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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. couldn't have been that bad if they asked you to come back for another go, take 'em up on the offer!
  2. 310 doesn't cut it IMO, I have to suffer one as my monitor (guitarist gets the 312, don't ask why) and its underpowersed for loud bass duty, as Phil, says 315 would be better.
  3. I don't wish to sound downbeat, but just as a word of caution, and please don't be alarmed, but the relatively quick loss of hearing in my left ear was the result of an acoustic neuroma which required surgery. Have you been to your doctors about you condition? Its very rare (about 1 in 100,000) and is completely treatable, just to be on the safe side please see your GP. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/acoustic-neuroma/symptoms-causes/syc-20356127
  4. ok its for guitar, but 62 squid? Ive got the time force delay by the same company, crazy cheap pedals! https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/modulation-pedal/nux-roctary-rotary-poly-octave-effects-pedal?gclid=CjwKCAiA4OvhBRAjEiwAU2FoJe_2nHnNbP7_Odu1uw-JFMutBVFe2MF3OEyzzFUDYv8EV8qP6CT0GBoCfIkQAvD_BwE
  5. Im after more of a Dirty tone from my soiled state amp, would adding a pube preamp help?
  6. you know if it was for charity, I might have some sympathy (not much but thats a different thread), but this would appear to be purely for the Hotels benefit. They even say that they expect 300 plus punters as per last year, but as its a free event (like all my pub gigs) they don't expect to pay a band! Fair play for being upfront about it, but seriously?
  7. just seen this ad, need a quick thrash about shrieking in a cold bath (ie post on here), there I feel better already! https://my.lemonrock.com/smallad.php?id=18573
  8. Panning is done live as well as studio, no? Or he shouldn't be panning? no panning live apparently, so thats a no https://www.audiomasterclass.com/newsletter/why-pan-in-live-sound-when-it-only-makes-the-audience-s-experience-worse
  9. are you panning anything?
  10. strangely my old PC won't allow me to access that site, shame..:(
  11. I was curious as well, so that makes us Bi curious apparently...
  12. well Im no expert, but I guess Kind of Blue has to be on most peoples lists? And also A Love Supreme? Im a bit partial to some Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock too, Return to Forever by Corea is a bit of a classic as well I think?
  13. Thomman for me, GAK seem pretty decent too, Gear4music? Nah.
  14. I guess it depends on your computer and DAW allowing 2 interfaces to be used at once, would be interesting to know the outcome, save buying a 4 input and just picking up a cheap 2 input to add, probably in the long run a 4 input AI puts less resources on the soundcard
  15. no its nothing to do with the PA, the combo itself sounds way more loud, but its the 15db boost thats doing this perhaps rather than the preamp per se, i've tried it without the 15db switch and it doesn't make a big diff in volume
  16. so there's no point in Dave Hall putting a 15db boost on the pedal then, cos it won't do anything? Believe me, it makes a huge difference to the volume, possibly to the point where I need to be careful with the output on the amp in case I blow the speaker. I admit I know nothing about the physics but it certainly works, thats to say with this pedal only, perhaps a normal preamp probably wouldn't do this.
  17. Back on topic... Ive been using an Ashdown five fifteen purchased from this here parish recently and it was way underpowered for my band (100watt marshall 410 stack) heavy drummer, all mic'd up. But I used my DHA pre amp pedal which has a 15db boost switch and its now easily keeps up (I also go through the PA to be fair), the difference in volume is astonishing, Im probably going to move on my Ampeg rig next year as its just not necessary. So yes, you can boost an underpowered combo with a preamp, IMO
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