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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. hmmmm. Id be inclined to stick it out and sort it out, its a big cold world out there and if the band is good as you say and you're getting plenty of gigs, trying to get it togeather with another equal band will be a big task. Our guitarist/singer has some behaviours which can be a little ehrm..frustrating but we tolerate it because the band works as a unit, plenty of gigs/money/fans etc, don't chuck it all away cos one member can be a kn@b at times, you could go years before you get this good again.
  2. Great set list, I wouldn't get stressed if I was a bit late to the show
  3. Hmmmm..probably Aguilar 750db into a Bareface twin 12? Need a new bass...possibly a sandberg of some sort? Pedals? A helix? So much choice!!
  4. I had one of these, was given it from an abandoned house, worked straight away, sounded awesome through guitar and bass, broke up lovely at volume but not enough clean head room for my band.
  5. Active all the way, as above, RCF 735's are awesome speakers. Phil Starr should be along soon, he knows his onions
  6. amazing how he gets that sound playing out in the fresh air!
  7. do you play both or is one a backup just in case?
  8. annoying for sure but I replaced the 2 valves on mine with something IMO, better anyway, so at least they helped you out there!
  9. Interesting that it’s 2 hours max exposure for 90db, that’s our set length and that’s the level one of the landlords measures us by, but yeah I was seriously thinking about going back to IME’s, more for clarity than anything else, I still struggle to hear my bass clearly even with the ampeg rig behind me, having only one good working ear is a risk too far I know to risk loosing
  10. Blimey Phil, I use I 310Art and its way too puny for me, Im thinking of upgrading to the 315mk 4, think I need new ears!
  11. I was there in spirit if not body!
  12. I set my LMB-3 at everything on 12 o clock, maybe the level at 1 o clock if the guitarist and drummer get a bit cheeky on the volume, the difference with it off or on in a band mix is so subtle as to be not really necessary IMO but it does smooth out my spikes in volume but still allows me to play quietly during those moments its necessary.
  13. I had a strong urge to stick that 18 string up where the sun don't shine...my baaaaad!
  14. I've tried guitar multi effects pedals in the past and found them a bit thin on bass TBH, I think you would be better getting one actually made for bass such as a zoom (which I have and have been very impressed with). The dedicated bass pedals are much easier to get a decent tone straight out of the box, the zoom has some great bass amp and cab simulators already pre loaded such as Ampeg SVT, Fender Bassman, SWR, Trace Elliot and Aguilar 750 and all the compressors, Drives etc are designed specifically for the low end and at £130 its cheaper than the boss.
  15. quick update, Im very impressed with the fretless effect, quite convincing
  16. encapsulates exactly what tasteful bass playing is
  17. fair enough caveat emptor or something!
  18. we've played a few biker nights at the clubhouses (and I'm talking 1%'er clubs). Everyone is over 50 and injured! They don't/can't jump around but they appreciate the music and they pay well and our vans are always secure in the compound!
  19. that's cheap at half the price, result!
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