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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. got a pretty decent feedback for the amount of gear he sells...
  2. yep correctly coiling upwards of 30 cables (PA and backline, mics ecs, lights etc) is a non starter at 1am. I know im going to get shot here but but I put mine togeather by grabbing both ends, halving the length, halving again and then tying a very loose knot in the middle, that way they don't get all tangled up in a box of leads, can be extracted easily and if good quality last for years. Weirdly the guitarist who only "correctly" coils 2 of his precious leads is constantly breaking them, then nicks mine!
  3. perhaps time to try out a full fat valve amp just for once to say been there, done that??
  4. Currently using some DR Lowriders, great but starting to go a little flat, heard the NYXL strings last a whole lot longer? We shall see!
  5. Played a really weird bar in Teignmouth, actually the basement room of a dodgy hotel, the landlady is a real eccentric, used to be a high ranking barrister in London, now a bit of an aggressive p1sshead. Only people who listen to us are her, the barman with no teeth and her "boyfriend", a real chancer who sat with a large albino lizard on his head (really). She got arrested the following week for trying to set a former (disgruntled) employees house on fire, the Hotel is now closed. https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/teignmouth-hotelier-dubbed-female-basil-862735#
  6. dunno if its any help but GProTab have it for a download. I use TuxGuitar to open it though as it's free.
  7. well I use these at £4.40 a pop, but you may not like the tone, I find them fine for pub gigging, nice and snappy cos they're always new, 10 sets for the price of a set of La bellas? Possibly worth a punt? https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_valuestrings_bassguitar_medium.htm
  8. Thought I deffo heard some glenn Hughes on vocals there but apparently not, but I think they worked togeather after this?
  9. They make no sense at all but I always get a kick watching the landlords face drop when we drag it in
  10. heads up, this thing works great with a Roland stage piano I just picked up
  11. So I picked up one of these monsters fully working for £100 quid, was that a good price? No idea!
  12. https://www.independent.com/news/2014/nov/19/dating-musician-i-recommend-bass-players/
  13. Im really looking forward to going to a 50th birthday bash this weekend in Hampshire. The birthday girl is the lead singer and writer of an old origionals band I was in 20 odd years ago. We've stayed good friends after all this time. The reason I left was entirely benign, I was moving down to Devon with my very young family to start a new business. Over the years our 2 familes (she also has 2 kids, now young men) have stayed in touch and see each other at least once a year, it's great. Being in bands have forged some lifelong friendships that would probably never have happened otherwise, I suppose its the cameraderie of being on a stage (or corner of some really grotty student pubs) with your fellow band members that do that. Is anyone else still good friends with old band members, it doesn't have to end in acrimony all the time does it?
  14. Its a numbers game, make it 3 and it gets easier.
  15. ok it arrived today, brilliant service by GAK btw, first impressions, the footprint is smaller than I thought (good), nice and hefty, solid (also good), been through some of the factory presets and some nice quality sounds in there (Octaver, MuTron and Arpeggiators jump out immediately), complicated as hell to get to grips with,(not so good)but thats after 10 minutes staring at the handbook with incomprehension, there's a learning curve here as opposed to single pedals that I had forgot all about since I had a Digitec RP1 25 years ago! Its going to take some time to get my head around it but thats ok
  16. Nice little Youtube video, those little runs are devilishy fast (for me), good practice, its going in our set!
  17. Looks absoloutely brilliant! Im only a tiny bit jealous! If I could get on with 5 strings I'd be wanting that back, well done!
  18. Ok I pulled the trigger on one, £131 from BAX, silly money, I will report on its gig'fullness!
  19. Im pretty much an individual pedals guy, compressor, phaser, tuner, looper and tube pre amp pedals, happy with the sound etc, however Im strangely lusting after the above as an addition to the pedal board, most notably for the pitch shifter, trem, chorus and other goodies that the zoom offers. Instead of spending a small fortune on that lot individually do you think the zoom would offer a decent alternative for gigging (pubs)? Im using a 75P into Ampeg SVT-CL and HLF 410, or if space is tight, DI into desk running 2x RCF Art 315 and Mackie Thump subs. For £135 the zoom is crazy cheap for the money but are the effects usable live and can it be used in conjunction with other solo pedals? Cheers folks!
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