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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. great thread this guys btw. so i would say that proper DSLR cameras for video (with good lenses, I use fixed primes) and if you can, use properly mixed audio done in the studio to mime along to for superior audio - if you want a real pro-quality outcome .For quick, on the fly live and rehearsal uploads on social media, the zoom is an acceptable piece of kit, but probably worth looking at the upgrade to the 4K version.
  2. That's really good but I'm guessing the audio was taken off a CD/mp3/fLAC file?
  3. yeah true, it's handy for rehearsals and live gigs to chuck up onto FB, just to keep the candle burning. But I'm using my DSLR far more for actual video, we're thinking of going down the "all audio into desk into laptop mode" eventually
  4. This was shot both with DSLR and zoom Q2N, in contrast to the comments above, IMO the sound quality of the zoom is excellent whereas the video it awful. Note the contrast between the video of our singer (using a canon 5D mk 2) and the guitarist (using the zoom). In the end it was a compromise in using the excellent zoom audio capabilities and syncing with the superior video handling of a DSLR camera and a decent phone camera (drum cam). So to surmise, zoom 2QN for excellent audio recording used alongside better cameras for the actual video. Even a cheap (and I'm talking £20 quid 1080 ebay action cam) will produce better video quality, but its worth investing in the zoom for its audio recording alone.
  5. I'm not saying valve heavy iron amps are any better than anything else out there but I do believe it's an itch everyone needs to scratch once in their playing career. TBH I've rarely used it in anger due to the simple impracticability of gigging at the dog n duck every weekend (remember those heady days?) but much like owning a classic car, every time it came out was an 'event' that I've remembered. The other plus that is rarely mentioned, much like classic cars is that they can usually be moved on with little loss (apart from maintenance)
  6. I think soon to become stuff of legends, someone will get a bargain if they strike now...
  7. my ampeg has an XLR DI out which I use or my Dave Hall Preamp pedal has the same, so either get used
  8. I rarely get my SVT-CL out these days TBH, just too big and heavy, but I've never got a tone from my other gear like that thing does. If its a special event (eventually) it'll come out for that.
  9. skidder652003


    I've got the Jamman stereo, no battery option. With an SD card stores 19 hours of loops or sounds. I use it for background sounds, ie organs, synths, sirens etc so I can't comment on its ability as an actual looper but I can say it's built like a tank.
  10. looks like it does have pitch correction on the blurb.. https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/vocal-effects/tc-helicon-mic-mechanic-2-vocal-effects-pedal?gclid=Cj0KCQjw7ZL6BRCmARIsAH6XFDIFoiU0CThCyI1kjgPWfkvTDExt34eVCp34QlnxYOJgNR421tWkH_saAog-EALw_wcB https://www.sustainpunch.com/tc-helicon-mic-mechanic-2-review/
  11. Our singer uses the TC Helicon Voice Live and it sounds amazing, the harmony feature is superb (used sparingly) and the reverbs are also excellent. TBH it's probably overkill for pub gigs and it's expensive. I used to have the Pitch correction pedal but we never really got on with it live. At the end of the day, you can sing or you can't ( I can't) and a pedal will help a bit, but if I was the singer I'd be concentrating on technique and maybe some pro lessons.
  12. Taylor make incredible guitars, had a Big Baby, loved it.
  13. as per another thread I started, maybe give this a go? Free to demo, costs about £8 to buy https://www.2getheraudio.com/effects/rich/
  14. So I bought my first ever plugin today, the 2geather RICH mastering plugin. Saw it advertised on Facebook, thought I'd give it a go as a free demo. Sounded great on my video Live band mixes, added a warmth and clarity with a one touch does it all button. I'm sure I could probably achieve similar if I messed around for a while with loads of other plugins and eq but this saves time What i really liked was the pay what you want option (from as little as £8). Anyway I have no affiliation just thought BC'ers might like to try the free demo https://www.2getheraudio.com/effects/rich/
  15. I've got that combo on permanent loan and it's super light (in a good way) GLWTS
  16. If you're using your amp for your sound I'd recommend a zoom Q2N-4K, video quality is ok but the sound is great can be used as a webcam as well https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/Zoom-Q2N-4K-Video-Recorder/art-REC0014118-000?campaign=GShopping/GB&ProgramUUID=5G_AqJarZwoAAAFl0FZyjI8V&gclid=CjwKCAjw1ej5BRBhEiwAfHyh1LeYl6olvKrAQUuthO19MfVta2Qd73-UECACwjK6LuIjvroyPt2A5RoC-hcQAvD_BwE
  17. just watched this again, it really is another Level, fantastic!
  18. As an aside, the "SVT-CL" type amp makes a great mastering tool for any final mix, really gives it a warm tubey boost.
  19. Greatest Live album of all time (arguably)
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