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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. Great gig last night, pretty busy, everyone happy. Woke up this morning (and like after every gig) painful right foot/heel where I had most of my weight throwing erm.."shapes". Also completely useless today, knackered lethargic, really annoying Mrs Skidder, getting too old for this (and Im 53!)
  2. wow, I've just come across this after 7 years, forgot all about it. Suffice to say, this is still on my pedalboard, never, never let me down, done over 300 gigs with it plus 100's of rehersals. Ive only changed the 2 valves once and had it serviced, its still brilliant with my full fat Ampeg stack or straight to the desk, DI & PA only use or with a D class head or combo. Its the one pedal I'll never sell, amazing warmth added to anything solid state and real grit to valves. Thanks Dave, RIP mate.
  3. I know this has been covered but this is interesting.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/jered_threatin
  4. punters are all 70+, if anyone notices, I'm buying a round for everyone on BC
  5. going to be gigging again tonight, sans comp, will see how it goes...
  6. I almost have that except the 410, would love to hear it, well done fella!
  7. well yeah maybe, actually I think it may have been my old Pearl phaser that is causing the trouble, its not a happy bunny with 9v daisy chain, still the fact remains that the effect of the compressor pedal (everything set to about 12 o'clock) was so subtle as to be not needed, and there was a definate improvement in clarity to my cloth ears.
  8. well, played a rehersal today with a much quieter band (which was lovely!), Kings of Leon, Alt J, Catfish, that sort of stuff, compressor was off through a Ashdown 515, with a DHA valve preamp, sounded great, compressor not missed in the slightest, thats it, coming off the pedal board, room to put the bassballs back on, result!
  9. yeah well, Im not Actually going to Bin it per se, but Ive got a rehersal with another band tomorrow where I'll be using a much smaller combo, I'll take it along and try with and without, let you know what I think.
  10. could be, but I had a Markbass Compressore before I spilt a pint on it, that didn't really seem to do much either (especially after the spill!), Im not sure if they're all a bit Emperors New Clothes, especially down the Dog n Duck, not in the studio for sure..
  11. Had a gig last week and the volume kept coming and going, weird. Anyway found out the culprit was a Boss LMB3 so took it out of the chain, instantly more clear and defined sound, easier to control the dynamics with my fingers (Duh), its going in the bin, never really understood what it did TBH, less obstruction in the signal chain the better sez I, that is all!
  12. cos its a sh!!ty 310 ART Mk 1 and doesn't have the b@lls to make itself heard, unlike the guitarist who has a nice shiny 312 Mk4, I know I could get a 312 but I still fancy a small combo as well, happy to buy used BTW
  13. cos its a sh!!ty 310 ART Mk 1 and doesn't have the b@lls to make itself heard, unlike the guitarist who has a nice shiny 312 Mk4, I know I could get a 312 but I still fancy a small combo as well
  14. used - £300 , I want to keep my Ampeg, I'm not really looking at super high end stuff, its just for the odd gig where space is tight (probably about 20% of all our pub gigs, so approx 8 gigs a year paying out £80 a man)
  15. So I used a Hartke tilted combo at last nights gig, as well as DI'd to the PA, think the Hartke was 150W? Anyway the sound was surprisingly good, and clear. Normally Im an SVT-CL & 410 guy but its overkill for the dog and duck most days ( and a real pain to lug about, the honeymoon is wearing thin). It got me to hankering after a small, and most importantly, Lightweight combo, preferably minimum 250/300 Watt. Digital, class D is fine ( I use a DHA tube pre anyway). Tilted would be great but I could use a stand, the most important factor would be lightweight. I can't quite bring myself to buy something with an Aluminium cone (ie the Hartke), anyone use something, small, punchy, powerful & light? I'd be mixing it with a DI to to the PA and RCF wedge monitoring as well. Any suggestions most welcome
  16. because the lead is bent over where the straplock is so it doesn't come out, see the video above, thats exactly it!
  17. put your bass on, and push the lead through between the bass and the strap at the back of the bass and plug in, thats it.
  18. used the 935 in anger last week at a particularly boisterous gig and it performed brilliantly, the vocals are a whole level higher than the AKG D5's (and they're pretty good). The actual volume levels are much higher and the crispness and clarity was astonishing, very impressed..
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