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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. I was also going to recommend the spitfireaudio as well...
  2. I just got the Audient iD4 and it has a dedicated guitar input that emulates a valve amp, sounds fantastic.
  3. Blimey there’s 30 seconds of my sad meaningless existence I’ll never get back..!
  4. depends on your operating system possibly? We use imovie as I and our mate who shoots video both have macs (actually he uses Final cut Pro). Imovie is free for macs and is a great simple to use piece of kit. If you're windows based, I'm not so sure, Adobe Premier Pro is the biggie but it's expensive. There's Adobe Premiere elements which is about £90. Depends on how detailed you want to go and how much you want to spend..me..nothing!
  5. I still can't understand how people will pay way over the odds for a brand name when they are in no way superior to the amazing guitars coming from the likes of Thomman, J&D, Vintage etc for a fraction of the price.
  6. no you're not thick, I had the same problem When you click on the plug-ins there should be the option of AU instruments, it's in there usually! TBF Garageband doesn't have the easiest of access for plug-ins
  7. yeah pretty much, its loading it that can be a bit of a learning curve. It'll be labeled under Plug-ins - AU Instruments - Manda Audio
  8. Download MT powerdrums, it’s free and allows you to easily and quickly build drum tracks with its groove option, it’s listed on under virtual instruments when you add a new track https://www.powerdrumkit.com/
  9. only £100, no bids..yet. Id be after this if i didnt already have one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Kurzweil-SP76-electric-midi-stage-piano/184310179064?hash=item2ae9be24f8:g:mxIAAOSwcLNeyQgt
  10. Got my lad one of these, he prefers it over his 335 which cost me a fortune! Its got an amzing neck and low action, sounds the dogs.. https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hbt1952.htm Harley Benton TE-52 NA Vintage Series – Thomann UK.html
  11. I've got about 30 gigs booked for 2020 left from now until New years eve. I'm not expecting to play any of them. I'll be looking to contact the venues around August/September and try and book for 2021, that's if half of them ever re-open. It's a catastrophe out there..
  12. looks like you have to arm 2 tracks at a time, even if you're recording only one, don't think irig can do that, time to upgrade to a 2 in/out audio interface like I just did! https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=ypPOXobQKMzSa-3NhvAG&q=view+tracks+when+recording+garageband+on+ipad&oq=view+tracks+when+recording+garageband+on+ipad&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIICCEQFhAdEB46BQgAEIMBOgIIADoGCAAQFhAeOggIABAWEAoQHjoECCEQFToFCCEQoAE6BwghEAoQoAE6BAghEApQlCVYtZwBYOqfAWgAcAB4AIAB5waIAbIykgEPMjcuMTEuNC4wLjEuMS4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiG3fz0udTpAhVM6RoKHe2mAW4Q4dUDCAk&uact=5#kpvalbx=_35POXrjqJ5uk1fAP1NaosAU25
  13. sounds like you have the amps popup page on very large and its obscuring your tracks page Try opening a new project and see if it reverts to normal tracks layout
  14. Hi Si TBH I'm quite enjoying the coloured aspect of the DI, there's deffo an added "something' there. The latency is a big improvement on my old 2i2, I'm at 512 samples and there's no noticeable lag even at full DAW mode rather than monitoring, something I struggled with my old 2i2, but again it's completely unfair to compare the like for like, an older model against a new. Quick mp3 sample using the DI straight in bass sample audient ID4.mp3
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