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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. tried it as well and it loads a lot quicker, however the zoom in/out and pan functions aren't nearly as intuitive or quick as resolve so it's a no from me (for now), but thanks for the heads up, I'll certainly play around with it!
  2. Another fanboi of DaVinci Resolve. It is a bit of a learning curve, but, once you get to grips with the basics it's a brilliant bit of kit and the free version is better than a lot of paid versions of other editors
  3. Behringer wing? https://www.thomann.de/gb/behringer_wing.htm#bewertung
  4. Garageband isn't a video editor. As far as I can tell you can only load a video and then add sound to it (from garageband). You can't edit the actual video, ie cut scenes, add transitions, have multiple camera timelines etc. For that you need a dedicated video editing program like adobe premiere pro, Final cut or, as I use, Da Vinci Resolve (which is free). The advantage of Da Vinci Resolve as well as being free is that it also has it's own built in DAW called Fairlight should you wish to use it, it even lets you load in your own VST plug-ins. It's head and shoulders the best free video editor out there and I've tried loads. Personally, I do my audio capture with Garageband, mix the audio in Reaper and then transfer to Da Vinci Resolve, it sounds a hassle but it really isn't, everything gets saved on a usb stick anyway and it's just a question of loading from there in each program.
  5. I know everyone will recommend what they're currently using (and why not?) if it's good, so I can also recommend alongside the focusrite gear, the Audient iD4, the pre amps sound terrific and the DI line in for guitar and bass is amazing https://studiocare.com/products/audient-id4-2-in-2-out-high-performance-usb-interface-with-scroll-control?variant=31460406460462&currency=GBP&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google+shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwz6_8BRBkEiwA3p02Vf1pYOZdPsDffsC23BWH1eRB_RCwrJR9ut9ZadVL6_uBsebUZtuLpxoCYhwQAvD_BwE
  6. any idea of what (roughly) settings I should be looking at for the compression on the kick and bass? Thanks for the input.
  7. Thanks to everyone on here for the overwhelming positive feedback and advice regarding the "basics" of achieving a half decent mix. I've learnt a lot in just a week of messages and help online and it just goes to show what a great community we have going here. This was from wednesdays rehearsal, into garageband, mixed on reaper, taking on board all the pointers coming from you guys.
  8. oh boy, whole new can of worms! Just go and get a Focusrite 2i2 and be done with it! pretty much guarantee that will be the vast majority consensus https://focusrite.com/en/usb-audio-interface/scarlett/scarlett-2i2
  9. noted, thanks, I think its in stereo? Panned drums at least.. Edit, the drums weren't panned! Thanks for the heads up!
  10. Hope it's ok to ask for more mix/mastering wisdom on last nights rehearsal attempt at this Queen number? As per previous advice, I've attempted to match the bass to kick, slightly increased guitar volume during solo (about 1.5dB), panned toms a little to left and overhead to right. Added a little reverb to snare and vocals. Put an analog compressor in front of the bass. Each Drum track also had some 2gether Audio RICH treatment as per factory presets (Kick, snare and toms). I left the overhead alone. There's a few b@lls ups in the actual playing and it was our singers first attempt at giving this a go, but again, it's just for my educational benefit in getting to grips with this mixing malarky. All advice (good & bad) taken on the chin..thanks!
  11. No it's fine, it's just an experiment to be honest, the more feedback the better. The bass player (me) is too busy sorting out the sound and cameras to have time to include himself in any shot, but you're right, I'll get myself in next time! The headstock was a jazz btw with drop d tuner. It's all good, an upward learning curve and any comments appreciated.
  12. wish we'd never sold our XR18, so versatile..
  13. listening on soundcloud, really enjoying it, sounds great!
  14. @Dad3353, I've had another go at mixing it down taking on board what you said re bass, guitar and vocals. I've also rendered to WAV, does it sound better? I'm getting ear fatigue (and one too many glasses of Picpoul!)
  15. my complete lack of skill exposed and humiliated in public, not for me!
  16. Well what I’ve been doing is trying to keep some interest in the band with our small but loyal group of followers on Facebook and YouTube . As we’re not gigging I’ve been releasing the odd video of us rehearsing , and as that’s progressed I’ve been trying to improve both the audio and video quality, firstly using the zoom recorder and now directly into GarageBand. So promo video is a bit of a strong term if you see what I mean, more just keeping the embers hot whilst we wait to get out of this nightmare
  17. Thanks for the feedback guys. You are the only ones to see it as it's not (or will be) published on youtube. To be fair everyone is right that it shouldn't be used to promote the band. In my defense, it was literally thrown together at last weeks rehearsal and the singer was writing the lyrics as we went along. It was all recorded in the same (large) room, no acoustic treatment, in one take, with vocals on a stage mic rather than a proper studio vocal mic and there's invariably bleed all over the place which I tried to negate with gates. I think the main issues are, Im completely deaf in my left ear and I tried to mix it on cheap rubbish headphones The plan hopefully is to get the songs up to a decent standard then record the various bits either individually or separately with better room treatment. I found the drums especially difficult to mix. I think it also lost quite a bit of audio quality when rendered down to an mp4 which is a issue, any advice on that also appreciated. We have decent monitors in the rehearsal room, I think I'll try to mix it down there and ask the others for input as they can at least hear properly. Dad3353, many thanks for your input, I'll have a go at those suggestions next time. I deffo need a better camera for the singer (was using the camera on the zoom 2qn which is rubbish) and she needs to be filmed with the rest of the band, not in the "fire escape" 😉 TwoTimesBass, gear used as I recall, DW drumkit, mic'd kick, snare and 3 toms individually, one overhead, guitar, marhall valve combo with sm57 mic to front offset, bass, markbass combo Di'd vocal, sennhieser mic (can't remember which model but we use it for gigs) Again , any advice greatly appreciated from the collective BC mind 🖖
  18. Talk about making life complicated, Recorded last weeks rehearsal into GarageBand, "mastered" (ahem) in Reaper, then sync'd over to DaVinci Resolve (the hardest part TBH). Band wouldn't allow me to upload to FB as it's "a bit rough" and "it may cheapen new material", we're a pub band FFS! Anyway, as it took ages and they're an ungrateful bunch, I thought the BC collective would at least endure me a few seconds basking in the Glory....well?....No? Bl@@dy Typical! 😁
  19. Thanks, garageband is so easy to use to get decent results and as a free DAW (if you have a Mac) it's incredible. I'll probably go to Logic as and when I upgrade my iMac but I see no reason why you couldn't create a whole album with Garageband and have decent results, that's what we're planning to do ..
  20. We've decided to give garageband a go recording us live and then editing the video to sync. This was our first attempt using a tascam 12 in audio interface in one take. We used just the one room with no overdubs. The bleed into the mics from the various drum and instruments was surprisingly small all things considered mics used.. vocal and guitar cab, bass just DI, drums..kick, snare, 3 toms and one overhead. Added a bit of reverb to the vocal and some compression to the master as well as the RICH mastering plugin. I think it probably sounds better than the zoom 2Qn I've been using but it's early days and lots of experimenting ahead. No video yet so I chucked a few band pictures into a slideshow but you get the idea.
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