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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. If anyone is fortunate enough to have Spotify and loves a bit of funky Hammond/rhodes Jazz, I can heartily recommend searching for "never enough Rhodes", it's utterly ace x ...
  2. Not an expert on these but I know custom Lynx do great "tour grade" xlr mic leads
  3. Great Bass, I had one (as per my picture), had to part ex it for my '75 Precision which I don't regret but boy do I miss that bass, had the best neck I ever played, like Bu....
  4. beat me to it! R U taking the P!ss
  5. with the Mackie, it has 2 options in the back. XLR out from tops to either HPF or full range, then sub to desk (sorry that probably sounds the wrong way round) desk to sub, with option of HPF of Full, then out to tops..hmm maybe i should go and take a picture? PS yeah its an active sub, can't see how you could use a passive one without a power amp as well
  6. Possibly the ONLY time i have to disagree with Phil! We always mic up the drums, guitars and DI the bass through the PA, by this we are (IMO) able to keep the onstage racket under some sort of control. Indeed the drummer has mics for snare, all 3 toms and kick as well as often 1 or 2 overheads (to be fair he does all this himself in 10 minutes), kick and bass through Sub also (carefully controlled). Ok we're a pretty loud band but we have to keep under 90DB for most venues these days or the landlords get sweaty over the neighbours. Phil's the expert here but we always get complimented on our sound by other bands.
  7. Jeez, check out the middle eight and following guitar solo
  8. so a bit like banana republic double portraits of the most recent last 2 presidentees they have 2 different prices on the either side of the shop tags?
  9. I grew up in Liverpool from 77 to about 85, never heard of them Im afraid but I bet they bought records from Probe!
  10. lesson of the day, don't buy new!
  11. I'd like to say the dreaded "heft", but they lack chest thumping resonance compared to better subs I've been lucky enough to use, even at full whack. It could be poor eq on our part but I don't think so. They were comparatively cheap (ok we only have one) and we put the kick and bass through it, tried high pass crossover and full range, I'd deffo go with a better model (RCF, EV, QSC, HK and yamaha etc..)
  12. We use a Mackie 18" sub (active), it's ok, I'm a little disappointed with it TBH, I'd much prefer an RCF ( to go with our tops and monitors) but can't afford one at the moment. I vaguely remember Bill Fitzmaurice mentioning 2 subs will be much better than one?
  13. surprisingly no, but I don't think there were enough there to justify a meat draw, raffle or bingo.
  14. I’ve just forked out for some elixir nanowebs, not cheap (£40) but they are supposed to last 5 times as long as regular rounds, it’ll be interesting to see how long they do last, they’ve been on my p bass for about a month now and show no signs of aging or dullness. Trouble with cheap strings ( and I’ve tried loads, thomman, status, warwicks, legacy etc) is you do kind of get what you pay for, my regular gigging strings are now DR high beams which are just superb but do cost, done maybe 20 gigs and 10 rehearsals with the current set, still sound fresh.
  15. well, it was a crap gig, over an hours drive in the piddling worst downpour and wind and dark there and back, about 20 people in a huge social club. Weirdly however I probably played the best I ever have due to not giving a monkeys and we got paid £350 between the 3 of us so that was a nice little unexpected bonus so it just goes to show you never know how they'll turn out!
  16. After a particularly awful gig last night (hardly anyone there, long drive, rubbish acoustics) and the prospect of another tonight (been there before, awful, foolishly booked again and obliged to honour it) but with fairly decent financial compensation, does anyone else feel sometimes they've become a bit of a money slut on certain nights when actually you'd far prefer a night in with a movie and a bottle of wine?
  17. I'd agree with all those points except the knot technique. When we pack down the PA at 1am and have about 40 different leads to get away, the easiest and quickest way to get all the leads away in a box without tangling by far is to loosely tie them in a knot by taking both ends of the cable, folding in half then half again etc until you have a length of about 3 feet and (I'll say it again) loosely tie them in a single knot. With quality cables, I've not had a failure. Our guitarist uses the "proper" coil method and takes forever with his half dozen leads thus avoiding any actual real work taking down the goddam rig! The need for speed getting out of the dog n duck after a 3 punter wet November is paramount!
  18. slight zombie thread revival, I've just popped a BW into my TNT 130 (replacing a scorpion speaker), my goodness what a difference, much deeper lows and no distortion, very impressed..
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