I too have sadly put a black widow in it...(and some castors!)..sorry, slightly derailed this thread, it's not the best 1 x 15. That's probably a barefaced or mesa but I don't have experience of either.
  3. or leave 'em on like I do!
  4. I was also going to say the Kali 6. They get fantastic reviews. FWIW, I couldn't afford them in the end so I went for some used M-Audio BX8's and to be honest they sound fantastic but Im getting great bass with the 8" speakers. So if you can, look seriously at the Kali's, they're a big jump up from what you were thinking about IMO. If you're on a budget though, check out the studiospare SN5a, again they get great reviews and are well within budget. https://proaudioblog.co.uk/studiospares-studio-monitor-speakers-listening-tests/
  5. No you're right. The magic Lantern overides this by re -recording on a new file but you loose about 2 seconds of video, not a problem if using more than one camera of just editing actual performances, quite often the overlaps are in between songs, think I've been caught out only once or twice.
  6. now that's worrying...
  7. The canon ( I have a 5D mk2 ) will only record for a max of 30 minutes due to a strange EU law that designates the difference between a camera and a video camera as one that records either below or over 30 minutes. This apparently affects some sort of import duty so camera manufacturers set a max of 30 minute record time to avoid this. In most situations this isn't a problem as few people would record for 30 minutes without a break or scene change. I do however as I record our rehearsals/gigs etc by setting the camera up and pressing record before running back onto stage to play. It's a right pain. I've kind of got around this by installing Magic Lantern and a double battery pack but it's still not perfect. If you have a decent go-pro I'd stick with that TBH.
  8. The licence is a fully functioning demo and is always free until you decide to buy it. It's an unusual and exceptionally generous business model that relies on goodwill and trust from it's customers. For this reason alone I really like it, plus it's an exceptional DAW with decent video editing included which is a real bonus.
  9. Reaper does video editing as well as audio (obviously) so I'd recommend that and a 2 channel Audio interface like the focusrite 2i2 or if you're on a budget the Behringer UMC 22. A good camera is a big help and I guess a decent microphone but there are better experts on here than me. I presume you will want to record and edit before you put it on YouTube rather than do a live stream.
  10. I like this dude, and his reviews are great. Harley b are the dogs nuts...
  11. I’m going to start fb messaging a few this week in a polite cautious way, see how the land lies
  12. Just provisionally took 5 dates from a Landlord from March 2021 to November. The first couple may not happen but anyone else dipping their toe back in the water? Happy (ish) New Year Everyone!
  13. As a slight aside, Reaper doesn’t have an expiry date as a trial. You could use it indefinitely if you chose to. That’s one reason it’s such an amazing product
  14. apparently the code has been reset so you can use it again. I just got bx_boom for free.
  15. Fantastic. I assume you all played your parts separately at different times? Did you play along to the original and just record your bass part and send it over to the guitarist with accompanying video and likewise all the other guys. I'd love to do something like that, our singer and drummer have the necessary skills and equipment but our guitarist is a luddite and wouldn't have a clue
  16. I listen most days to Spotify through my HiFi, but when we have guests over or I've had a right skinful, the Vinyl comes out (got about 500 classic rock, sad sack that I am). Still great fun but trying to get the right LP's into their sleeves the next day is a nightmare!
  17. well jealous, my drummer has one for his backside, swears by it! Happy Birthday!
  18. I like it! Cool band BTW..
  19. I just got Lindell Audio PEX-500 for free with this, much thanks!
  20. This thread makes me want to lug my SVT back out from under the stairs where it's been sulking for ages. Think I used it once last year due to the weight and a free loan of a very light Markbass combo and PA setup. I do remember what others have said, paired with my 410 HLF I would invariably have to turn the bass right back and scoop the low mids up quite a bit as it was just so bass heavy that the rest of the band would kick off ( pot, kettle, black - guitarist 100W Marshall and 412). But if could get the mix just right it sounded glorious. That was usually difficult due to time constraints (setting up the PA etc). If we get any gigging in this year I'm deffo going to give it another chance
  21. Only a dozen? Well done! Your name isn't Mick Mason by any chance? 🤣 I'd like to think I received some constructive advice from the other kind folk on here rather than a sarcastic and pointless trolling of a long dead zombie post, but hey whatever turns you on. FYI that did go on FB along with some other covid restricted band rehearsals, some even got over a thousand views, not massive but ok. We also gigged 40 times last year, got well paid for it and put out an album which we sold out of online (ok only a hundred copies but it's a start) I'm not going to have a popcorn barney with you but if you want to say something I can respect, try and be a little less arrogant please. Peace and Love & A Happy New Year!
  22. I did 15 seconds and that was enough!
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