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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. have you found the loop function?
  2. so with a valve head like say, an Ampeg SVT-CL, would you advise the vol on full and use the gain to adjust volume? I usually have both on half way, does it make a difference to the tone?
  3. whats the difference? Just Volume?
  4. Thank God Im washing my hair that night before I go and gig in front of 6 people.....
  5. No2 should be Paid Rehersal, and I'd put washing my hair over a Jam Night any day!
  6. lol beers on me, I think I paid £35 for mine inc delivery, so £42 is ok, they may go up in price if they're not made anymore, deffo no drop in volume or "heft" that I noticed, not a common problem with delays as far a I'm aware, as opposed to Compressors or overdrives/distortion pedals, which suck your tone, let me know how you get on
  7. Yeah Im actually playing with the Ping Pong effect right now with "Tail" whatever that is, sounds great actually, Im not hearing any drop off in bass either Ive tried uploading a quick demo from garageband, pingpong with a stero delay overdub, straight in, no effects bass demo - 26062018, 17.55.mp3
  8. For £40 its deffo worth a punt, you could always sell it on for roughly the same, sure it won't be in the same league as the Nemesis, but its a good intro to play around with PS it has a looper function as well...
  9. As you know Al, I found it to be fine, But I couldn't use it live as I had no need for delay in a rock covers band! My lad now uses it on his guitar pedal board, maybe I could post some sound samples on bass for you?
  10. Don't laugh but I tried this, it worked great, £40 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ammoon-NUX-TIME-FORCE-Guitar-Effect-Pedal-Multi-Digital-Delay-11-Delay-Effects/253694477528?epid=15005751988&hash=item3b115e84d8:g:SsEAAOSwsZxazSd3 11 delay effects.True stereo signal processing.Automatic I/O detecting circuit. Tail keeping function.Kill dry function.Up to 9 storable user presets plus manual mode. Individual TAP tempo function.Easy switching between manual and presets. Large color LCD panel (128*128), graphic interface making the overall operation easy and intuitive.New generation 32-bit DSP, high performance 24-bit 44.1 kHz AD/DA. Input/output level for send/return.Buffered or true bypass.Runs on battery or AC power adapter.
  11. can't take constructive criticism? Not good!
  12. yeah he was the only one playing in tune half the time!
  13. wow...so what actually can they deliver? !!
  14. Had a double header last weekend, Saturday in a pub in Dawlish, Devon, played there a few years ago, forgot why we stopped doing it.... late start 10pm to midnight, bloomin' awful, terrible load in down a back alley, bins and all. Predominantly young crowd who didn't know a single one of our numbers ( Zeppelin, Hendrix, Sabbath etc) so went down like a sack of plop, dance floor filled up nicely when the zombies behind the bar put the spice girls on, so thats ok ;), at least it paid OK, we won't be back. Sunday afternoon 4 -7pm at a great little boozer next to the Railway station in Newton Abbot, less money but a lovely crowd of older punters, head banging and dancing, a much better atmosphere all round, lots of compliments and an invite to a biker gig in September, what a difference! We will be back
  15. Thats happened to us before, if the crowd are up for it in the first half, we don't stop, just carry on through to the finish, 2+ hours of playing and my right hand starts to cramp up by the final numbers!
  16. wow great stuff sounds like a hectic weekend! I saw the Stones in cardiff Friday Night, had a gig Sat Night, got home 3am, had another Sunday 4-7pm, now got work this morning, knackered but love busy weekends!
  17. Saw the Stones last night in Cardiff, great fun but boy are they rough, give em credit though, they made some right howlers but ploughed on through!
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