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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. You have described my gigging life, and not the ac/dc bit
  2. Im done in the next day after a night at the Dog and Duck! It all sounds so sexy when you're in your 20's but I can't think of anything worse slogging your tired old carcass from flight to flight and hotel to hotel for months on end.
  3. Well if you've nothing going on at the moment it's worth a stab isn't it? Nothing to loose and all that..
  4. Just wondered if any of the build guys might have a possible idea of whats going on? My DHA VT-2 has started to produce quite extreme variations in volume, specifically from the XLR DI out to the desk. One moment it goes quiet and then after a few minutes goes crazy loud. Obviously this is playing havoc mid gig and I will be sending it to my chap who fixes all things (hopefully) box shaped. Just wondered if anyone else has experienced anything like this?
  5. hmmmm. if you were gutted to sell it and you haven't already spent the money, I would take it back and refund.
  6. Dreadful, dreadful drive back from Dartmouth, flooded roads everywhere, landslides (yes really), pitch black, blowing a hurricane, awful. Good gig though as we got paid extra and free drinks (not me obvs). Back for August bank holiday so hopefully a better drive!
  7. Ok thanks everyone, I pulled the trigger on a pair of Kali LP 6's in white for the reasonable sum of £308 (interest free) from Andertons. I heard a lot of comparisons on youtube both in headphones and on my seperates hi fi and to me they sounded the best in qualty/price against the Yamaha, Rokits and Adams in 5 & 7" formats. Thank you all for the advice, as ever the BC collective is awesome! https://www.andertons.co.uk/kali-audio-lp6-powered-studio-monitor-in-white
  8. Thanks, I did think about those as well, more choices!!! interest free option too, oh no!!! And now we have the Kali LP-6 as well!!
  9. Ok total anorak 1st world problem but.. I can't decide which I'd prefer for my little home studio, running garageband/Logic into a scarletti interface. I don't want headphones (got those). They say the yammies are more faithful but the Rokits are more pleasing to listen to and the 4th Gen ones are better than the 3rd in faithful reproduction, but the yammies look nicer, and , and ..but... argghhh!! PS budget is £250 Max!
  10. That sh1tty Rik behind him blew it all to shreds for me..
  11. Decent Dave does over Dark Cloud Carl, it's the gift that keeps on giving! #copyright@skidder
  12. I'll stick with my Dave hall pedal thanks all the same..
  13. I find a good shake in a tub with isopropyl alcohol freshens them up for a good while
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